Domes... Just Say NO!!


Well-Known Member
To many variables involved in this game for elimination of a necessity for some .. And not every strain will root in a cup of water by the way !
I wouldn't advise others of such , it will only add more confusion to the mass that we have here ..
what strain is this that doesnt root in water?

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Let me see if I understand this right. You are saying you don't need domes because of 1 example?

Let's put it to a test. Take 100 clones without domes and take 100 clones with domes and see how many of those 100 turn out without domes and how many of those 100 turn out with domes.

Until then, you have nothing to base this thread on except a guess.
lol, some cloners do not need a dome. I have cloned difference ways my self. With dwc, cup with watter, eazyclone, and those didn't need a dome.


Well-Known Member
Gonna flower without roots? And just where is it gonna get it's nutrients from?
It doesnt really need roots to begin flowering if all he wants is a few pollen sacks. I have flowered many unrooted clones when starting from seed so i can quickly get the males pulled so im not wasting time energy space light ect raising males.


Well-Known Member
domes have their place. I have cloned a lot of plants a lot of different ways and domes are definetly needed but you seem to have your cheeks up on your shoulders about them being useless so you probably will start an argument to prove your point, but I have seen clones sit there for 2 weeks then turn black and die without a dome. To say they are over rated because you friend is collecting pollen using a methode that has been around since before you saw your first Mj plant shows your ignorance. Good day Sir


Well-Known Member
I thought they would have to build roots before they start upper growth.. Learn something everday
from what I've learned over the years they can still take up water through there xylem for a period of time.

Let me see if I understand this right. You are saying you don't need domes because of 1 example?

Let's put it to a test. Take 100 clones without domes and take 100 clones with domes and see how many of those 100 turn out without domes and how many of those 100 turn out with domes.

Until then, you have nothing to base this thread on except a guess.
look at Areo Cloners. IMO it's the best cloning method. Followed by a bubble cloner. No Domes.

domes have their place. I have cloned a lot of plants a lot of different ways and domes are definetly needed but you seem to have your cheeks up on your shoulders about them being useless so you probably will start an argument to prove your point, but I have seen clones sit there for 2 weeks then turn black and die without a dome. To say they are over rated because you friend is collecting pollen using a methode that has been around since before you saw your first Mj plant shows your ignorance. Good day Sir.
Thank You for telling me I have my head up my ass in such a nice way.
I'm not arguing with anyone. I would call it more of a discussion than anything.
No matter what cloning method you use, its inevitably to have a few cutting not root here and there. Dome or Not.
look at aero Cloners, bubble Cloners. Cloning solution temperature is key to there success. Humidity for the shoot is on the back burner.
If you've been around any amount of time, than you'd remember the old cloning methods. The point of the picture was to show a old school method of cloning.
I'd like to hear the facts of why, "domes are defiently needed"
that's if you can controll yourself and not insult people.
I expected a little better from you....


Well-Known Member
nope can't control myself so I will leave you with this. every methode require a diferent methode and there are enough ways for everyone to have thier own. Good day.
from what I've learned over the years they can still take up water through there xylem for a period of time.

look at Areo Cloners. IMO it's the best cloning method. Followed by a bubble cloner. No Domes.

Thank You for telling me I have my head up my ass in such a nice way.
I'm not arguing with anyone. I would call it more of a discussion than anything.
No matter what cloning method you use, its inevitably to have a few cutting not root here and there. Dome or Not.
look at aero Cloners, bubble Cloners. Cloning solution temperature is key to there success. Humidity for the shoot is on the back burner.
If you've been around any amount of time, than you'd remember the old cloning methods. The point of the picture was to show a old school method of cloning.
I'd like to hear the facts of why, "domes are defiently needed"
that's if you can controll yourself and not insult people.
I expected a little better from you....
P.S. I have not lost a clone using a dome in well over 5 years but I have lost them not using a dome,


Well-Known Member
I have only taken clones once, but 100% of my 40+ clones took fine.
I have a nice SOG of AK-47 going as a result.

The dome never came off.

I live in a relatively dry area. This likely is a factor.

I did not have the heart to just kill the clones that I did not
need, and so they are basically going hydro-ponic in the tray:


Take care,



New Member
what strain is this that doesnt root in water?
Read and note , I said a cup of water . I have 25 strains and only one will reliably root in a cup of water consistently.. All others are placed in a clone machine or dome .. From experience some Kush strains are notorious for being hard to clone period ..

If this supposed water and a cup gig was so successful companies such as EZ clone would not be around ..


Well-Known Member
Read and note , I said a cup of water . I have 25 strains and only one will reliably root in a cup of water consistently.. All others are placed in a clone machine or dome .. From experience some Kush strains are notorious for being hard to clone period ..

