nevermind, looked it up for ya!
Lacqua: But what does the fact that Donald Trump is not fading, right, that he – he is still very popular – tell us about the angst or fears about voters and – and what are the polities – policies that the voters in the U.S. should be focusing on?
Soros: Well, here, I have to confess to a little bit of bias, so take that into account. I think it all – it’s going to lead to a landslide for Hillary Clinton in the popular vote, not in the electoral vote, because there, paid political announcements will have a big role. And so the electoral thing will be closer. But the popular vote will be a landslide because she is campaigning for the general elections, whereas the Republicans are fighting for the primary. And the primary is a small minority of extremists. And so they are all moved – moving in that direction. And while I don’t think that Donald Trump has any chance of being elected, he will – may have the role of kingmaker, because he will have – he’s lasted long enough, he will get quite a bit of – quite a few votes.
Lacqua: But you think Hillary Clinton is a done deal for – for the Democrats?
Soros: Yes. And I do think, actually, she’s the one who’s most qualified.
the video is included. panhead got duped by propaganda, yet again.