Donald Trump

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It's not but at least you now know our government allows religious figures to rape little boys too. I bet there are a few in your congregation too.

BTW: It is religious idiots that have us cannabis lovers growing like we are doing something wrong! Fuck all worshipers of a deity.

Wow, I'm Catholic!? Thanks for letting me know!
Not only Catholics, but other Christian pastors who don't face prosecution for what they've done, and Congressmen.

There was Robert Bauman Republican Rep from Maryland who was charged with attempting to solicit sex from a 16 year old male prostitute. He claimed he was an alcoholic, went to an alcoholism rehabilitation program and all charges were dropped. Or there was the 1983 Congressional Page Sex Scandal. There was a Democrat from Washington who was accused by eight women of sexual abuse ranging from harassment to rape, no charges were ever brought up. Strom Thurmond, had a child with a then 15 year old African American girl in 1925 who was employed by his family (ironic since he was a huge racist). There was Mark Foley from Florida who resigned after it was revealed he had sent sexually explicit emails to teenage male Congressional pages, no charges.

As disturbing as that is, it's not the same thing as allowing children to be raped as part of our foreign policy and military standards. These were coalition forces on coalition bases on coalition orders to allow Afghani commanders to rape boys on a regular basis; not some congressman caught with his pants down with a consenting person. In the U.S. 16 is a minor, but a male prostitute is not in the same wavelength as a village boy being dragged from base to base to be raped repeatedly by those who are supposed to be protecting him.
As disturbing as that is, it's not the same thing as allowing children to be raped as part of our foreign policy and military standards. These were coalition forces on coalition bases on coalition orders to allow Afghani commanders to rape boys on a regular basis; not some congressman caught with his pants down with a consenting person. In the U.S. 16 is a minor, but a male prostitute is not in the same wavelength as a village boy being dragged from base to base to be raped repeatedly by those who are supposed to be protecting him.

Are you fucking kidding me? A 16 year old male prostitute is being trafficked. Do you really think they're doing anything willingly? That's outrageous.
I didn't realize that the U.S. government is lead by the Catholic Church.
The US is led by Christians, yes. Catholics, and others. Which by the way represent the majority in the US.

You seem to be obsessed with rape. The people to fear regarding rape in the US are white christian males. Not because they are white and not because they are christian but because they make up the majority of men in this country. Toss in that the victim is often too shamed to report the rape and that male police officers have too often botched rape investigations -- especially those committed by white males on minorities. And so you have Christian European-American males feeling entitled to their "fun". Does this describe you in any way?

The lie of the Oslo video would be laughable if it weren't rooted in some of the most vicious behavior perpetrated on minorities in this country over the past 150 years or so:

The Deadly History of “They’re Raping Our Women”

Racists have long used rape to defend their worst racist violence.
By Jamelle Bouie

"Amid his Wednesday night rampage at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina—killing nine people—21-year-old Dylann Storm Roof reportedly told churchgoers, “You rape our women, and you’re taking over our country, and you have to go.”"

You are always telling others "open your eyes". My eyes are open and they see the bald faced attempt at manipulation behind the lie that you promulgated and Trump has put into his rhetoric from day one of the election cycle. There is something that is broken inside of a person that would try to use this lie as a way to win an argument.
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Isn't the boy rape an afghani commander thing and not related to muslims?

Right, it's a practice called Bacha Bazi (the person doing it is called a Bacha Baz literally pedophile in Persian). It's a practice in the Central Asia that's been going on since antiquity and fell somewhat out of practice with Islam (during Taliban era Afghanistan it was punishable by death), but fell out of practice in larger cities during the Victorian Era, and was seen more in rural areas.
Relax, I don`t have a problem with you. I just wish you guys would behave and kinda keep it to yourself. When you gays come down the street marching with signs and dragging your come-alongs` advertising where you put your cock,`s an issue.

There`s no need for that, shut up and be Gay, I don't need to know and you don`t get special Rights.

