Donald Trump’s Suicide

Even Fox News jumped off Trump’s nuts. What’s taking you guys so long? I watch Fox News every day and even they don’t back Trump anymore.
They and I both aren't backing him up fully, NO. He's done a lot of stupid shit. But he has some good policies too, and made our country richer, and safer until Covid came. It's hopeless to try to get anyone to see any reason here. I watch CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, and I can tell who is telling the truth and who is full of shit and just pushing an agenda.

This is like the movie Idiocracy, but in real life, lol.
They and I both aren't backing him up fully, NO. He's done a lot of stupid shit. But he has some good policies too, and made our country richer, and safer until Covid came. It's hopeless to try to get anyone to see any reason here. I watch CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, and I can tell who is telling the truth and who is full of shit and just pushing an agenda.

This is like the movie Idiocracy, but in real life, lol.
Believe me everyone over here feels the same way about YOUR team. We can’t understand how any logical person can support him. So you let us down just as much believe me.
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They and I both aren't backing him up fully, NO. He's done a lot of stupid shit. But he has some good policies too, and made our country richer, and safer until Covid came. It's hopeless to try to get anyone to see any reason here. I watch CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, and I can tell who is telling the truth and who is full of shit and just pushing an agenda.

This is like the movie Idiocracy, but in real life, lol.
How can YOU TELL oh wise one? However you do it, you’re incorrect.
They and I both aren't backing him up fully, NO. He's done a lot of stupid shit. But he has some good policies too, and made our country richer, and safer until Covid came. It's hopeless to try to get anyone to see any reason here. I watch CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, and I can tell who is telling the truth and who is full of shit and just pushing an agenda.

This is like the movie Idiocracy, but in real life, lol.
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Obama's last 3 years were better than Trump's first three years. Manufacturing was in decline and the tax cut for the rich did shit all to help anyone but the richest in our nation.

Troll on.

Congrats you were stupid enough to get me to post in this thread a few times. Kudo's troll.

It will be interesting what you guys are saying in a couple years.
'Trump was an idiot and the worst president ever' I am guessing will be said for a long time. Decades, centuries even.
I watch CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, and I can tell who is telling the truth and who is full of shit and just pushing an agenda.
YOUR president that YOU keep defending, still lies about covid. He lied about how dangerous it could be. He lied about how quickly it would spread. He lied about how many people would die. He lied about how fast the vaccine would be delivered and what a success that would be. He lied about warmer weather would make it go away. He lied about lockdowns don’t work. He lied about losing the presidency and having proof of cheating. He lied about still having a chance to 75 million morons who believed him. Lies lies lies. And this is just the last year.

So forgive me if I’m not worried about some “lies” from CNN. The problem is Fox News is now reporting those same “lies” as facts.
They and I both aren't backing him up fully, NO. He's done a lot of stupid shit. But he has some good policies too, and made our country richer, and safer until Covid came. It's hopeless to try to get anyone to see any reason here. I watch CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, and I can tell who is telling the truth and who is full of shit and just pushing an agenda.

This is like the movie Idiocracy, but in real life, lol.

No American Patriot gives a damn what good if any trump might have done for the country. All that matters now is that he's a traitor that failed to overthrow our government by using his MAGA cult to invade the Capitol of the United States of America in an attempt to stop our elected officials from certifying Joe Biden as President.

trump lost and instead of accepting defeat he's spent months trying to undermine our democracy. Nothing else matters. Nothing.
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Obama's last 3 years were better than Trump's first three years. Manufacturing was in decline and the tax cut for the rich did shit all to help anyone but the richest in our nation.

Troll on.

Congrats you were stupid enough to get me to post in this thread a few times. Kudo's troll.

'Trump was an idiot and the worst president ever' I am guessing will be said for a long time. Decades, centuries even.
Ever see History of the World?
It will be interesting what you guys are saying in a couple years.
That’s what we said 4 years ago. And now most republicans don’t even want Trump to finish this term let alone run another one.

Adversity always brings out people’s true colors. You see Trumps true colors now? The entire world does. You see MAGA morons storm the capital and murder someone?

The majority of the country think y’all are fucking crazy.
How can YOU TELL oh wise one? However you do it, you’re incorrect.
I hear what all sides are saying, and I make an educated decision on what is actually logical. CNN just repeats the same shit over and over until people believe it. They say they was no voter fraud over and over, several times in a minute sometimes, but that hasn't been proven. They don't want anyone to double check the figures. Shit like that just looks really fishy to someone with common sense. I actually have a college degree, so I'm not a complete idiot. I also think for myself. I don't follow sheep blindly off a cliff.
I don't read his posts because he's as dumb as a post.

From the number of recent posts by the moron, I can guess that @PadawanWarrior has been triggered.

Retrumplicans are so fragile. Snowflakes.
Click that little ignore button then. You guys love to name call, instead of having a logical debate. That's what I call a weak argument.
I hear what all sides are saying, and I make an educated decision on what is actually logical. CNN just repeats the same shit over and over until people believe it. They say they was no voter fraud over and over, several times in a minute sometimes, but that hasn't been proven. They don't want anyone to double check the figures. Shit like that just looks really fishy to someone with common sense. I actually have a college degree, so I'm not a complete idiot. I also think for myself. I don't follow sheep blindly off a cliff.
I also watch different news sources. AP news is about the best. I watch BBC world news. I watch the world laughing at him. And pitying us.

How many times do the votes need to be audited? Show me the voter fraud please. Nothing looks fishy to anyone with common sense trumper.

You’ll never be convinced.
I hear what all sides are saying, and I make an educated decision on what is actually logical. CNN just repeats the same shit over and over until people believe it. They say they was no voter fraud over and over, several times in a minute sometimes, but that hasn't been proven. They don't want anyone to double check the figures. Shit like that just looks really fishy to someone with common sense. I actually have a college degree, so I'm not a complete idiot. I also think for myself. I don't follow sheep blindly off a cliff.
Problem is sheep don’t know they’re sheep. How do you think they became sheep in the first place?