Dominion Seed Company

You do all of that before you go online and post on forums or social media claiming someone is a fraud. It’s that simple. Then you wouldn’t have had to correct anything. The fact you’re a big supporter of Duke’s makes it even odder one person could so easily shape your opinion of Duke with some BS. Just verify things people tell you. Sources need to be verified, cited, and so on. Running online with unverified anonymous gossip is irresponsible.
Ive been told a different story more close to A, By a vendor not near where Duke lives but is a close personal friend of Duke and the main Breeder of Dominion. ( Both the vendor and main breeder Donated a lot of money towards legal fees. )
Obviously lot more to the story, but they stated Duke started out doing a lot of the work, but only in the last 5 years stopped being so involved with the breeding because of personal issue that where causing drama for Dominion and bad for Business.
again, there is way more to the story but I don’t think I’m at liberty to air someone’s personal business on a public forum.

testers available for hill fire
Sour D x Basic Skunk
Smuckers x Screaming Eagle
Chemdog 91 x Screaming Eagle
Variegated Chemdog D x Figure Four
Local H x Figure Four
Triangle Kush x Figure Four

I was grateful for the opportunity to run a pack so I went with the Smuckers cross.
View attachment 4874873

you dis-credited your story by showing and talking about the free testers. I’m very interested in the true story, but this reminds me of the greenpoint thread.
I believe he's implying that you've been bought off with free seeds, sir.
I've been watching you do some great work on here for years, Mr. Sunset, and am not in agreement with his statement.
Bought off ? Lol, as if I’m some how betraying Duke by running some beans. I was offered the opportunity to test some seeds. Don’t see anything wrong with that.
I was asked to post some pics online of the results......don’t see anything wrong with that too. I plan on doing a grow Journal over in the beanbasement as well as post on Instagram.

I’m a huge fan of Duke and Dominion.....:always will be, and don’t really care who was the main breeder or whatever. I was drawn to the fact they use old school shit that isn’t all cookies x gelato. Obviously Duke is very charismatic and extremely knowledgable. After listing to him on his first Pot cast I was sold hsha. I need some “ dick in the Dirt weed “

Bottom line is you can pick what side you wanna believe, but to say I’m on here with some kind of agenda ( other then grow the best weed I can ) is absurd.

P.s thank you for the kind words
How am I dis crediting my story by showing tester I just got in the mail ?
Just pointing out how common it is for people to get free testers and automatically side with that breeder. Happens on here all the time. i don’t know if you are about that, just giving my gut reaction as someone who hasn’t interacted with you on here.
So much drama in this industry. Always the same story with different folks....
"I had the cut and no one else did!"
"I'm the only one with the cut."
"He went to jail and someone stole the cut."
"People are lying about the cut."

It's like groundhog day with every breeder conflict.
For what it’s worth, I’m not taking any sides until Duke is at a place where he can defend himself. I sat on the Maddfarmer email for however many months... because lets be honest: how can he say nobody has Urkle/Lavender when everyone was growing purp 20yrs ago?? Plus, Madd didnt make it either. So how can he verify that nobody else has it?

I have heard these Duke rumors recently, but couldn’t get a response from the person who brought it up (yet). I also messaged Shoe this morning to maybe get some more info on this clusterfuck. However, I’m pretty sure I know what he’s going to say. I wonder what happened between him & Duke. Duke has definitely spoken highly of him back on his IG lives back in the day.

Shoe responded. Not sure if I wanna throw more gasoline on the fire.
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For what it’s worth, I’m not taking any sides until Duke is at a place where he can defend himself. I sat on the Maddfarmer email for however many months... because lets be honest: how can he say nobody has Urkle/Lavender when everyone was growing purp 20yrs ago?? Plus, Madd didnt make it either. So how can he verify that nobody else has it?

I have heard these Duke rumors recently, but couldn’t get a response from the person who brought it up (yet). I also messaged Shoe this morning to maybe get some more info on this clusterfuck. However, I’m pretty sure I know what he’s going to say. I wonder what happened between him & Duke. Duke has definitely spoken highly of him back on his IG lives back in the day.

Shoe responded. Not sure if I wanna throw more gasoline on the fire.
I don’t think there is any bad blood between least from what I’ve gathered. Think it’s more of a collective Business Decision to move forward.
I don’t think there is any bad blood between least from what I’ve gathered. Think it’s more of a collective Business Decision to move forward.
Agreed. Shoe gave me a long reply detailing the situation from his pov. Lies are definitely being spread from somewhere.... but if Shoes story is correct, then it was a collective business decision to move forward. AND my sympathies go to Duke & the guy behind Hill Fire.

but take what I saw with a grain of salt too. I’m just a guy
Agreed. Shoe gave me a long reply detailing the situation from his pov. Lies are definitely being spread from somewhere.... but if Shoes story is correct, then it was a collective business decision to move forward. AND my sympathies go to Duke & the guy behind Hill Fire.

but take what I saw with a grain of salt too. I’m just a guy
Ya, there’s a lot of high school drama in the weed game. If you have any kind of success. The haters are ready to jump all over you the first chance they get.
No disrespect to Madd but to say that no one else has the Urkle is ridiculous. I guess everyone growing it in the hills in the 2000’s had fake urkle? I’ve smoked a sample directly from CSI that was just like any other urkle I’ve had. His urkle lines are obviously urkle in structure, color, and flavor/smell. Everyone else has urkle s1 except madd farmer? Idk about that, seems like a ploy to sell more seeds
These plants don’t come with pedigree papers and everyone is acting like they do.

