Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member

However, the Sanders revolution so far has been confined to voters who are mostly young, mostly men and mostly white, and has not translated into first-place poll numbers anywhere outside New Hampshire.

Makes sense. It always feels like I'm talking to children when I'm talking to Bernie supporters. Kids that haven't even had a chance to understand what economics, adult life, the real world.. Youngins. Makes total sense and actually perfectly confirms what I had said in my post. Irresponsible kids making terrible decisions.


Well-Known Member
While Trump supporters are mostly blue collar, hard working people that graduated high school and have taken on a trade which helps build America. You don't need a college degree to be smart. College was a complete waste of time and money for me and I held a 3.4. Wish I went to trade school insured because I'd have been making much more money.


Well-Known Member
Alpha these people have no idea how socialism works pol pot stalin. But you put Democratic in front of it it be cool

If they were in the joint and put Democratic in front of rape totally different reaction lmfao
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Well-Known Member
Alpha these people have no idea how socialism works pol pot stalin. But you put Democratic in front of it it be cool

If they were in the joint and put Democratic in front of rape totally different reaction lmfao
Pol Pot was a Maoist-Marxist. Stalin was a Marxist-Leninist (some would say he was a Marxist-Stalinist). Similar ideological background to socialism, but also vastly different.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3633888

However, the Sanders revolution so far has been confined to voters who are mostly young, mostly men and mostly white, and has not translated into first-place poll numbers anywhere outside New Hampshire.

Makes sense. It always feels like I'm talking to children when I'm talking to Bernie supporters. Kids that haven't even had a chance to understand what economics, adult life, the real world.. Youngins. Makes total sense and actually perfectly confirms what I had said in my post. Irresponsible kids making terrible decisions.
While Trump supporters are mostly blue collar, hard working people that graduated high school and have taken on a trade which helps build America. You don't need a college degree to be smart. College was a complete waste of time and money for me and I held a 3.4. Wish I went to trade school insured because I'd have been making much more money.
I already proved this wrong, why do you keep saying this as if it's the truth? Most of Trump supporters did not finish high school and work in trades that do not help build America. The highest correlation of Trump supporters are in the bible belt, who did not finish high school, and that live in trailer parks. Sander supporters are not only "young white males." Also somehow you think Sanders is a Socialist that will "take all your [self professed minor] income," when he's a Democratic Socialist. Moreover, that's an ignorant-at-best understanding of socialism, and a completely preschool understanding of Democratic Socialism.

Also you're showing a complete lack of comprehension because you're looking at Michigan's exit polls for the primary. Do you believe honestly that Michigan is an indicator of the entire US' voting demographics?


Well-Known Member
See insults I don't fall in lock step with the ideology so I'm lesser. I needs meds perfect munkle bunk
It wasn't meant to be an insult. In sincerely hope that you take your meds, the gibberish you post makes it appear to the reader as if the commenter is having a seizure. I was simply offering up concern, and wanted you to remember to take your meds.


Well-Known Member
See insults I don't fall in lock step with the ideology so I'm lesser. I needs meds perfect munkle bunk
Nah, i disagree. It wasnt about falling in step. It took it as rightly dismissive because we've learned that Alpha's comments merit zero consideration except maybe for base amusement.


Well-Known Member
Alpha these people have no idea how socialism works pol pot stalin. But you put Democratic in front of it it be cool

If they were in the joint and put Democratic in front of rape totally different reaction lmfao
you guys are vibing. were yall making out? you both have the same idiot shit on your breath.


Well-Known Member
While Trump supporters are mostly blue collar, hard working people that graduated high school and have taken on a trade which helps build America. You don't need a college degree to be smart. College was a complete waste of time and money for me and I held a 3.4. Wish I went to trade school insured because I'd have been making much more money.
I take issue with your observations.

"...hard working people that graduated high school and have taken on a trade which helps build America."
Are you saying that all hard working high school graduates have helped build America?
What constitutes "building America"?
Do you know that the Republican party wants to defund many projects that have helped "build America"?

"College was a complete waste of time and money for me and I held a 3.4. Wish I went to trade school insured because I'd have been making much more money."
You did it wrong, or you lack motivation. In what major(s) did you graduate?


Well-Known Member
Nah, i disagree. It wasnt about falling in step. It took it as rightly dismissive because we've learned that Alpha's comments merit zero consideration except maybe for base amusement.
Ahh base amusement he is lower than you and provides entertainment.


Well-Known Member
Will Trump and Cruz have to combine delegates and create a power ticket to stop the GOP and Kasich(D)?
Let's be honest, if this process leads to a delegate swapping convention, Cruz will accept VP, and give his delegates to Trump.


Well-Known Member
I already proved this wrong, why do you keep saying this as if it's the truth? Most of Trump supporters did not finish high school and work in trades that do not help build America. The highest correlation of Trump supporters are in the bible belt, who did not finish high school, and that live in trailer parks. Sander supporters are not only "young white males." Also somehow you think Sanders is a Socialist that will "take all your [self professed minor] income," when he's a Democratic Socialist. Moreover, that's an ignorant-at-best understanding of socialism, and a completely preschool understanding of Democratic Socialism.

Also you're showing a complete lack of comprehension because you're looking at Michigan's exit polls for the primary. Do you believe honestly that Michigan is an indicator of the entire US' voting demographics?
When the hell did I ever say he was going to take my money? Also, no you did not prove me wrong. Bernies supporters a mostly white, male and under 30 years old. Do you know what a trade is by any chance? People in trades build the buildings you live in, the roads you drive on and the infrastructure of America. Did you not know this? Do you think someone, say like my brother or my mom, having a graduate degree in business and psychology, they are contributing to building of America? Gtfoh! Trump supporters are not in trailer parks. Some are, but so are some of Bernies supporters. Are you saying America is a giant trailer park? I have nothing against Democratic socialism, for other countries. I do not like bernies plan. Oh, well. Get over it! This is a Trump thread. Do you have any productive input about Trump, or just pushing the Bernie agenda? We already went over this, Bernie will not win, period. No chance. So move on. This is about Trump vs hillary. As for the career I went to school for, I went for criminal justice. I switched to computer science. I realized I did not like either so I made my own life. My brother has 300k of student loan debt. He probably makes around 70k, he is a financial analysist for a large bank. His student loan payments are about 800 a month. As for his fiancee, she went for behavior health. Makes nothing. 40k a year. Forced to go into more debt by going back to college because she can't make more than that in her industry. (that was with a masters from Pittsburg, if you drive there, my brother is on the massive college billboard) So now shes in more debt to make another 10k a year, which she'll be paying off until she's in her 50s. Same with my brother. So subtract 10k a year right off the bat for 30 years of your pay check. Not worth it. If college were free (I do like that idea from Bernie, if he can make it work, I'd support it)
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