Donald Trump Private Citizen

He's a foot fetishist, gotta' be that in order to marry that.

Keep in mind, George Conway, Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, Joe Scarborough, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney are still "just fucking Republicans." They deserve no special accolades, or notice. They'll stab you in the back, once the tide turns.
You need two parties in your system. If not moderate republicans who realize ruling is not a winner take all proposition then who?
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Brooking's report on the Trump Investigation...

One chapter of a much larger multivolume record of Trump's crime and corruption that will be written one day. The record will be the size of an encyclopedia, document decades of malfeasance and be the product of many people. There will be no shortage of books and videos filling the future Trump library!
Trump's Statements at FLA Rally Can be Used as Incriminating Evidence in DA Vance's Tax Prosecution

For years Donald Trump has bragged about what a very stabe tax genius he is: he famously said the fact that he pays no taxes makes him "smart"; he told the New York Times he knows the tax code better than "the greatest CPAs." However, now that the Trump Organization and Trump's Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg have been indictment for a 15-year-long scheme to defraud involving criminal tax evasion, Trump has changed his tune. At his Florida rally he told the crowd that he doesn't know if you have to pay taxes on compensation you get for cars, apartments or to pay your grandchildren' private school tuition. Trump further indicate that nobody understands such things.

Trump's abrupt U-turn, going from tax genius to someone who knows nothing about taxes can be used as prosecutors as an admission by Trump. This video discusses how Trump is giving prosecutors more incriminating evidence every time he speaks.
Pro-Trump social media app briefly hacked hours after launch
Gettr, a new social media site launched by allies of former President Trump, was briefly hacked on Sunday when it first went online.

"The problem was detected and sealed in a matter of minutes, and all the intruder was able to accomplish was to change a few user names," Jason Miller, the site's founder and Trump's former spokesperson, said in a statement to Reuters.

The usernames for accounts belonging to prominent figures like former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Miller were changed to read, "JubaBaghdad was here, follow me in twitter :)," as seen in screenshots shared by Salon writer Zachary Petrizzo.

A Twitter account belonging to the username appeared to acknowledge the hacking, retweeting Petrizzo's screenshots of the hack. The account's description read, "We work in the darkness, but serve the light."
Pro-Trump social media app briefly hacked hours after launch
Gettr, a new social media site launched by allies of former President Trump, was briefly hacked on Sunday when it first went online.

"The problem was detected and sealed in a matter of minutes, and all the intruder was able to accomplish was to change a few user names," Jason Miller, the site's founder and Trump's former spokesperson, said in a statement to Reuters.

The usernames for accounts belonging to prominent figures like former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Miller were changed to read, "JubaBaghdad was here, follow me in twitter :)," as seen in screenshots shared by Salon writer Zachary Petrizzo.

A Twitter account belonging to the username appeared to acknowledge the hacking, retweeting Petrizzo's screenshots of the hack. The account's description read, "We work in the darkness, but serve the light."

LMAO.....this is classic...
The Trump kids look likely to turn on their dad – and I suspect Ivanka will go first | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian

The Trump kids look likely to turn on their dad – and I suspect Ivanka will go first

The former president is not in immediate danger of jail, but his problems are piling up fast. Not least the fact that, in his family, loyalty means nothing

Nothing in life is certain except death and rich people jumping through complicated hoops to avoid paying taxes. In case you needed any more convincing about the tax side of that, please see the latest travails of the Trumps.

On Thursday, the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, were charged with a “sweeping and audacious illegal payment scheme” of tax-related crimes. While that may sound juicy, it is duller (but no less devious) when you dig into the 15-count indictment. There is no smoking gun, just mounds of details about company perks, such as payment of school fees and rents that weren’t reported properly. Lots of grubby ruses that add up to massive, and possibly illegal, tax savings.

Don’t mistake a lack of style for a lack of substance, however. The devil – and Donald Trump’s potential downfall – is in the detail. While it is unlikely that Trump (who is not facing criminal charges yet) is going to jail imminently, Thursday’s indictment may well mark the beginning of the end of his business empire. That end will come sooner rather than later if Weisselberg, who has worked for the Trump family for nearly 50 years, decides to turn against Trump and cooperate with the investigation. So far, Weisselberg seems loyal, but that could always change. Weisselberg’s family, it is worth noting, aren’t all as pro-Trump as he is. Jennifer Weisselberg, his former daughter-in-law, has handed over numerous financial documents regarding her ex-husband, who was also a Trump Organization employee.

You think the Weisselbergs sound dysfunctional? Wait until the Trumps start turning on each other. It could be any day. On Thursday, Mary Trump, Donald’s estranged niece, told the cable news host Rachel Maddow that she believes the former president’s adult children won’t think twice before sacrificing their father to save themselves. “His relationship with them, and their relationship with him, is entirely transactional and conditional,” she said. “They’re not going to risk anything for him, just as he wouldn’t risk anything for them.”

Trump’s children, to be clear, haven’t been charged with anything yet. However, they have a lot to be worried about. As Donald Trump’s biographer said recently, one reason Weisselberg is in trouble is that he was allegedly paid as an employee and a nonemployee contractor – allowing various tax write-offs. A New York Times investigation reported that Ivanka Trump was similarly paid more than $700,000 (£500,000) in consulting fees while also collecting a salary as a full-time employee of the Trump Organization. It is likely Eric and Don Jr had similar arrangements in place – we only know for sure about Ivanka because she had to disclose the payments when she gave herself a job at the White House.

If any of the Trump kids are going to turn on their dad, my money is squarely on Ivanka. Indeed, she already seems to be distancing herself strategically from her no-longer-particularly-useful father. A couple of weeks ago, for example, there were reports that Trump’s complaints about the “stolen” 2020 election were driving Ivanka and Jared Kushner away. These reported leaks about Javanka are not new phenomena – they happened frequently throughout Trump’s presidency, leading some to suspect it was a PR tactic by a couple keen to remain in the good graces of liberals as well as the Maga crowd.

While Ivanka appears to be coolly attempting to control her own narrative behind the scenes, Donald Jr and Eric reacted to the Trump Organization criminal charges by having histrionics on camera. Eric Trump told Newsmax last week that “Don, Ivanka and I live really nice, clean lives”. Meanwhile, Don Jr posted a 13-minute video on Facebook calling the charges against his dad “banana-republic stuff”. He also (rather unhelpfully) acknowledged that the allegations Trump paid for Weisselberg’s grandchildren’s school fees were true. “My dad did that,” he said, because he is a “good guy”. A “good guy” who probably wishes he raised smarter kids. With children like these, who needs enemies?
Indicting Ivanka would blow the whole thing wide open, by all accounts she's like her dad and if she is, say hello to the underside of the bus dad! I don't think the base gives a fuck about her and she wouldn't do well in a NY sate prison at all, orange is the new black. I figure there will be so many of them singing they could form a squealing rat choir, first in and most useful, gets the best deal. If they can crack his bean counter the weasel, Trump is fucked and gone forever in no time flat.
Ivanka Trump Could Be Next Target for DA: Former Federal Prosecutor (

Ivanka Trump could be the next target for Manhattan's district attorney, according to a former federal prosecutor
  • Ivanka Trump could be the next target for Manhattan's DA, a former federal prosecutor said.
  • The district attorney is investigating whether Donald Trump and his family committed financial crimes.
  • The Trump Organization and its CFO, a long-serving Trump deputy, have been charged with tax crimes.
Ivanka Trump could be the next target of the Manhattan district attorney's criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump and his family, a former federal prosecutor said.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. on Thursday charged the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, with tax crimes as part of the investigation into whether Trump's company committed financial crimes.

Cynthia Alksne, a legal analyst for MSNBC and a former assistant district attorney in Brooklyn, New York, said on Monday that the indictment unsealed last week indicated that Ivanka Trump could be next to face charges.

"This is an opening salvo," Alksne told MSNBC's Alicia Menendez.

"Ordinarily, or quite often, New York state indictments are not as detailed as this. And the prosecutors went to an amazing amount of effort to show Weisselberg, 'We have everything we need.'

"And they're really not only pressuring him to flip, but the amount of detail in this indictment tells me that they're trying to tell other people, 'You have got to flip, because we have everything,'" she said.

