Donald Trump

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The ones that can afford to get here are actually mostly middle class, or upper, and educated, or looking to become educated and not low skilled. Moreover this "Only military aged men are coming to the United States" bullshit you keep spouting like the truth is only just that: bullshit and I'm willing to bet you know it's bs. However, the more times you say a lie doesn't bring it closer to the truth.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees registers and tracks refugees. Before you begin with your "oh we can't trust the UN to do anything because of hasbara manual answer and/or GOP talking point about the UN is bad/Tinfoil hat answer about global one world New Order government," I'm going to point out that the UNHCR is the one that runs the refugee camps as well as the ICRC. Here we have the UNHCR data on the Syrian refugees: 4,181,329 as of Nov. 2, 2015. Here we also see that 50.3% of the refugees are female, so now we don't even have a "most of the refugees are military aged men," argument plausible anymore; the argument has been proven false. A more appropriate argument would be "Half of the refugees are male." However, out of 49.7% of the male refugees, only roughly 23% are between the ages of 18-59. Albeit, according to the United States definition of a military age, that would be males 18-35, so we can expect that number to be cut roughly by a 1/3 at most I'd wager. However 27.6% of the male refugee population is aged 0-17, 60+.

Now, what about all the ones that are coming in via the Sea to Europe, right? Only a little over half of the 534,000 "Sea refugees" are actually from Syria, the rest coming from Eritrea, Afghanistan and Sudan. Guess what? "Sea refugees" is already a problem in Greece, Italy, the Balkans, and Spain because of immigrants coming from Eritrea, Sudan, and North Africa in general - this is not a new problem.

Now, onto what Kerry said: If you actually took the time to listen to the entire speech, or knew the context, you'd know that when Secretary Kerry said that we'd in total bring in up to 185,000 refugees you'd know that these were not going to be all Syrian. You'd also know that President Obama said that in fiscal year 2016 we would accept at least 10,000 refugees from Syria. You'd also know that Geoffrey Mock, Syrian country specialist for Amnesty International USA said that with the 10,000 Syrian refugees "The priorities go to torture survivors, people with serious medical conditions, children and teens on their own, and women and children at risk." Moreover recently Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, senior fellow for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies has stated that there would be more efficient ways for ISIS cells to reach America than via the refugees.

So, you know, or you could just prove Padawanbater absolutely and undeniably correct when he said "You'll dismiss any sort of fact to confirm your own bias."
If you're going to quote me, at least be accurate. I never stated they were ALL military aged men., but a very large portion are. This is why it's so hard to discuss topics with you. I will try make sense of whatever part of your post is accurate later...
I snicker when people say they actually think Bernie will get the nomination and win.

Funny, I kept hearing the same about Obama, black man over white Clinton female.

who do you think minorities and white women will be voting for this next round?

We are the 68% take a good look at those nameless masses who scan your shit and make sure your McDonald's has enough secret sauce..who restocks the 100' s baskets full of returns at wallyworldmart 2am..they're too busy to speak but unions pledge to Bernie will.. that's all that's needed.
Could you imagine telling the youth of today about unpaid internships?

They'd shit a brick sideways.

Bernie pays his staff a start rate of $12/hour..the youth of America reads and they read a lot.

Of those millenal who vote, they will vote for Bernie.
Refugees have Germany on the brink of anarchy and civil war.

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They seem like a happy bunch. Why didn`t they do this stuff at home in Syria ? I wonder what those signs say ??
they do this shit in Syria ALL the time. Right now "rebels" have hundreds of women locked in cages in the middle of the street as human shields against air strikes. These are the same exact people Obama wants to bring here by the tens of thousands. Not so much the women in cages, more so the men who put them there. These sick fucks need refugee status you understand?

Can they get out to go to the bathroom ?

So the rebels dance in the streets at home,...the refugees dance in the street in Countries that accept them,..

The rebels are calling the shots, so what`s taking so long to achieve their goal ? Didn`t we leave ?