I love that Mz. Jill is sticking her nose into this shit, too.
Trying to say that Subcool didn’t have a verified cut of Urkle and that she’s going to “remake” Querkle with the “real” Purple Urkle cut.
Wasn’t she part of Team Green Avengers (TGA)?
Wasn’t she there for the entirety of the original company?
Doesn’t she consider herself a top breeder, responsible for making Jillybean, and other crosses?
Then how in the fuck is she pretending not to have known better?
You, Jill, were part of said team that you’re now pissing all over.
She’s jumping aboard this unverified Purple Urkle bandwagon, trying to make money, but is just making herself look a fool in the process.
She is the original “Karen” of cannabis.
just For shits and giggles, any of you guys in a situation where you hoard cuts? Let’s say you can only flower like (14) 6-7ft tall plants.....but then you have like 50 different cuts in your veg area which is actually like 75-100 plants because you have doubles and don’t want to let anything go. 50% are growing perfect, but the other 50% are struggling b/c they are root bound, not getting the right light, in the corner, etc. 50% of these 100 plants look identical, the only way to tell is the label. So easy to mix shit up and fuck yourself over by tossing the wrong cut. The only thing easier is giving someone else the wrong cut whether intentional or not. Take the same two genetically identical cuts, one flourishing and one struggling, and you will flower two different plants. It’s so easy to mix shit up which makes it really easy for the scammers.
Hello everyone,

I’m a new member here, and someone that has positive feelings toward Duke/Dominion, especially as a fellow, native Virginian. Matter of fact, I just picked up a pack of Sangria Punch from SHN.

I have been confused about the whole situation regarding Duke/Dominion. I’ve watched/listened to many interviews with Duke and have always felt "smarter" afterwards. It's obvious he knows his shit and he seems like a nice, respectful guy. The guy rubs elbows with (and is a friend to) some of the biggest folks in the game. Having said that, I'm sure the man is not infallible.

After reading the previous posts, I have a few thoughts and questions. As a former legal professional, I can tell you the truth between two stories tends to lie somewhere in the middle. Regardless, I believe Duke is/was at a managerial point in his career and was the figurehead of Dominion. He may have not been doing the work directly, but I am sure it was done at his direction/management. Somehow, it seems Dominion manages to continue releasing gear, which tells me my theory is probably correct, unless stock is being slowly released over time, or had "just been found." Who is Brian Young, aka @bbqbee? Who is behind Hillfire?

Full respect to @i0dineAlf for sharing his thoughts and concerns, but are we really calling into question Duke's talent and knowledgeability? His authenticity as a real breeder? I’m pretty sure lots of his peers have the answer to that question. What happened with Bros. Grimm? It certainly seems like Heavy D and J. Bean have an opinion Mr. Soul was at fault there.

Regarding the cut, Duke may have fucked up, just as other breeders have before. As @eastcoastled stated, it’s not that difficult. Not to mention, I find it hard to believe a cut that old never got out (all due respect to Madd). Is something sinister going on here? I’m doubtful, but it is possible.

As someone stated earlier, Tommy Gunn must not be Duke’s real name. The guy had been involved with illegal activity for a long time (and probably still dibble-dabbled to some extent), so I assume he has multiple aliases for a multitude of reasons. Obviously, it helps keep people’s noses out of your legal affairs lol.

Incarceration is a confusing time for the inmates and their families. Even the folks that are supposed to be “in the know” sometimes know very little. It is also a prime time for people to inject doubt or spread rumors. Personally, I would like to see folks lift Duke and his family up during this time. I have no doubt once he is released the truth will come to light, but I am hesitant to believe anything until then. I wonder if Duke’s arrest was not happenstance, and it would not surprise me to find out conditions of his parole were set to intentionally derail his legally “grey-area” business. Duke may have been forced into an awkward situation with his company that naturally raises an eyebrow.

Either way, I remain neutral but want to give Duke the benefit of the doubt in this interesting situation, share my noob thoughts, and ask a few questions. Cheers everyone!
Hopefully you used the discount code in the forum for SHN. If anyone tries to use it and it doesn't work, let me know. I'll look at the page again and grab the new code. Goldust your package is in the mail.
I was not aware of discount codes as a new member, but I am sure to be on the lookout come next time, thanks to your tip! Very cool of you to hook folks up with beans that are in need.
I'm going to ask one more time lol. Is there anyone in this thread that can't afford good genetics that needs some help ? I'm not asking for people with packs all up in the fridge. I'm talking about someone who needs a boost because life has been rough. If that's the case - let me know.
Brother's and sister's ......I hate to admit....I'm struggling in my life and can't figure out how to get it together....I left my place on Halloween and went to my brother's to see his littles in their costumes and spent the lovely sister in law took me home to discover that my home was broken into and I lost everything of value.....can not figure out how to get back up.....oh how I need a game changer in my life......thanks for reading my story....