Alksne suggested that the identity of a co-conspirator referred to in the indictment was more likely to be one of Donald Trump's children than the former president himself.

"I would focus on the kids," Alksne said, adding: "We've heard a lot of this reporting about Ivanka Trump getting consulting fees — consulting fees for things that she may or may not have done. That looks to me like the next place."

Michael D'Antonio, who wrote a biography of Donald Trump, also speculated on Sunday that Ivanka Trump could be in legal trouble.

"The other person who I think is in peril is Ivanka Trump," D'Antonio told CNN's Jim Acosta. "One of the things that Allen Weisselberg is in trouble for is taking money as a contractor and then claiming self-employed status so that he can get some of the retirement benefits that the tax code allows for self-employed people.

"Well, we know that Ivanka Trump got quite significant sums paid to her as nonemployee compensation that freed the Trump Organization from paying part of her taxes, and it put her in a status that I think the IRS would have lots of questions about."
“Loser-Palooza’ Lol.

you know he had to cancel his 4th of July rally in 'Bama because the venue cancelled him..Loser-Palooza, indeed:lol:

dude, you're not wanted..can't you take a hint?
Why the Trump Org Criminal Charges May Open the Indictment Flood Gates: A Matter of Precedent

Other countries prosecute their criminal leaders - Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc. For example, France, South Korea, South Africa and Italy have all prosecuted former leaders for crimes they committed while in office. However, in the United States there is no precedent for prosecuting a criminal former president.

Prosecutors generally don't like to take maiden legal voyages, that is, bring a case that is unprecedented. Prosecutors like to have legal precedent as a blueprint. They like to have the comfort and cover of being able to point to an appellate court opinion - legal precedent - and say, "this has been done before, so I am not breaking new legal ground."

However, logic and common sense dictate that, if you require precedent to indict a criminal former president then we could NEVER charge a criminal former president. Indeed, the way prosecutors create precedent is by doing something for the first time.

The real question is - is there anything prohibiting the prosecution of a former president for crimes he committed while in office. The answer is a definitive NO - there is no law, no statute, no appellate court opinion and no Supreme Court precedent prohibiting the prosecution of a former president.

This video discuses prosecutorial considerations in taking a maiden legal voyage - brining a novel case for which there is no legal precedent and relates example of when such novel legal cases have been brought in the courts of Washington, DC.
'Like The Mob': Trump In Trouble As Family Member Floats Ivanka Flipping

Citizen Donald Trump is speaking out about the criminal probe into his namesake organization, admitting the crime during a rally and downplaying the charges. Prosecutors are still pressuring Trump’s money man Allen Weisselberg to start talking. MSNBC’s Dr. Jason Johnson is joined by former Acting U.S. Solicitor General Neal Katyal to discuss the latest in the investigation.
Why Trump's 'PR Stunt' Lawsuit Against Twitter, Facebook Is DOA

Former President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he is filing a class-action lawsuit against Facebook and Twitter — along with their CEOs, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey — because of bans imposed on him and others. Barbara McQuade and Ashley Parker discuss why it's so clear that the lawsuits are "dead on arrival," and detail the proof that Trump knows it too.
He’s just trying to raise money. Plus, he misses being the centre of attention.

With his mounting legal and business problems, he might need the extra cash. He could go under financially before he goes to the big house, his businesses are crashing, banks might call his loans and he's got cash flow problems and no lenders while his brain and bean counter is indicted and facing prison. His accountant is just that, an accountant with not much education or training, these were not sophisticated people or crimes. All anybody had to do was look to find the crimes and they are rolling over the rocks now. Donald is gonna need cash, distractions and the ability to blame his crimes on political enemies, the base will buy it, a jury, not so much. I don't think it will take a lot of time to put Donald and company away either, Donald was impulsive, reckless, stupid and lazy, they kept two sets of books FFS!
Is Ivanka Next? Why Trump-Org Charges Could Spell Trouble For Ivanka

“It looks fishy in essentially a swap of tax fraud. That’s what makes me think that’s where they are going to look,” says former federal prosecutor Cynthia Alksne on Ivanka Trump’s potential legal exposure based on Trump Org payments.