Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
post proof that she bragged about having to defend a pedophile.

while you're at it, post proof that you are not a pedophile yourself.
I have. You militant leftist ignore the facts to support hilary. Nothing more I can do. Check the chesus thread.


Well-Known Member
Really? You are trying to catch me out in some weird logic train that only holds in your mind? Do you actually claim to know what Obama was thinking? That is what you are doing in this post. Then from there you draw whatever conclusion you want. Talk about speaking from your butthole.... elipses

Only one question mark is necessary. Does the key stick?

No it`s not, and no I`m not. He said it publicly, it was the talk of the Country that week, The Cambridge police challenged him outright. They went right after him. You are pretending not to know what everyone saw. He was caught protecting a Black professor that opened his mouth as the cops were leaving. The incident happened on the sidewalk not in the house.

Barry opened his mouth to protect his buddy and thought the Cambridge police Captain would heel.


Well-Known Member
No it`s not, and no I`m not. He said it publicly, it was the talk of the Country that week, The Cambridge police challenged him outright. They went right after him. You are pretending not to know what everyone saw. He was caught protecting a Black professor that opened his mouth as the cops were leaving. The incident happened on the sidewalk not in the house.

Barry opened his mouth to protect his buddy and thought the Cambridge police Captain would heel.
that's actually not what happened at all you racist.


Well-Known Member
You are pretending not to know what everyone saw.
Again, claiming to know what others are thinking then drawing whatever conclusion you like. I have no idea what you are talking about.

Barry opened his mouth to protect his buddy and thought the Cambridge police Captain would heel.
Again, claiming to know what the President of the United States is thinking. Wow man, you are one layer of tire fabric away from a blowout.

Nobody can ever know what another person thinks. This is the one universal truth about people.
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Straw Man

No it`s not, and no I`m not. He said it publicly, it was the talk of the Country that week, The Cambridge police challenged him outright. They went right after him. You are pretending not to know what everyone saw. He was caught protecting a Black professor that opened his mouth as the cops were leaving. The incident happened on the sidewalk not in the house.

Barry opened his mouth to protect his buddy and thought the Cambridge police Captain would heel.

he's been prez for eight years. he made you simple fucking louts look like apes. He trod all over the hatred and ignorance of the shittiest demographic usa supports.

Youre so pathetically misguided and delusional that you have inconsequential minutiae of his presidency to pull out and wack off to. Bro work on gaining some character.


Well-Known Member
Again, claiming to know what others are thinking then drawing whatever conclusion you like. I have no idea what you are talking about.

Again, claiming to know what the President of the United States is thinking. Wow man, you are one layer of tire fabric away from a blowout.

Nobody can ever know what another person thinks. This is the one universal truth about people.

So why are you telling me what I`m thinking ?
You are correct, you have no Idea.
You don`t need to be a scientist to know what Barry was thinking, you only need to listen to his accusation about the Cambridge police Command he insulted.


Well-Known Member
So why are you telling me what I`m thinking ?
You are correct, you have no Idea.
You don`t need to be a scientist to know what Barry was thinking, you only need to listen to his accusation about the Cambridge police Command he insulted.
Now you can't read. I posted the comment where you literally claim to know what I was thinking. I have no idea what you are talking about and that's the truth. But then again, one can only know what somebody says, writes or does.

So let me say it again. I have no idea what you are talking about.

If you want to post some facts from the situation and maybe a link to an article, I'll be glad to educate myself. Poorly written text from a self proclaimed psychic such as @OddBall1st isn't very* credible.

edit: *isn't at all credible.


Well-Known Member
he's been prez for eight years. he made you simple fucking louts look like apes. He trod all over the hatred and ignorance of the shittiest demographic usa supports.

Youre so pathetically misguided and delusional that you have inconsequential minutiae of his presidency to pull out and wack off to. Bro work on gaining some character.

What was the invitation to the White House for.

I hope my computer stupid ass did the link right..........


Well-Known Member
Now you can't read. I posted the comment where you literally claim to know what I was thinking. I have no idea what you are talking about and that's the truth. But then again, one can only know what somebody says, writes or does.

So let me say it again. I have no idea what you are talking about.

If you want to post some facts from the situation and maybe a link to an article, I'll be glad to educate myself. Poorly written text from a self proclaimed psychic such as @OddBall1st isn't very credible.

Did I shoot the wrong ship ? I`ll recheck.


Well-Known Member
So when Barak called the Cambridge police racists, then apologized in a beer summit, He wasn`t ignorant ? Jumping the gun ??
Talking out his ass ???

That`s established.
This was my reply to you Fogdog. After you told me ignorance was not a qualification for the Office.

I`ll check fire again.


Well-Known Member
You like Rump because he's an ignorant jerk. This is not a qualification for anything except maybe to post here with your name.

Here is where I referred you to Obama ignorance, So I guess Obama and Trump are not quallied,....Keep pumping and don`t forget to fill the tank often. If Trump is not qualified for ignorance, neither is Obama and he endorsed Hildabeast.

The post you attacked me for was a reference to Obama`s ignorance you think does not exist.

Spot One was spot on.
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