No gays I know are asking for "special treatment" dude. They are in fact asking for THE SAME treatment. If they were getting it I doubt as many would feel the need for the parades that seem to make you uncomfortable. While I can agree as a native San Franciscan that the amount of dong one sees at the annual gay pride festival is excessive and a tad inappropriate for a public event you cant really claim its any more appropriate then Mardi Gras ...which it basically is for gay folk in s.f... The fact of the matter is no one is trying to rub your nose in their arent being considered when they think about it....they ARE trying to express that they are proud to BE who they are despite what anyone thinks about their choices. Just as im sure youre proud of who you are and your choices.

And if you think that they are taking their "pride" too far...being a tad too outspoken about it maybe? Then ask yourself when the last time was you were publically ostracized for being a white christian male. (And i mean in a serious way...not just on RIU) Or whatever you happen to be...cause I practically garentee it doesnt come close....unless you're Muslim. I would be willing to bet you wouldnt smile, thank them for their opinion and walk away whistling

P.S. i DO agree the amount of dong at parades is pretty bad as its inappropriate. But again....unless we're willing to do without tits at Mardi Gras I don't feel we have a right to complain.

In short...if you dont like it...dont pay attention to it. You'll be fine.
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No gays I know are asking for "special treatment" dude. They are in fact asking for THE SAME treatment. If they were getting it I doubt as many would feel the need for the parades that seem to make you uncomfortable. While I can agree as a native San Franciscan that the amount of dong one sees at the annual gay pride festival is excessive and a tad inappropriate for a public event you cant really claim its any more appropriate then Mardi Gras ...which it basically is for gay folk in s.f... The fact of the matter is no one is trying to rub your nose in their arent being considered when they think about it....they ARE trying to express that they are proud to BE who they are despite what anyone thinks about their choices. Just as im sure youre proud of who you are and your choices.

And if you think that they are taking their "pride" too far...being a tad too outspoken about it maybe? Then ask yourself when the last time was you were publically ostracized for being a white christian male. (And i mean in a serious way...not just on RIU) Or whatever you happen to be...cause I practically garentee it doesnt come close....unless you're Muslim. I would be willing to bet you wouldnt smile, thank them for their opinion and walk away whistling

P.S. i DO agree the amount of dong at parades is pretty bad as its inappropriate. But again....unless we're willing to do without tits at Mardi Gras I don't feel we have a right to complain.

In short...if you dont like it...dont pay attention to it. You'll be fine.

I was fine with it. Then it, to me. Two choices, Bow to them faithfully, or Treat them as anyone else that get`s to me doing something that is as far from natural as you can get. Praying and soliciting are one thing, but acts and behavior, (behavior being the problem) that say I gotta like it or else,...that`s challenge defined.

I have trouble identifying a:
Gay Right.
Gay Rights Activist

Why can`t I call them what I feel they are instead of something they are not?

Not only did they have the wrong Branch mandate a Federal law,...but they took an Adjective and Noun and turned it into a Verb.

Praying never did that.
I was fine with it. Then it, to me. Two choices, Bow to them faithfully, or Treat them as anyone else that get`s to me doing something that is as far from natural as you can get. Praying and soliciting are one thing, but acts and behavior, (behavior being the problem) that say I gotta like it or else,...that`s challenge defined.

I have trouble identifying a:
Gay Right.
Gay Rights Activist

Why can`t I call them what I feel they are instead of something they are not?

Not only did they have the wrong Branch mandate a Federal law,...but they took an Adjective and Noun and turned it into a Verb.

Praying never did that.
So where exactly did the bad man touch you?
Islam is not a religion. Much like liberals, it's a form of government weak minded lemmings worship. A centralized authoritarian state that involves strict punishment for those who speak and act "too freely". Unlike the constitution, there is no free agency. If you scratch below the surface, Democrats love for Islam isn't really that hard to understand at all.
I was fine with it. Then it, to me. Two choices, Bow to them faithfully, or Treat them as anyone else that get`s to me doing something that is as far from natural as you can get. Praying and soliciting are one thing, but acts and behavior, (behavior being the problem) that say I gotta like it or else,...that`s challenge defined.

Well first off it sounds like you're trying to find a path of coexistence. For that I commend you.