The rebels should be done long before Putin started shoot`n.
You can't verify anything before you post it, can you? Germany is not on the brink of a civil war and anarchy, get real.
That is what the German government is saying. Did you read the article I posted in the link?
They have liberal sources too, if you prefer the UK Daily Mail, I could post that link as well.
The rebels should be done long before Putin started shoot`n.
I don't support Putin or communism. But with that being said, he did more in Syria that first week, than what Obama claims to have been trying to do for over a year now. As long as Putin keeps taking out ISIS, you won't hear one single complaint from me. Not one peep
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That is what the German government is saying. Did you read the article I posted in the link?
They have liberal sources too, if you prefer the UK Daily Mail, I could post that link as well.

Go ahead if you want to post up tabloid news, but all your article says is "A German official said that it could push Germany to the brink of civil war." Who is the German official? There is nothing in Der Spiegel, Germany's #1 news source, about this. Nothing from Reuters, nothing from the BBC. Germany will not collapse into civil war over this. If anything it's hyperbolic news talk for a political crisis/Merkel's party going out.
@Not GOP I found the "German official" who said that. He's a dude from the Alternative for Germany Party, which is a Eurosceptic right-wing populist party. That's like when Texas' governor said he was going to secede from the union. They hold 0 seats in the Bundestag.
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So Why don`t the refugees go back and assist, last check Putin didn`t know his way around the NE section ?

I couldn`t look myself in the mirror if I had to run than fight, let alone not help the people coming to their aid.
Go ahead if you want to post up tabloid news, but all your article says is "A German official said that it could push Germany to the brink of civil war." Who is the German official? There is nothing in Der Spiegel, Germany's #1 news source, about this. Nothing from Reuters, nothing from the BBC. Germany will not collapse into civil war over this.

Make sure you read the whole article. And if you try and tell me that a town of a hundred people can take in 700 refugees, that's a 700% increase, then I will naturally asume you're crazy, and never chat with you again
Make sure you read the whole article. And if you try and tell me that a town of a hundred people can take in 700 refugees, that's a 700% increase, then I will naturally asume you're crazy, and never chat with you again

Once again, as I stated before, Germany is not on the brink of a civil war. The person who said it is from the Alternative for Germany Party which has no representation in the Bundestag (think Germany's Congress) and only 41 / 1,857 seats in State governments. If you don't understand German politics, don't discuss them, and you clearly don't. civil war

No matter how many times you repeat "A German official said Germany is on the brink of anarchy and civil war!" Does not make it true. The person is not even a German official but a member of a party that has very very little representation in the German government. Are we clear on that? It looks like you should read your own article because from there...

"The group’s leaders, who have been described by German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere as ‘hard right-wing extremists’, are demanding an immediate end to the policy."
@Not GOP I found the "German official" who said that. He's a dude from the Alternative for Germany Party, which is a Eurosceptic right-wing populist party. That's like when Texas' governor said he was going to secede from the union. They hold 0 seats in the Bundestag.

Once again, as I stated before, Germany is not on the brink of a civil war. The person who said it is from the Alternative for Germany Party which has no representation in the Bundestag. If you don't understand German politics, don't discuss them, and you clearly don't. civil war

No matter how many times you repeat "A German official said Germany is on the brink of anarchy and civil war!" Does not make it true. The person is not even a German official but a member of a party that has very very little representation in the German government. Are we clear on that? It looks like you should read your own article because from there...

"The group’s leaders, who have been described by German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere as ‘hard right-wing extremists’, are demanding an immediate end to the policy."

Thats not true. you don't see what's going on over there. Until you hear it from Angela Merkel herself, you would never believe it anyway. You're 100% committed to the cause, you can't be reasoned with
Thats not true. you don't see what's going on over there. Until you hear it from Angela Merkel herself, you would never believe it anyway. You're 100% committed to the cause, you can't be reasoned with

Look at the pot calling the kettle black, except I find my sources from Germany and verify them. Not a right-wing crack pot or extreme right wingers. YMMV when listening to them.

And it is true. Look it up yourself, I dare you. You're proving Padawanbater undeniably correct when he said that you'll discard facts and reason to confirm your own bias.
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