Donald Trump’s Suicide

The more I find out about Wednesday, the more I realize how close we came to losing this country. They were there to take hostages and came within minutes of getting them. That woman that was shot, I think Pences secret service agent killed her, congress doesn't get secret service protection and they said a SS agent was with other officers and one of them killed her. They wanted Pence and high ranking democrats and the mob attacked right on cue with the GOP making objections in house to delay the certification. tRUmp was going to drag the military into it but that letter from the last 10 secretaries of defense put a stop to it. The hostage takers knew were to find the high value targets and went straight to them, the place is a maze and the targets were in a very restricted zone. The police under staffed and under equipped and the national guard delayed. There's video of a breakin on the side of the building and you can here them yelling in russian and guys with zip ties and assault weapons, there was trained people mixed in with the idiots. There's that and much more that show just how coordinated all this was and how close it came to working. This isn't over as long as he's in office, there will be more,they are openly talking about it all over the internet.
The more I find out about Wednesday, the more I realize how close we came to losing this country. They were there to take hostages and came within minutes of getting them. That woman that was shot, I think Pences secret service agent killed her, congress doesn't get secret service protection and they said a SS agent was with other officers and one of them killed her. They wanted Pence and high ranking democrats and the mob attacked right on cue with the GOP making objections in house to delay the certification. tRUmp was going to drag the military into it but that letter from the last 10 secretaries of defense put a stop to it. The hostage takers knew were to find the high value targets and went straight to them, the place is a maze and the targets were in a very restricted zone. The police under staffed and under equipped and the national guard delayed. There's video of a breakin on the side of the building and you can here them yelling in russian and guys with zip ties and assault weapons, there was trained people mixed in with the idiots. There's that and much more that show just how coordinated all this was and how close it came to working. This isn't over as long as he's in office, there will be more,they are openly talking about it all over the internet.

IDK Captain much of what you say is true but there were not any invaders willing to try and push thru the barricaded doors to the chamber when on the other side was a boatload of weapons pointed at their faces. There's lots of balls in a mob but individually they're pussys. It would have been "I ain't going in there first, you go. I've gotta be at work in the morning." I'm afraid if there is more they'll be met with more force than BLM protesters. Trump's gang won't be marching down Pennsylvania avenue anytime soon. You can't have a coup without the military either and I can't see the generals taking orders from any of the clowns who busted in. I sure s*** hope you're wrong about this being a much larger bit of collusion. All the provocateurs except one are going to be in jail in the next day or two anyway and not for a long weekend. Please be wrong!
It all looks too much like a reality tv script to me. More drama. More rules. More tyrannical policies. Remember the media is your master. Been brainwashing you for the money supporting both parties since the 50's. "Population control". Take a few and question the benefactors.

It was too easy and to clean. Deaths are deplorable. But lack of defense and only 6 dead. 1 by officials?????????????????????
His plan for the immediate future appears to be to slink away the night before with no ceremony
Was it not published according to cabinet sources that he was flllying to Ireland.on the 19th? And confirmed by Irish officials that Air Force One is due on the 19th. Disclosed by the second in charge of Ireland as part of his international statement that Frump is not wanted there?

The real game is where and how with our tax dollars footing the bill?
Was it not published according to cabinet sources that he was flllying to Ireland.on the 19th? And confirmed by Irish officials that Air Force One is due on the 19th. Disclosed by the second in charge of Ireland as part of his international statement that Frump is not wanted there?

The real game is where and how with our tax dollars footing the bill?

I'm okay with spending a few bucks to get rid of him
Talk about going out with a bang.

His deplorables did it at his direction. The cops did it as his direction. It was planned down to the time to attack.

He’s gonna have to pay with his blood imho.
Was it not published according to cabinet sources that he was flllying to Ireland.on the 19th? And confirmed by Irish officials that Air Force One is due on the 19th. Disclosed by the second in charge of Ireland as part of his international statement that Frump is not wanted there?

The real game is where and how with our tax dollars footing the bill?
Ireland has banned that trip
Love to see Hillary as her Lawyer.....OH battle royale...Guliani vs. Clinton....turn and shoot at 5 paces lol
He’ll be dead too. Maybe after his master, I don’t think he as much of a pussy.

Think Epstein. If I had to rely on @therealdonaldjtrump to keep my secrets, I’d kill him too.
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