Donald Trump

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Wishful thinking on your part...hahaha

Whatever is your point?
You hate, despise and detest Carson?
Wow...well said!
Never said I hate him. Where you get that shit from ? I listen to what he says and realize he is not ready to POTUS. Apparently you have not.
You realize that was months ago right? I know you have stuff saved on me for 10 years from another site, only a few years on this site, but you should be able to read the time-stamp.

He went on ignore for me when he was bragging about finger banging some girl and laughing because her brother got killed fighting in Afghanistan. Thought it was hilarious. That's a man in his 30's doing that, yep.

That was enough for me to not read anything else of his.

Following me to other sites was just creepy, keeping folders on posters here with years of posts saved is a bit psychotic.

Trying to out people's personal info on a pot forum who grow in illegal states because you lost an argument with them is just plain pathetic.

I've denied every lie you've told. I've accused you several times of being the floor shitter and you have yet to deny it.

Within 24 hrs, you've made over 20 posts concerned over whether or not I read another members post, if you are not UB, then you are one fucked up individual.

OH, and it really was funny how bad UB looked when he stalked me over to another site. If it didn't hurt your feels so bad you should read some of the stuff. He's super popular in a ha ha look at what the idiot is saying now way.
I only read the first line of your meltdown
Never said when you did it. Only called you out on doing it. The same why you did Rrog.
Carson seems to be doing quite well.
Amazing how some lefties perceive Carson to be uniquely unqualified...
Trump is an idiot...
Tick, tick, tick...about a year to the general election...the party conventions are late next summer...oh no!

With a big boost from women, Dr. Ben Carson leads Donald Trump 28 - 20 percent among Iowa likely Republican Caucus participants, with 13 percent for Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and 10 percent for Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
I've tried listening to Carson before, but he has one of those voices that puts me to sleep. Still don't know if I support his message or not. Haven't been interested enough to find out.
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