Donald Trump

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Oh great. Look at American politics become the laughing stock of the world with Ronald Chump as the GOP front runner. That really says something about the intelligence of the GOP/Conservative voter base of this country. Fucking shameful. As long as it's a celebrity they'll gobble it all up. "Oh he's so anti media the guy who had a TV show and nows how to work the media."

Anyone who actually knows politics knows that a lot of the shit he says is just pandering to the lowest bidder. It's empty, sound bitable, inane, bullshit. There is literally next to nothing in substance to what he says. How does an intelligent person know this? His staffers have to give what he says substance, and that's pitiful in the eyes of someone who's worked campaigns since 2005.

Oh well jokes on anyone who supports him.
Go back to Fox News. boo! You closet Fox News watchers are the worst. I'll be tuning in to CNN tonight. I hear they will be showing a huge rally in Des Moines .
Oh great. Look at American politics become the laughing stock of the world with Ronald Chump as the GOP front runner. That really says something about the intelligence of the GOP/Conservative voter base of this country. Fucking shameful. As long as it's a celebrity they'll gobble it all up. "Oh he's so anti media the guy who had a TV show and nows how to work the media."

Anyone who actually knows politics knows that a lot of the shit he says is just pandering to the lowest bidder. It's empty, sound bitable, inane, bullshit. There is literally next to nothing in substance to what he says. How does an intelligent person know this? His staffers have to give what he says substance, and that's pitiful in the eyes of someone who's worked campaigns since 2005.

Oh well jokes on anyone who supports him.
The joke is going to be on you when Hillary gets indicted & then poor old Sanders has to explain to the American people why he wants to take 90% of their income... Democraps!
The joke is going to be on you when Hillary gets indicted & then poor old Sanders has to explain to the American people why he wants to take 90% of their income... Democraps!

Don't forget, we also need to punish ourselves financially in the name of global warming. We need energy prices to necessarily skyrocket at the same time we're taxing ourselves into ruin. democrats are shore gonna be popular when they get their wishlist enacted.
Sure causing a division of the GOP. There is clearly no unification of anything happening. Only further alienation and polarization.

The good news is this might bode well for multi-party conversation.
Technically we already have multi-party system... I think you meant that it might bode well for a 3rd party conversation
Technically we already have multi-party system... I think you meant that it might bode well for a 3rd party conversation
Or were you actually suggesting that we have a conversation about having A Multi party White House.... I.e. A republican prez and democrap vp??
Go back to Fox News. boo! You closet Fox News watchers are the worst. I'll be tuning in to CNN tonight. I hear they will be showing a huge rally in Des Moines .

How stupid are you? Honestly, I'm wondering how dumb you are if you think I think Fox News is any sort of a legitimate news channel.
He does also happen to be a man who built a real estate and merchandising fortune to over 10 billion dollars. That may give a little credibility to his experience.

What was Obama's claim to fame before he became president? Neighborhood organizer?

10 billion? Try 4 billion and he did not do it on his own and claimed bankruptcy 4 times along the way. Neighborhood organizer? So much more than that. Once again you're proving my previous statement absolutely correct if you think that's all President Obama was.
10 billion? Try 4 billion and he did not do it on his own and claimed bankruptcy 4 times along the way. Neighborhood organizer? So much more than that. Once again you're proving my previous statement absolutely correct if you think that's all President Obama was.

When you say Trump claimed bankruptcy 4 times it is kinda out of context. Lets say you start 100 separate companies and four fail, That is still extremely successful in my book. Just like when my wife started a used baby clothes store and while I made a pile of cash fishing the store didn't do worth a shit. I didn't claim bankruptcy but I paid the creditors off and threw in the towel. Lots of people try to start business's and some fail is my point. It certainly doesn't mean Trump failed like you think he did. TRUMP!
When you say Trump claimed bankruptcy 4 times it is kinda out of context. Lets say you start 100 separate companies and four fail, That is still extremely successful in my book. Just like when my wife started a used baby clothes store and while I made a pile of cash fishing the store didn't do worth a shit. I didn't claim bankruptcy but I paid the creditors off and threw in the towel. Lots of people try to start business's and some fail is my point. It certainly doesn't mean Trump failed like you think he did. TRUMP!

Now I know you don't know a thing about Trump's bankruptcies or his business practices.

Well, When the house and the senate act like three year olds maybe they need a fifth grader to knock some sense into their pea brains. TRUMP!

Or politics.

I have known what eminent domain is for a very long time. We had a Walmart store move into town and twelve nice homes ,some with ocean views got destroyed. For months and months the home owners fought and fought to get more money for there property and in the end the city fucked them and mowed there homes down. And Trump had nothing to do with it. It happens all the time, all over the place so cry me a river. TRUMP!
I have known what eminent domain is for a very long time. We had a Walmart store move into town and twelve nice homes ,some with ocean views got destroyed. For months and months the home owners fought and fought to get more money for there property and in the end the city fucked them and mowed there homes down. And Trump had nothing to do with it. It happens all the time, all over the place so cry me a river. TRUMP!
Lets hope it never happens to you my friend....or any of your family......I hate thugs I'm voting ABT (Anyone But Trump)
I have known what eminent domain is for a very long time. We had a Walmart store move into town and twelve nice homes ,some with ocean views got destroyed. For months and months the home owners fought and fought to get more money for there property and in the end the city fucked them and mowed there homes down. And Trump had nothing to do with it. It happens all the time, all over the place so cry me a river. TRUMP!

Trump had everything to do with it. He's been on record stating how much he loves eminent domain, and how he agreed 100% with the ruling of Kelo v. City of New London.
Now I know you don't know a thing about Trump's bankruptcies or his business practices.

Or politics.
Donald has never filed for bankruptcy!
4 of his business ventures had to file & I'll remind you again (since you didn't seem to get it the first time) that the GREAT MAJORITY of his business ventures have bn very successful!!! GO TRUMP

If you attempted to grow thousands upon thousands of different types of MJ in various areas around the world & only 4 of those plants died I'm pretty f'n sure you'd laugh at every idiot that tried to use those 4 plants to say that you're a failure.... 4 bankruptcies out of countless successful business ventures!!! Holy sheut how moronic do you have to be not to understand this????
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