But...I'm not sure you or anyone gets to be the judge as to what constitutes "natural" in regards to an expression of love....physical or otherwise. No one is asking you to participate. You DON'T have to like it, but you don't get to dictate how other people positively express themselves. And in this case positively means its not hurting anyoneanyone...and NO, hurting your ideals doesn't count.

I have trouble identifying a:
Gay Right.
Gay Rights Activist

The fact that there is a need to make the distinction between "gay rights" and "rights" IS the whole problem. If they were treated equally they wouldn't be protesting in the first place. So to make it easy, anyone who thinks gays are entitled to the same freedom's as any American would fall under 1 of those terms.

Why can`t I call them what I feel they are instead of something they are not?

No one is saying you can't have your opinion. If your OPINION is that you think being gay is unnatural... OK..that's true for you, got it.

If you're stating "they are" unnatural...well you don't get to set the bar for the rest of us. Slightly semantic argument I know, but it makes a huge difference.

Not only did they have the wrong Branch mandate a Federal law,...but they took an Adjective and Noun and turned it into a Verb.

Praying never did that.

OK....well.... around the 12th century in England it meant something to the effect of “joyful”, “carefree”, “full of mirth”..By the mid 17th century, according to an Oxford dictionary definition at the time, the meaning of the word had changed to mean “addicted to pleasures and dissipations. Fast-forward to the 19th century and the word gay referred to a woman who was a prostitute and a gay man was someone who slept with a lot of women (ironically enough), often prostitutes. Also at this time, the phrase “gay it” meant to have sex. Around the 1920s and 1930s, however, the word started to have a new meaning. In terms of the sexual meaning of the word, a “gay man” no longer just meant a man who had sex with a lot of women, but now started to refer to men who had sex with other men. By 1955, the word gay now officially acquired the new added definition of meaning homosexual males. ......

So...they didn't "turn" language....we as a people did. Just like always.

Also I'm not sure making an argument that praying never changed legislation is the way to go. Call me crazy but I would say the church has had a FAR greater impact on government than the gay community.
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Well first off it sounds like you're trying to find a path of coexistence. For that I commend you.

But...I'm not sure you or anyone gets to be the judge as to what constitutes "natural" in regards to an expression of love....physical or otherwise. No one is asking you to participate and it isn't hurting anyone. You DON'T have to like it, but you don't get to dictate how other people positively express themselves. And in this case positively means its not hurting anyone...and NO, hurting your ideals doesn't count.

The fact that there is a need to make the distinction between "gay rights" and "rights" IS the whole problem. If they were treated equally they wouldn't be protesting in the first place. So to make it easy, anyone who thinks gays are entitles to the same freedom's as any American would fall under 1 of those terms.

No one is saying you can't have your opinion. If your OPINION is that you think being gay is unnatural... OK..that's true for you, got it.

If you're stating "they are" unnatural...well you don't get to set the bar for the rest of us. Slightly semantic argument I know, but it makes a huge difference.

1/1a,..I, nothing for that.

2,...We differ here. I don`t see anything family related to today`s definition of Gay. Gay is the totally opposite of procreation. I think it`s fair for a government to establish incentives meant to keep bloodline flowing and the gene pool in tact. That`s the Nature I refer to. When someone intentionally abuses the Nature of reproduction, they can`t turn around and say they are the same as those who do not abuse it. Two different animals on other ends. Gays give up the value of procreation and surrender Family. They should not be treated to the same incentives because they wish to save money or have say so in regards to parenting. If you`re not participating in nature the way Nature intended, you can`t have part of it. It`s not treated equally, it`s treated like them, and it can be proven they are not, them.

3,... got it, and if the larger majority says you can`t have it like me because you are not me, or the government states you cannot participate because you are disqualified, they should respect that for I don`t wish to be treated like them because I am not like them. They made them Gay, not me.

4,... The bar was set at the States Highest Courts each time marriage came to them. The SCOTUS set the bar Federally,...The SCOTUS set the bar out beyond their jurisdiction and job title,...You`re right, I don`t get to, but they got to. Illegally I might add.
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