Donald Trump

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True but we are a lil over a year out. Things will change. Donny will start to ramp up the craziness, attacking his counter parts on the right. He will not stay in the race, he will pull out. Hillary was worried about Benghazi and her emails. Looks like the storm has passed, in 6 months, Donny will be out of the race. Or he may run as an independent, taking a cue from Ross Perot, dividing the Republican base, and again, leaving it wide open for Hillary.

The GOP party is so afraid of him doing just that, the Koch brothers might put a contract on his head.

Trump will simply shoot himself in the foot.
It is a very easy target. How could he miss?

Look at what he said about his meager start in life:
Trump: My career began with a ‘small’ $1 million loan from my dad
The Donald is almost as delusional as Obama!
Trump will simply shoot himself in the foot.
It is a very easy target. How could he miss?

Look at what he said about his meager start in life:
Trump: My career began with a ‘small’ $1 million loan from my dad
The Donald is almost as delusional as Obama!
A million ain't much when his Dad was worth how much?

That's like having 2000 dollars in your wallet and your kid asking to borrow a dollar...
Trump will simply shoot himself in the foot.
It is a very easy target. How could he miss?

Look at what he said about his meager start in life:
Trump: My career began with a ‘small’ $1 million loan from my dad
The Donald is almost as delusional as Obama!

I wish I could borrow a million from my family....

I give him props for turning a million into a billion though. I know a few who turned a million into nothing.
Well, upon his fathers death, Trump inherited at least 40 million dollars.

The glaring reality of Trump is that he is most certainly NOT self made!
The simplest version of the comparison seems to be that if Trump had taken his $40 million inheritance from his father in 1974, converted it into cash, and invested it in the S&P 500, reinvesting all dividends and spending no money along the way, he'd have about $2.3 billion or so today, depending on how you do the math. Bloomberg computes his actual net worth as $2.9 billion, so he's modestly outperformed the S&P over his career
This is an interesting expose' of the Donald...
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Well, upon his fathers death, Trump inherited at least 40 million dollars.

The glaring reality of Trump is that is most certainly NOT self made!
The simplest version of the comparison seems to be that if Trump had taken his $40 million inheritance from his father in 1974, converted it into cash, and invested it in the S&P 500, reinvesting all dividends and spending no money along the way, he'd have about $2.3 billion or so today, depending on how you do the math. Bloomberg computes his actual net worth as $2.9 billion, so he's modestly outperformed the S&P over his career
This is an interesting expose' of the Donald...
Yeah & filed bankruptcy 4 times.....:roll:
Well, upon his fathers death, Trump inherited at least 40 million dollars.

The glaring reality of Trump is that he is most certainly NOT self made!
The simplest version of the comparison seems to be that if Trump had taken his $40 million inheritance from his father in 1974, converted it into cash, and invested it in the S&P 500, reinvesting all dividends and spending no money along the way, he'd have about $2.3 billion or so today, depending on how you do the math. Bloomberg computes his actual net worth as $2.9 billion, so he's modestly outperformed the S&P over his career
This is an interesting expose' of the Donald...

I've read the opposite, that had he put his money in the S&P 500 he'd be worth around $8 billion whereas his networth is estimated between 2-4 billion.
I've read the opposite, that had he put his money in the S&P 500 he'd be worth around $8 billion whereas his networth is estimated between 2-4 billion.

I think that this calculation is based upon how much Trump actually inherited...Bloomberg used the minimum 40 million dollar figure for his actual inheritance.
Estimates thereof range upwards dramatically...

Bottom line point...The Donald is most decidedly not a self made rich guy...
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Don`t you mean he won his challenge ? The margin wasn`t very big so,...he did win the challenge because he was on the Ballot.

Bush lost the popular vote. If SCOTUS had not stopped the recount, W would've lost then and never reelected.

Popular vote or electoral college vote W lost either way. One man decided that millions of voters in Florida would be denied their right to elect their President, disenfranchisement. Don't the pukes party have an apoplectic view
Towards that kind of behavior?

