Festers is not RKS. He says that. They are in there, but you have to go through a large selection. Many believe the more RKS was Sk18 bred with Afghan. I believe many say the old Super Skunk is closer to Pure RKS. But there is RKS in SK18, Its just not common. People report finding it on Instagram grows,. Most is chemical spray, garlic, onions and a bit of floral. But not sweet.
TNF is trying to isolate the genes in the Sk18, so the RKS shows up more often. TNF said he went through 100s of plants to find 4-5 Male/Females that he considered good enough for the breeding project. So hes being honest, and not saying this is RKS. Only theres some in there to be found, and hes trying to more Isolate it, without killing the vigor/variation to much. These will be open Pollinated as hes not trying to bottleneck the genes.
He is also going to have a 90s Super Skunk female clone, crossed with the Sk18 in the fall.
The Nature Farm also posted a Terpene Profile Test Results, and they were really interesting vs most any other strain Ive researched. Theres a site that has hundreds, if not thousands of Terpene Profile Reports.
Also not trying to push it 1 way, or the other.
But the Sk18 has NONE of the most common Terpenes.
Most common Terpenes are
Myrcene, and Limonene are the 2 most common Terpenes.
a Bisabolol
Delta 3 Carene
A/B Pinene
The thing is.. Sk18 has
No Myrcene
No Limonene
No Caryophyllene
And has a more Rare of the Pine type terpenes in marijuana as it has
Terpinene vs and is more rare.
No Terpineol
The MAIN Terpene in Sk18 is
Isopuegol… Which is very rare, and they say generally not enough in marijuana to be beneficial.....This stuff is loaded!!!!
Happens Sk18 is 92%.7% ISOPUEGOL!!!!!!!!
Ive looked though hundreds of strain profiles and have found 00000 like this.
Isopuegol has Anti Seziure Properties, sooth pain, and calming,and all kinds of other things.
Isopulegol in Cannabis gives a minty odor and flavor. Found in eucalyptus it is a chemical compound formed from cintronella to make a monoterpene. It's menthol properties gives a soothing taste and sensation that is calming.
Health benefits are minimal as it is usually found in low concentrations. The menthol scent can overpower the other medicinal properties.(
Isopulegol along with other menthol oils have shown to give a cooling effect, be anti-inflammatory, an emollient, aid in breathing and ease from aches and pains. It has the ability to target the nerve receptor
TRPV1 to extend sensory feelings.
Research shows promising benefits with isopulegol for the gastrointestinal tract as well as reducing seizures. Ulcers were found to be improved by prostaglandins, K(ATP) channel openings and antioxidant properties.(
Source) Seizures were found to be reduced for isopulegols ability to affect the
GABA system and it's antioxidants.
I think it is Very Interesting Sk18 HAS A VERY UNCOMMON TERPENE, AS ITS MAIN TERPENE!!!!

The Second most abundant Terpene is.
Bisabolol is also an UNCOMMON TERPENE, and makes up 12.1% of the total chemical profile.
So 2 Uncommon Terpenes make up the main profile. I find this interesting, and is also interesting it has 000 of the 2 main Terpenes found in 99% of Modern Cannabis. Or at least found in the samples.
Theres 000 Limonene/Myrcene. Also not saying Limonene/Myrcene are bad/undesirable. Its just really uncommon.
The Sk18 also has high amounts Thiols.
Thiol | chemical compound | Britannica.com
It does contain 3% Linalool.