Donald Trump Private Citizen


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Even old Joe was trolling Trump, he must have shit his pants laughing when he saw the cards. :lol: Nice ending! Stevo was watching while streaming on the war room and was most unhappy...

'Major Announcement Man': Trump Hawks Trading Cards Of Himself As Superhero

2,172 views Dec 15, 2022
“This is exactly what Donald Trump should be doing,” says Chris Hayes. “Donald Trump should be selling schlocky abstract products at absurd prices for the holiday season—not commanding the most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world.”
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Everybody gets a laugh at Donald as he goes down in flames, most feel as much empathy for him as a Ukrainian would feel for a Russian. What can I say, distain and humiliation are a of the few things he's earned, that and a prison cell. Most folks wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

Michael Cohen RUTHLESSLY MOCKS Donald Trump’s SHAMELESS New Grift


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Lawrence: Trump’s ‘Major Announcement’ Reveals He Is ‘Tortured’ & ‘Desperate’

8,695 views Dec 16, 2022
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell discusses Trump revealing that he is offering digital trading cards of himself to his supporters for $99, something the 2024 presidential candidate called a "major announcement."

Herb & Suds

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Well-Known Member
Jesus christ. It's embarrassing.

I wonder what the trump folks think of it? Like...thats the dude you rally around, really?
The perfect gift for a magat relative and that's where most of the sales will come from, people throwing it in their faces while calling them fools and suckers.


Well-Known Member
Now that is where Donald could really clean up, sell sucker cards, real ones, where Trump calls his fans suckers! People who hate Trump would buy them to give to his suckers in their lives. Shit hand them out for free to the lines at his next rally. When Donald is convicted it will be one of 3 reactions from his fans, shame (rare), denial (most common) and rage, but not about being played for a sucker! However, you don't need to be Donald to print and profit from Trump sucker cards, each one featuring a really transparent lie meme that a child could see through.

Merry Christmas Suckers! Might be a hot seller this year, with an appropriate picture of Donald, the perfect card for the magat in your life. :lol: Next year's card will be a greeting from prison with Donald in his orange Christmas costume, "Big guberment seized all your/my money over mail fraud"!


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I figure once Donald is convicted over the docs, they will go after his wire fraud operation over the 2020 election and seize the money he raised over it. Trump cronies, minions and some congress people are obviously on Jack's radar too and we've only seen the tip of the iceberg with the text messages. Jack will have or has access to much more, including rats who will put them inside WH meetings with republican congress people as they cooked up the conspiracy. They have been and will be seizing congressional phones when they are subpoenaing them before grand juries. They have records of who sent messages to who and it would be a crime to delete them after J6. People high up in the SS will find this out too and maybe some further down the food chain who should have known better than to delete anything after J6. People who reset their phones after J6 could be in serious trouble. The phone company might not have a record of the contents of the text or call, but they do have records of who and when the were sent too and from and the contents should be on their phones.


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The reaction to Donald's phony hero cards.

'So Outdated, So Off-Key': Trump's Big News Is Just A Grift

43,926 views Dec 16, 2022
Former President Trump on Thursday in a 'major announcement,' launched a store to sell $99 digital trading cards of himself as various characters including a sheriff, superhero and of him riding an elephant. The Morning Joe panel discusses Trump's latest move and how it shows the big grift continues.