Donald Trump

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When you use the Mass Health Connector, your health insurance status will come back as covered, you wont be fined, but when a hospital submits your claim, it can come back as not available.

It`s in an investment black hole account.
One of my biggest beefs with Obama and Dems ...

1. Not taking advantage of total control they had for 2 years and shoving bills down the GOP throat.. Dems don't stick together as well as Conservatives do.

2. Continuing the Bullshit in the mideast Numbnuts put us in.

3. Not rescheduling marijuana
4. The Bank Bailouts
5. Not slashing the military- Defense budget.

Me thinks that getting big ticket items out of the way first were important to resolve on issue #1 espacially healthcare. They simply had no time to do more when they had a financial crisis to deal with....I do admire GOP resolve, they don't let shit go, ever!

I'm with you on the banks but what if they were simply left to collapse, what then? It would definately disrupt the worlds economy how long would it have taken to recover then or God forbid, if at all.

From the very beginning on inauguration ceremony Newt and others were having dinner at a Washington D,C. Diner and at that dinner the pukes conspired to obstruct, vote against every last bit of proposal By the Obama WH, why would you want to try to negotiate with folks like that? Why bother if you already know the answer?

Me thinks that getting big ticket items out of the way first were important to resolve on issue #1 espacially healthcare. They simply had no time to do more when they had a financial crisis to deal with....I do admire GOP resolve, they don't let shit go, ever!

I'm with you on the banks but what if they were simply left to collapse, what then? It would definately disrupt the worlds economy how long would it have taken to recover then or God forbid, if at all.

From the very beginning on inauguration ceremony Newt and others were having dinner at a Washington D,C. Diner and at that dinner the pukes conspired to obstruct, vote against every last bit of proposal By the Obama WH, why would you want to try to negotiate with folks like that? Why bother if you already know the answer?

New Zealand told the banks you broke it, you bought it.

They recovered quite nicely.

I don't buy the story that the world's economy would collapse. That narrative got the bankers paid. Nobody was prosecuted, and a shit bill that wouldn't have prevented any of it was pushed through on lies (sponsored by one of the champions of Sally and Fannie that helped cause the mess to begin with). The whole situation doesn't pass the smell test.

At first I thought the ACA was going to save us all some money but after the first year we had nearly a 20% increase and then this year it turned out to be another 25% increase. I pay more now than ever. Thanks BarryO.

Trump says he is going to fix it. So I will relax and hope for the best.
Am I the only one who thinks you are vastly underestimating the need in the states for illegal immigrants, I mean I know it's not something people talk about often but has anyone actually thought about all the business' and stuff that benefit from the immigrants. I mean yeah criminals have to cross the border illegally because they actually cant go through legally and they should be stopped, but how many people do you think are really moving to the states to fuck shit up? A lot of them are just people who realise how bad the situation is in mexico and are trying to help provide a better life for their families who cant get visa's because they cant afford it or because they arent relatively rich. I used to tutor migrant kids (not mexicans cos I wasn't in the states) and I can tell you people who are trying to work to keep their family from having to go back to a situation where things are actually dangerous work harder than any body you've ever seen I mean I've heard kids tell me there parents work 18 hour shifts 7 fucking days a week. They would be very willing to do things legally if they could I mean theyd have much better pay and living conditions but they cant, and can you really blame them for not taking no for an answer when people are being killed and shit all the time in mexico? I know if I had a family I'd be trying to get the fuck outta there asap. Maybe if the states relaxed their legal immigration a bit they would have an easier time sorting out those who were willing to do honest work from the criminals and they could turn what is now seen as a major issue into a benefit to their society. Either way painting them all with the same brush and just saying they all bring in crime and shit is some stupid bullshit imo sounds like you somehow couldn't be bothered to think that they are all individual people who make their own decisions with some being bad and some good just like everywhere else. Most "good" law abiding people would choose to leave a dangerous situation, and obviously they do.
How about because they could care less about you and the united states...they are rude and ignorant...they are sucking up the welfare system like a vacuum cleaner...every single child they have is payed for by you...see ten kids on the street, that's ten kids on welfare same mom. who pays for their owners!
How about because they could care less about you and the united states...they are rude and ignorant...they are sucking up the welfare system like a vacuum cleaner...every single child they have is payed for by you...see ten kids on the street, that's ten kids on welfare same mom. who pays for their owners!

