Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member

Buck, When it relates to making money it doesn't matter if it's sticky or slippy or crispy. nitro
didn't you say that the men you bring with you to be alone at sea are so sexually insecure that they would resort to physical violence if you even asked them if they were gay?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
didn't you say that the men you bring with you to be alone at sea are so sexually insecure that they would resort to physical violence if you even asked them if they were gay?
Buck, No, I said that someone like you wouldn't last till lunch time with that mouth of yours before my crew shut you the fuck up and gave you the boot finish. just so you know. nitro


Well-Known Member
Buck, No, I said that someone like you wouldn't last till lunch time with that mouth of yours before my crew shut you the fuck up and gave you the boot finish. just so you know. nitro
are you sure about that? should i dig up the quotes to prove you wrong?

you lie even more than donald trump does.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
you claim that all you said was that i wouldn't last until lunch time, which is an obvious lie.

the truth is the men you invite with you to be alone at sea on the boat you inherited from your daddy are so sexually insecure that you said they would beat me up for even asking if they were gay.

so do you want to apologize for lying now? or just deny the plain truth of your lie?

choice is up to you, liar!
Buck, Fuck , I am not lying about my crew giving you the boot for running your mouth. nitro


Well-Known Member
Your spelling is going to shit. You must be mad. I think your friends are getting embarrassed for you. carry on with your story. nitro
what story?

the one about how the men you take on your daddy's boat with you are so insecure in their sexuality that they threaten physical violence if it is ever even questioned?

that is really your story, i am just repeating it for you.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
what story?

the one about how the men you take on your daddy's boat with you are so insecure in their sexuality that they threaten physical violence if it is ever even questioned?

that is really your story, i am just repeating it for you.
Cool story Bucky, tell me more. nitro

nitro harley

Well-Known Member

Clinton aide reportedly got top donor named to nuclear advisory board
Published June 10, 2016
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Gingrich: As more scandals come out Hillary's polls will drop

Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff at the State Department had a Democratic donor with virtually no relevant experience appointed to a nuclear intelligence advisory board, according to a new report that also claims the aide tried to stall journalists examining his background.

ABC News reported that copies of internal emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act indicate Rajiv K. Fernando had thin qualifications for a seat on the board, other than his close connection to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
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