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I`m all for getting rid of the Electoral College,...We don`t need it today. Until we do, that`s how it`s done,...I don`t like it but neither the Democrat or Republican Parties will even think about getting rid of the Electoral College. If they did, it would put every candidate on a level playing field.

Wishful thinking , but that wont happen anytime soon. Bush W played that corrupt game better than his opponent was.
I`m all for getting rid of the Electoral College,...We don`t need it today. Until we do, that`s how it`s done,...I don`t like it but neither the Democrat or Republican Parties will even think about getting rid of the Electoral College. If they did, it would put every candidate on a level playing field.

Wishful thinking , but that wont happen anytime soon. Bush W played that corrupt game better than his opponent was.

I happen to agree 100% with you on that get rid of EC but I do understand why its part of politics to give small states the same equal footings as large states Rhode Island vs. California and also elct Representatives.

I happen to agree 100% with you on that get rid of EC but I do understand why its part of politics to give small states the same equal footings as large states Rhode Island vs. California and also elct Representatives.


See now I always thought it was because of travel time to polls, back then the word to get out was slow and getting to a one day Election was even slower, so they took into account if the big city says so, the burbs must have the same percentage and views.

With radio it was challenged and now with internet, should be wiped out.

The idea was to sacrifice the few for the many,...but now it makes more sense to sacrifice the many for the few.

CA vs RI, works only with a two party system, that`s why we still have a two Party system, it wont change because that system, wont change yet.

A popular vote sees no borders and makes the Candidate work much harder.

And here we have a man exercising his 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech only to have a Trump supporter assault him, drag him out of a rally, while the crowd cheers and the Trump campaign applauds.

Really telling, very telling.
It was a private event. If people are disruptive, then they are escorted out. No different than if the Tea Party were to crash a Hillary speech. And just to be fair, After the first interruption, Trump said, “That’s alright.”
“Don’t hurt them, don’t hurt them, don’t hurt them. You can get them out, but don’t hurt them. We don’t want anyone getting hurt,” he said, as supporters broke out into “USA, USA” chants. “That’s what freedom of speech — it’s all freedom of speech.”
It was a private event. If people are disruptive, then they are escorted out. No different than if the Tea Party were to crash a Hillary speech. And just to be fair, After the first interruption, Trump said, “That’s alright.”
“Don’t hurt them, don’t hurt them, don’t hurt them. You can get them out, but don’t hurt them. We don’t want anyone getting hurt,” he said, as supporters broke out into “USA, USA” chants. “That’s what freedom of speech — it’s all freedom of speech.”

And you don't see the double standard there? Typical. And no Tea Partier was ever assaulted by a crowd member, thrown to the ground, dragged out by others for being at one of her speeches.
And you don't see the double standard there? Typical. And no Tea Partier was ever assaulted by a crowd member, thrown to the ground, dragged out by others for being at one of her speeches.
They don't go to Hillary's speeches. Nobody does. She's boring. On most days, she can barely fill a high school gym with a few hundred people. With that being said, if Trump supporters were to show up and be disruptive at a Hillary speech. It would be the same exact thing
They don't go to Hillary's speeches. Nobody does. She's boring. On most days, she can barely fill a high school gym with a few hundred people. With that being said, if Trump supporters were to show up and be disruptive at a Hillary speech. It would be the same exact thing

I somehow highly doubt they'd be assaulted by the crowd. Should have been handled by the police who could've escorted the guy out. There was one time that a bunch of College Republicans crashed a Young Democrats thing and we just blocked them from view with our signs which is the appropriate way to do it in my opinion.
I somehow highly doubt they'd be assaulted by the crowd. Should have been handled by the police who could've escorted the guy out. There was one time that a bunch of College Republicans crashed a Young Democrats thing and we just blocked them from view with our signs which is the appropriate way to do it in my opinion.
I disagree with you. When somebody is disruptive and asked to leave a private event. You can either leave on your own feet, or somebody elses. It's your choice
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