This is a myth that's been debunked time and time again. I want to see you work in a kitchen/nanny/land scaping/other menial as much as some of these "rude" "ignorant" "welfare sucking up" people for a year, with no promotion in sight and for minimum wage.

Also on Trump's immigration plan...
This is a myth that's been debunked time and time again. I want to see you work in a kitchen/nanny/land scaping/other menial as much as some of these "rude" "ignorant" "welfare sucking up" people for a year, with no promotion in sight and for minimum wage.

Also on Trump's immigration plan...
I have been working in those places... for many years...I now work among them...and if you don't stand up to them you will be run off from the job...And I live in the midst of them...SO DONT TELL ME IT IS A MYTH... FAR FUCKING FROM IT
thinkprogess.or is ran by Democrat operatives who have a bias opinion on everything. Especially on Trump.The only people who would ever click that link are left wing liberal hack jobs.
lol I clicked on it.

It's a piece about a chef who says deporting illegals would kill the restaurant business. I'm not so sure that's a great argument against "thay takin err jerbs" people.

Some chef doesn't like Trump and somebody wrote an article about it. I'm not sure what it proves other than some chef doesn't like the Donald.
lol I clicked on it.

It's a piece about a chef who says deporting illegals would kill the restaurant business. I'm not so sure that's a great argument against "thay takin err jerbs" people.

Some chef doesn't like Trump and somebody wrote an article about it. I'm not sure what it proves other than some chef doesn't like the Donald.
It proves to liberals and liberals only, that there is no way Americans could ever make it in this world without the labor of illegals. According to them, we would all starve and be begging for low skilled workers to feed us. More propaganda. is vividly predictable, and so are the people who post their links.
Obamacare was passed by a Democratic super majority, immune to a filibuster by the Republicans. We can't blame this garbage on the Republicans, this was Democratic garbage from start to finish.

it was actually a conservative idea from the heritage foundation, fist implemented by a "severely conservative" republican governor, and then weighed down with hundreds of republican amendments.

How about because they could care less about you and the united states...they are rude and ignorant...they are sucking up the welfare system like a vacuum cleaner...every single child they have is payed for by you...see ten kids on the street, that's ten kids on welfare same mom. who pays for their owners!

thanks for making it easy to identify you as a racist who does not care about facts!
It proves to liberals and liberals only, that there is no way Americans could ever make it in this world without the labor of illegals. According to them, we would all starve and be begging for low skilled workers to feed us. More propaganda. is vividly predictable, and so are the people who post their links.

tell that to the farmers in georgia whose crops rotted.

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

It proves to liberals and liberals only, that there is no way Americans could ever make it in this world without the labor of illegals. According to them, we would all starve and be begging for low skilled workers to feed us. More propaganda. is vividly predictable, and so are the people who post their links.
Bro, be honest with yourself at least, the source of the information doesn't actually matter to people like you, if there's a piece of information out there somebody posts that either proves you wrong or contradicts your beliefs, you dismiss it. Take anthropogenic climate change, for example, that comes from quite literally the world's best scientists and it gets dismissed outright because it's "liberal bias". The PP videos are another example. Email/Benghazi "scandal", "Climategate", all cleared with multiple bipartisan investigations, yet you still have A LOT of conservatives who bring them all up as if convictions were handed out like corporate welfare checks.

What actually matters is whether or not the information confirms your bias. If it does, it's true, if it doesn't, it's "lamestream liberal propaganda"...
Bro, be honest with yourself at least, the source of the information doesn't actually matter to people like you, if there's a piece of information out there somebody posts that either proves you wrong or contradicts your beliefs, you dismiss it. Take anthropogenic climate change, for example, that comes from quite literally the world's best scientists and it gets dismissed outright because it's "liberal bias". The PP videos are another example. Email/Benghazi "scandal", "Climategate", all cleared with multiple bipartisan investigations, yet you still have A LOT of conservatives who bring them all up as if convictions were handed out like corporate welfare checks.

What actually matters is whether or not the information confirms your bias. If it does, it's true, if it doesn't, it's "lamestream liberal propaganda"...
I haven't read the article ( as previously stated ) I'm not interested. It would be like watching a Republican debate hosted by CNBC.
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