Dominion Skunk pheno hunt. Dominion Seed Co. Duke Diamond!

I've looked everywhere for a real skunkbud for the past 20 years reading this post and the other post from your other thread has inspired a little hope that I can smoke some good skunk once again. I beg of you to release some seeds if not to the general public then to a few people like me that will actually preserve the line. I don't want to see this line go extinct. I don't tend to post on the forums but I have and Instagram if you'd like to check me out it's @cloudyfarms plz don't let this line fade, spread the skunk love. Real true skunk is better than any other strain out there. It's the reason why I fell in love with Mary Jane to begin with. I've been chasing it since I was a kid. I've grown out almost every skunk you can think of, and afganis. My friends have grown out even more in search of our childhood hero, to no avail......
Lol thats cuz when u were a kid any too notch weed ‘reeked like skunk’
True story, all these ppl chasing something that they think they remember.
Just smoke like any strain around a non toker and boom they say ‘holy that reeks like dead skunk’

Thats my theory and i stand by it until someone can produce ‘that real deal old school roadkill skunk’
Lol thats cuz when u were a kid any too notch weed ‘reeked like skunk’
True story, all these ppl chasing something that they think they remember.
Just smoke like any strain around a non toker and boom they say ‘holy that reeks like dead skunk’

Thats my theory and i stand by it until someone can produce ‘that real deal old school roadkill skunk’
Lol i've thought that before too.

so who's finished up some Helena yet?
welp, I'm pretty positive at least one of these helena's is female, and pretty sure the other one is too but we'll see, that one got thrown into flower a few days ago for funsies. So far both the male and female Helena's both clone very easily, and have great structure. Looking forward to seeing how they perform. Quick, tight veggers.
Very nice thread. That garlic looks nice. Always wanted to try the cuttlefish hash plant too.
Had Rk skunk years ago for about 10 years from a friend who helped do the trimming. Grew out 2 seeds from it in 1990 and the grower stopped in 93. The original source was cali for the seeds. But it grew well in the farmland of Honeybrook PA. Just about all came from him in the 80's and early 90's. Was absolutely indica dominant with green plate leaves covered in trichs. Redhairs, dense and the smell was skunk. But the first big wiff of skunk when you drove past a roadkill. Those pictures that Kentucky backwoods posted look identical to my experience outdoors. It grew bush style. Only 4-5 ft tall but 6-8 ft wide. Finding a seed was a blessing. Only ever found a few when in 1987 some seeded got out in late October. Then again in 1989. Would be great to get that strange again. Closest I've seen in Colorado is a strain called cornbread. Has the plate leaf structure so probably a cross from old skunk stock.
Guess I'll wait to see what kev jodrey finds with his skunk project, Great thread, I wanna get seeds I can pop so I can prove to myself skunk is still around. Reading and looking at pics just don't do it for me anymore, I know of folks who came from Northern California to northern Maine/NH\VT back in 62'ish.......They were working with waziristan cultivars, this varietal was not brought about using hydroponics either, it was all dirt! I do know the medium needs Ca substantially more than norm. I gave a guy some experimental seeds to VA a few years ago so we could pheno hunt together.....he ended up selling them to someone and eating (his homemade acid) so I kicked that tire down the road into the river sorta speak. With examples like this I can understand why some folks who may or may not have a viable candidate for this quest may not wanna be known or speak about the cultivar, because those of us who were blessed enough to see it, smoke it and smell it growing....know how spectacular it was/is. I saw a northern New York Canadian duksfoot plant that had WICKED dense skunk profiles .........that plant should have been pollinated! Lol.
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Lol thats cuz when u were a kid any too notch weed ‘reeked like skunk’
True story, all these ppl chasing something that they think they remember.
Just smoke like any strain around a non toker and boom they say ‘holy that reeks like dead skunk’

Thats my theory and i stand by it until someone can produce ‘that real deal old school roadkill skunk’
Obviously you never had the golf ball skunk buds come your way! It's fine! This site has a lot of dunning-Krueger folks!
Inspirationional for sure. I plan to have enough seed this fall to start doing something, just stay tuned!
Wondering how far you have come with this project. I second this OP request. It would be a dream come true to see, smell, taste that true RKS I remember again. I tried to follow you but I guess you may be at a limit? Please, If you do have the real RKS genetics somewhere, do not let it fade. Apparently it is very very unique and deserves a spot back in todays cannabis world. I also beg of you to breed or give/sell seeds to people that will preserve or further expand this lineage that we all love and miss. It would be an honor for me to be able to test anything dealing with RKS. Please keep me in your list if you have one. DGC LOVE. :peace::peace: