Donald Trump Private Citizen

he's at old man rant stage in front of normal people..he's losing his mind in public- shouldn't be much longer now. it's going to be psych ward inside psych ward for him..aka double lockup. i feel sorry for his roommate.

Most of his base are nuts, stupid or both and almost half the country is willing to go along for the ride. The south is still the solid south for the republicans, but inroads are being made into Dixie, but it seems to be by demographic change rather than by people changing their mind and getting an attitude adjustment. The south was democratic for generations, until the democrats embraced multiculturalism and a true big tent, then the shift began.

While there were still blue dog democrats, there was an uneasy truce with racists holding power in both parties, but with Goldwater, then Nixon, the republicans (party of Lincoln yet!) replaced the democrats in the south. When Obama came along that pretty much finished the democrats in the white south and midwest in the 2010 elections, the white south went republican. Trump purged the republican party of anybody with morals, ethics, or any sense of decency. Courage is the queen of all the virtues, for without courage, none of the other virtues are possible.
That highlighted part drowned out everything else for me.

We will see, but you are right about the most important thing is to not let the Republicans get power again for anytime in the near future.

Almost as important is to make sure we are not voting in Koch(or any other right wing/dictator dark monied) funded trolls to the Democratic party as a backlash when they inevitably start sneaking them in.

The Gaetze scam trying to get some woman they knew to run is proof that this is not just some weird conspiracy theory, the Koch bro also said something at some point about no longer just funding Republicans, but any party member that agreed with the Koch way.

just remember these people stopped Garland from becoming a Supreme- i'm sure he has plans.
Michael Cohen On Trump Probe: Everyone In The Company Lied For Donald

“This isn’t about flipping, folks. This is about telling the truth. And the problem is—everybody lied for Donald. It wasn’t just me. It was the entire company," says Michael Cohen discussing the pressure on Allen Weisselberg and other Trump-Org members amid criminal probe.
Donald Trump’s Chances of Staying Out of Prison Are Not Improving | Vanity Fair

A major Trump Organization executive has testified before a grand jury.

If you asked Donald Trump what he thinks the next several months will hold for him, he’d likely tell you that he’ll be holding some rallies, playing some golf, and getting ready to head back to the White House. He’d tell you that because he’s a disturbed man who apparently thinks that a president who loses an election can simply be “reinstated” to the presidency, like one can have their cable reinstated after canceling it and then panicking about how they’re going to be able to watch Vanderpump Rules. In reality, what the next several months, and potentially years, hold for the ex-president are a lot of meetings with attorneys about how he’s legally in the bad place—that is, assuming they’re still keeping him apprised of the situation and aren’t yet at a point where they just park him in front of the TV “while the grown-ups talk.”

Most recently, the no good, very bad news for Agent Orange has involved the impaneling of a grand jury by the Manhattan district attorney as part of Cyrus Vance Jr.’s criminal probe. Last month, The Washington Post reported that such a group will be hearing evidence concerning the ex-president, his business, and its executives, and on Friday, it emerged that one of the most senior officials at the Trump Organization has reportedly already testified. Which seems less than ideal for the owner of said Trump Organization.

Jeff McConney is among a number of witnesses that have already appeared before the special grand jury that will decide whether criminal charges are warranted against the former president, his company, or any of its employees, [sources with direct knowledge of the matter] said. McConney, who serves as a senior vice president and controller for the Trump Organization, is the first employee of the former president’s company called to testify, the sources said, and his testimony is a sign that prosecutors have burrowed deep into the company’s finances. “Complex accounting issues are crucial to this investigation, as is the knowledge and intent of the people at the Trump Organization involved in these transactions,” said Daniel R. Alonso, the former chief assistant district attorney in Manhattan and now a partner in private practice at Buckley LLP. “In any case like that, the two most important people—whether as targets or witnesses—are the company’s CFO and the company's controller,” Alonso told ABC News.
McConney was mentioned by Trump in his 2004 book, Trump: Think Like a Billionaire: Everything You Need to Know About Success, Real Estate, and Life. In a chapter titled “How to Stay on Top of Your Finances,” Trump describes an interaction he says he had with McConney in the late 1980s in which Trump implored McConney to always question invoices and never accept a contractor’s first bid. “Jeff got the message,” Trump wrote, “and is doing a terrific job. He looks out for my bottom line as if the money were his own.”
In other words, McConney likely knows a whole lot of information about the Trump Organization, including the kind that might be of interest to prosecutors. And maybe even some about another figure at the firm:

As part of his probe, Manhattan district attorney Cy Vance has also been investigating the Trump Organization’s chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg’s financial dealings—specifically, what fringe benefits he received from the Trumps in addition to his salary, and whether taxes were appropriately paid for any such compensation, sources have previously told ABC News. “If, as has been reported, the D.A. is targeting Allen Weisselberg, it’s a logical step to seek testimony from the controller, who presumably reports to him and works with him every day,” Alonso said. A spokesman for Vance declined to comment on the development, but ABC News has previously reported that Vance has sought to flip Weisselberg into a cooperating witness against Trump and the company.
Weisselberg’s former daughter-in-law, Jennifer Weisselberg, has been interviewed by the district attorney’s office, she told ABC News, and was asked about topics ranging from school tuition and cars to the family apartment she lived in that the Trump Organization allegedly paid for. “Some of the questions that they were asking were regarding Allen’s compensation at the apartment at Trump Place on Riverside Boulevard,” Jennifer Weisselberg told ABC News in an interview last month. A spokesperson for the Trump Organization did not respond to a request for comment from ABC News.
the penis zipper is always present in the front and you can clearly see it because it's how we know your zipper is down :mrgreen:
I so much wanted to believe in Garland, so I did. That was short-lived. With his recent defenses of Individual 1, the trust won't return.

i understand and i don't like it myself. I thought E. Jean Carrolls lawsuit was before he was president. sadly if a lawsuit comes in during presidency DOJ is bound to fight it (i believe). she filed this in November 2019 more than likely after he lost but he was still president until Noon 1/20/21.

that's the hard part for me too, after everything he's done to us. Garland has to be by the book..Trumpers would scream bloody murder that he wasn't being treated correctly.

oh! here's pic of the party while Insurrection was going on- this is what they were doing. Trump watching on teevee. yeah let's protect this guy.

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I so much wanted to believe in Garland, so I did. That was short-lived. With his recent defenses of Individual 1, the trust won't return.
Joe needs to give him a call, make it public, if your concerned about probity, he needs to remind Garland that he's AG now and no longer a federal judge. The two positions are involved in the administration of justice, but have different functions, Merrick now has a more direct duty to ENFORCE the law, make sure none is above the law and to defend and protect the constitution of the USA directly and aggressively. Justice has to not only be done, it must be seen to be done.

I can understand the DOJ holding back until NY state is done doing Donald, it looks better if they do the dirty work, they are way ahead of anybody else in getting to court. They must know that NY has an ironclad case that will put Donald and many of the Trumps away for life or a long time. This will make prosecuting federal charges against him much easier with evidence developed in NY used in federal indictments, it's much harder for him to defend himself from a maximum security prison. It also gives the elected republicans a chance to move away from Trump and muzzles him in the big house.

If the feds indict him for anything at all, it will be conspiracy to commit insurrection and if Rudy wants a walk, helping with that charge would give him one! Trump was also at the center of many other conspiracies from the post office fiasco with DeJoy, to the Ukrainian affair, to insurrection and sedition and even right down to his own inauguration FFS!
Legal storm clouds gather over Donald Trump’s future (

Legal storm clouds gather over Donald Trump’s future

He’s Teflon Don no more, at least when it comes to court.

Donald Trump, no longer insulated by claims of presidential protections, faces a host of increasingly serious legal problems in some of the US’s most high-profile courts, including both criminal investigation and civil litigation.

Related: Defamation to Georgia voting: the top Trump legal cases

So even as Trump maintains his grip on the Republican party and teases ambitions to run again for president in 2024 – his legal woes could render all that debate meaningless: Trump’s future could lie in the courtroom, not the Oval Office.

Trump “can face criminal charges for activities that took place before he was president, after he was president, and while he was president – as long as they were not part of his duties while he was president of the United States,” said attorney David S Weinstein, partner at Jones Walker LLP’s Miami office.

Trump has not been charged with any crimes, and he has repeatedly denied wrongdoing personally and in his business dealings. His attorneys did not respond to requests for comment. A request for comment through his website received an automatic response of: “Thank you for your inquiry. Our staff is currently reviewing your request.”

But the exact impact of this on Trump’s political future is unclear. Political science experts say that legal actions against Trump might not pose problems, as even if he were found to have committed wrongdoing, his loyalists might stick with him.

The most threatening legal investigation, which involves potential for jail either for Trump or his associates if it proceeded and resulted in conviction, does not relate to his presidential duties.

The Washington Post reported on 25 May that Manhattan prosecutors had convened the grand jury that is “expected to decide whether to indict Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself, should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges”.

This development suggests that Manhattan prosecutors’ inquiry into Trump and his business concerns has hit an “advanced stage” after proceeding for more than two years. More, it indicates that Manhattan prosecutors believe they have discovered evidence of a crime. This potential evidence could be against Trump, an executive at his company, or his business.
Mueller Prosecutor Reveals Key To Trump Org Criminal Probe

As the criminal probe into the Trump Organization intensifies and the pressure builds against the company’s CFO Allen Weisselberg to flip, former DOJ official Andrew Weissmann joins MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber to discuss what makes people flip and how people can sometimes cooperate with officials while continuing to commit crimes.
Florida city bans gambling amid prospects of Trump-owned casino

The city of Doral in Florida’s Miami-Dade County voted unanimously on Wednesday to officially ban gambling and casinos in the city, potentially putting in jeopardy reported plans for former President Trump's Doral golf resort to establish its own casino.

With the 4-0 vote from the Doral City Council, properties wishing to establish gambling or a casino must get a request approved by residents in a referendum. The move follows last month’s approval from the Florida state legislature for a 30-year compact between the Seminole Tribe of Florida and the state of Florida.

Under the agreement, the tribe would be prohibited from interfering if the state government decides to give a gambling license to a facility that is more than 15 miles “in a straight line” from the tribe’s Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood.

Trump’s Doral resort is located about 18 miles from the Hard Rock, thus opening the door should Trump seek a gambling license for his resort, which he purchased in 2012 and spent roughly $250 million renovating.

“Many people consider Trump Doral to be unmatched from a gaming perspective — at 700 acres, properties just don’t exist of that size and quality in South Florida, let alone in the heart of Miami,” Trump told The Washington Post in March.
The name 'Donald' fell to record lowest level of popularity in 2020
The name Donald fell to a record low in 2020 during former President Donald Trump’s last year in office, the Huffington Post reported.

Donald dropped 55 places on the Social Security Administration list with only 444 newborns being named Donald in 2020.

The name became the 610th most popular, hitting its lowest point since the SSA began tracking baby names.
Trump Is Reportedly Crashing Mar-a-Lago Memorial Services

MSNBC's Brian Williams shares the details of a new Bloomberg report detailing Trump's tendency to wander into weddings and memorial services at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
Trump Is Reportedly Crashing Mar-a-Lago Memorial Services

MSNBC's Brian Williams shares the details of a new Bloomberg report detailing Trump's tendency to wander into weddings and memorial services at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

i thought he was tucked away in Bedminster.