Donald Trump Leading The Republicans


Well-Known Member
You've gotta admit it's pretty funny.

Not that it matters though, still plenty of time to bury that mouthpiece.

Could you imagine the trouble a mouth like that combined with his arrogance could cause the planet? Wow.


Well-Known Member
Very soon The Donald will say something that is too outrageous for even the most moronic American to stomach, then he will be gone. I'm betting by Halloween
People act like Donald is on the fringe of the Republican party. He's leading for a reason people, and that reason is that he's saying what a whole lot of them believe. He's not a "fringe" candidate at all. He's very much "mainstream".


Well-Known Member
CC, I hope so... Christsakes

Mainstream... Great. Not helping my day to ponder that trump resonates anything mainstream.


Well-Known Member
Frankly he's in the lead because it's early and it's still pure entertainment, and let's face it, entertainment is his business


Well-Known Member
Interesting social experiment, Donald vs Bernie.
Can't get any more whacked than the previous two guys.

On second thought, I guess it can.


Well-Known Member
How many times has the Donald gone bankrupt?....4-5? this the best credential for a president?..that's how bad he is with his own money. Just imagine what he would do with all our moneys?!.


Well-Known Member
At least he's not pandering saying what you want to hear and just lying like the rest.

Obama lied to get into office. Saying he supported mj then tried to shut it all down.

I d honestly vote for trump over anyone else right now. He would probably do a better job

Maybe Cruz 2nd.

No vote for Bernie that socialist pos


Well-Known Member
How many times has the Donald gone bankrupt?....4-5? this the best credential for a president?..that's how bad he is with his own money. Just imagine what he would do with all our moneys?!.

Filing for bankruptcy Doesn't mean you are broke. There's different types of bankruptacy he didn't file a chapter 7. Filing for bankruptacy can also be a restructuring of debt and finances. Not going broke. Billion dollar corporations file for bankruptacy all the time. They're not broke. He didn't wanna pay his x wife Ivana anything either.
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