If this supposed water and a cup gig was so successful companies such as EZ clone would not be around ..
u have 25 strains and only one ??? maybe u suck at cloning.......... im sorry but this just sounds like crazy talk.......water and a cup has worked i dunno how long probably a couple thousand years


New Member
u have 25 strains and only one ??? maybe u suck at cloning.......... im sorry but this just sounds like crazy talk.......water and a cup has worked i dunno how long probably a couple thousand years
Maybe I learnt long ago that cups of water are for slow growing plants and how to insure my genetics throughout years and years by reliably cloning them with proven methods.. And I guarantee I don't suck at any form of growing ..

If I google Woody I get a dick for real , now google me and see my grows from years ago


Well-Known Member
I have a kush that takes 20 days to root w/th a dome, I would hate to see how long it takes in a cup of water.
Read and note , I said a cup of water . I have 25 strains and only one will reliably root in a cup of water consistently.. All others are placed in a clone machine or dome .. From experience some Kush strains are notorious for being hard to clone period ..

If this supposed water and a cup gig was so successful companies such as EZ clone would not be around ..


Active Member
I've well over 40 years of growing every which way under the sun (and indoors too, every pun intended).. From research grows like the University of Eugene (back before the fist PResident Bush made sure no more growing anywhere but Kentucky) to tiny small CFL grows in the back closet...

I've ran into a lot of people who have some great ideas and most everyone has their own way to do things to make things successful for them.

Water works great for me, on every strain I've ever tried.. always. But that's just me, that's just anecdotal and it wont mean a thing to anyone else's gig.

Others may not have the same experience.. so I do hope they find whatever way it is that helps them to keep the groove.. it's a wonderful hobby and everyone should enjoy it.


I will say in my own experience, I have found creating the right degrees of ambient light to be the most important thing I myself find any concern at all over..,, after all, if a cutting doesn't take (and they usually do) just take another.. the stuff grows like weeds.


Active Member
Maybe I learnt long ago that cups of water are for slow growing plants and how to insure my genetics throughout years and years by reliably cloning them with proven methods.. And I guarantee I don't suck at any form of growing ..

If I google Woody I get a dick for real , now google me and see my grows from years ago
i know and many others the ProfessorPotSnob sure knows what he is talking about


Well-Known Member
Your right Cloning in water can take forever. But add a little oxygen and control your solutions temperature. You've got a bubble cloner. I've never personàly tried one, the people I know that use them, and from what i read around online say it works great.


Well-Known Member
it does work great but that is a wole other monster than a cup of water. I have used bubble cloners and you do not need a dome with that methode for a couple reasons. you naturally have higher hmidity with water splashing around I know every time I have used one I always got water droplets that found their way onto the leaves and helped keep it hydrated. they also are so efficiant that the the clone roots fast enugh that it dosen't loose too much moisture through transpiration and if it does it can suck up some more from below. not comparable to a cup of water. a clone sitting in water has all the moisture it needs but a clone in a medium with a dome is faster and easier
Your right Cloning in water can take forever. But add a little oxygen and control your solutions temperature. You've got a bubble cloner. I've never personàly tried one, the people I know that use them, and from what i read around online say it works great.


Active Member
No matter what cloning method you use, its inevitably to have a few cutting not root here and there. Dome or Not.
Not necessarily. In my experience, if you have decent genetics and clone in rockwool 1.5" plugs or macro-plugs under a dome, 100% success is the norm. I haven't had a clone fail to root since 1993. But then I don't mess with the rooting goop, having learned by experimental evidence that it is needless and sometimes detrimental as well.

As for rooting in a cup of water, I don't see the point. Transplant shock is a high probability. Changing water all the time is a pain.

As for a dome, if you do not control humidity, you are going to have to re-wet the medium excessively and are just about guaranteed to have less than a 100% success ratio due to that factor alone.


Well-Known Member
it does work great but that is a wole other monster than a cup of water. I have used bubble cloners and you do not need a dome with that methode for a couple reasons. you naturally have higher hmidity with water splashing around I know every time I have used one I always got water droplets that found their way onto the leaves and helped keep it hydrated. they also are so efficiant that the the clone roots fast enugh that it dosen't loose too much moisture through transpiration and if it does it can suck up some more from below. not comparable to a cup of water. a clone sitting in water has all the moisture it needs but a clone in a medium with a dome is faster and easier
Your right about it being a whole other monster. It's just funny to think if the two only being a stones throw apart. :) Have you noticed a sweet spot with the temperature of your rooting solution in your bubble cloner? I'd like to make one. I'm really a big believer in heating pads. I just clone in perlite and Dixie cup with a rooting solution. It's amazing the difference between having the cups heated compared to not. I have to admit the domes are nice for getting the tempature up.