Dolomite Lime


Quick question about the stuff. 3 weeks into flower and I'm having some PH issues. Soil PH around 5.75-6 in soil, a little low. Can I just add some Lime to the top of the soil before watering or does it HAVE to be pre mixed into the soil? If so, I'm using 2 gallon buckets. How much lime to 2 gallons of soil?

Dr. VonDank

Active Member
If its peat based then 2 tbs per gallon of medium and just scratch it into the top inches and water. The Dolomite works for about 4 weeks then you need to reapply. For coco based medium cut the dose to 1Tbs per gallon of medium.


ok. added 3 tbs to each of my 2 gallon pots. i've heard this shit takes a while to work. is there any other way i can quickly stablize the PH of my soil? plants aren't very happy in 5.0 PH soil :(.


Well-Known Member
ok. added 3 tbs to each of my 2 gallon pots. i've heard this shit takes a while to work. is there any other way i can quickly stablize the PH of my soil? plans aren't very happy in 5.0 PH soil :(.
Hydrated lime. Check out a hydro shop if you have one nearby. They should have something that'll help you out. There is a product called liquid lime, I'm not sure who sells it but it is made especially for raising the pH of soil. Best of luck my friend. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok. added 3 tbs to each of my 2 gallon pots. i've heard this shit takes a while to work. is there any other way i can quickly stablize the PH of my soil? plants aren't very happy in 5.0 PH soil :(.
Dont be affraid to lime the shit out them. You can sprinkle on top of soil and mix in with your water. Give it a week. Make sure your meter is accurate.

My ph was off. but they grew to this.

Edit: sorry pictures did not load.


Dont be affraid to lime the shit out them. You can sprinkle on top of soil and mix in with your water. Give it a week. Make sure your meter is accurate.

My ph was off. but they grew to this.
ahhh ok, so its not an issue if you give them a fuck ton of lime. ill just keep liming my water for a few waterings then. thanks bro


Well-Known Member
I pretty much covered the top of my soil completely with pelletized lime one time, when i was just getting started growing, and was freaking out about low PH(about 5.3). Then I took a long skinny probe(about 9") and worked it down into the soil, letting it fall down the holes i made.(just wait.LOL) THEN, I dissovled handful of lime(8-10 tablespoons) into a couple 1 liter bottles, making lime milkshakes.(practically) After that, I poured the mess into the pots until it ran out the bottom, and the runoff was cloudy with lime.LOL And believe it or not, it didn't hurt them one bit. I was shocked, myself.LOL So yeah, even though I wouldn't recommend that method, they are able to handle quite a bit of lime. :lol:

Oh was the 5th week of bloom, and they were in 2 gallon pots. Got about 3 ozs off each one.(3 1/2 feet tall)

EDIT: I forgot to mention that they were getting nutrient lock before that, and the lime actually saved them. :shock: