Donald Trump

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Fucked up how?
Faux scandals?
Come on. You know in your heart 90% of those scandals are bullshit.
You are not one of this BENGHAZI idiots are you?

Chesus, Just look at her, somedays she looks high as a kite and sounds like a screaming robot. And other days she looks as worried as the people that are watching her. I know you don't like her , and good luck with thinking it will not get a lot worse for her by the day. imo nitro
Chesus, Just look at her, somedays she looks high as a kite and sounds like a screaming robot. And other days she looks as worried as the people that are watching her. I know you don't like her , and good luck with thinking it will not get a lot worse for her by the day. imo nitro
You will never like anything she does
Admit it.
Chesus, I know that as time goes by hillary will be more exposed to the public and they want like her in the end. Trump wins. imo

trump is just barely being exposed now.

i grew up in NJ. you dont' build that many buildings in manhattan without Mob connections. he's as dirty as the day is long. he's cleaned it up lately but dig up stuff from the 80's and he's knee deep.
The opposite is true.
The right has been attacking her for 25 years.

Chesus, Dam right the right has been attacking her for twenty five years and for a dam good reason. She is a known two faced liar and women abuser when she attacked her husbands victims . The Clinton garbage will be on display for all to see so enjoy the show. nitro
trump is just barely being exposed now.

i grew up in NJ. you dont' build that many buildings in manhattan without Mob connections. he's as dirty as the day is long. he's cleaned it up lately but dig up stuff from the 80's and he's knee deep.

Hey, rkymtnman, Nobodies going to care about it if it is true. imo nitro
Chesus, Dam right the right has been attacking her for twenty five years and for a dam good reason. She is a known two faced liar and women abuser when she attacked her husbands victims . The Clinton garbage will be on display for all to see so enjoy the show. nitro
Your wife won't defend you?
Chesus, thats funny. She leaves the room when I have a Trump Rally blasting through my guitar amp. But she is voting for Trump. When she listens to hillary she starts breaking shit. jk nitro
Here is something i think you should understand.
The Clintons have a open marriage.
The deal being Bill needs to be discrete.
Hillary protects Bill because an attack on one is an attack against both of them.
Here is something i think you should understand.
The Clintons have a open marriage.
The deal being Bill needs to be discrete.
Hillary protects Bill because an attack on one is an attack against both of them.

Chesus, I understand that. OK. And that is supposed to help the Clintons with women? nitro

Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back



by STEPHEN K. BANNON2 Jun 20165,488

Clinton Cash revealed, and Bloomberg confirmed, that Laureate funneled Bill Clinton $16.46 million over five years while Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. pumped at least $55 million to a group run by Laureate’s founder and chairman, Douglas Becker, a man with strong ties to the Clinton Global Initiative. Laureate has donated between $1 million and $5 million (donations are reported in ranges, not exact amounts) to the Clinton Foundation. Progressive billionaire George Soros is also a Laureate financial backer.

As the Washington Post reports, “Laureate has stirred controversy throughout Latin America, where it derives two-thirds of its revenue.” During Bill Clinton’s tenure as Laureate’s chancellor, the school spent over $200 million a year on aggressive telemarketing, flashy Internet banner ads, and billboards designed to lure often unprepared students from impoverished countries to enroll in its for-profit classes. The goal: get as many students, regardless of skill level, signed up and paying tuition.

“I meet people all the time who transfer here when they flunk out elsewhere,” agronomy student Arturo Bisono, 25, told the Post. “This has become the place you go when no one else will accept you.”

Others, like Rio state legislator Robson Leite who led a probe into Bill Clinton’s embattled for-profit education scheme, say the company is all about extracting cash, not educating students. “They have turned education into a commodity that focuses more on profit than knowledge,” said Leite.

Progressives have long excoriated for-profit education companies for placing profits over quality pedagogy. Still, for five years, Bill Clinton allowed his face and name to be plastered all over Laureate’s marketing materials. As Clinton Cash reported, pictures of Bill Clinton even lined the walkways at campuses like Laureate’s Bilgi University in Istanbul, Turkey. That Laureate has campuses in Turkey is odd, given that for-profit colleges are illegal there, as well as in Mexico and Chile where Laureate also operates.

Shortly after Bill Clinton’s lucrative 2010 Laureate appointment, Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. began pumping millions of its USAID dollars to a sister nonprofit, International Youth Foundation (IYF), which is run by Laureate’s founder and chairman, Douglas Becker. Indeed, State Dept. funding skyrocketed once Bill Clinton got on the Laureate payroll, according to Bloomberg:

A Bloomberg examination of IYF’s public filings show that in 2009, the year before Bill Clinton joined Laureate, the nonprofit received 11 grants worth $9 million from the State Department or the affiliated USAID. In 2010, the group received 14 grants worth $15.1 million. In 2011, 13 grants added up to $14.6 million. The following year, those numbers jumped: IYF received 21 grants worth $25.5 million, including a direct grant from the State Department.

Throughout ten Democratic Party debates, Establishment Media have not asked Hillary Clinton a single question about she and her husband’s for-profit education scam.
Chesus, Dam right the right has been attacking her for twenty five years and for a dam good reason. She is a known two faced liar and women abuser when she attacked her husbands victims . The Clinton garbage will be on display for all to see so enjoy the show. nitro

you also said it was rape when monica lewinsky gave bill a blowjob.

what that has to do with hillary is beyond my guess, but it does show how pathetically desperate you are.

racist loser.
you also said it was rape when monica lewinsky gave bill a blowjob.

what that has to do with hillary is beyond my guess, but it does show how pathetically desperate you are.

racist loser.

Hey Buck, I bet you live like a king, working hard for your wife is really paying off. Right on Buck, I am glad for you. nitro
that's the sad state of our society. long live the kardashians!!

I have to agree, it is a very sad state of our society when we argue over bathrooms while the greatest show on earth is taking place. Insanity has taken over and we can only hope that Trump can bring us back. nitro
I have to agree, it is a very sad state of our society when we argue over bathrooms while the greatest show on earth is taking place. Insanity has taken over and we can only hope that Trump can bring us back. nitro

except trump is a republican and on the side of those bigoted homophobes who want police checking birth certificates outside of bathroom doors you drooling retard.
you're desperate as shit.

it is trump who is right now eating shit and playing defense for being a con artist with a fake "university", the one that over 80% of his students are suing him over.

Hey Buck, Its crazy , who would of thought the Clinton's are bigger scammers? There should be some law suits coming, And or a RICO investigation into the Clinton foundation for fraud and government fraud. Its just getting crazy. nitro
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