Donald Trump’s Suicide

You seem to be a fountain of knowledge yet you can’t find one example of trump’s criminality.

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I'm not the one who said he should be extradited. Please inform us of what charges he should be extradited under? To what nation that has requested extradition under what treaties that are in place? What charges under United States Code (USC) should he be charged with?

Apparently , you are in Canada? What do you know of US law? As a retired member of the USDOJ, please, enlighten me with your knowledge of United States federal code.
How well? Getting blow jobs in the Oval office by a 19 year old intern while he had the entire US government on furlough? I was an essential government employee who was required to work 16 hours shifts without getting paid while Clinton was sticking a cigar up her rear.

I regret voting for Clinton the first time. Clinton compelled me to leave the Democrat party.
ok... so let me get this straight... dude gettin a blow job is worse than dude trying to destroy the country? You have just entered the twilight zone.
point out where I called you names, please. I can't locate them.
I call a spade a spade. You defend trump you’re a moron and everything that is wrong with this country.

Adversity brings out true colors. Your MAGA group couldn’t handle their small amount of adversity (the majority of the US finally sees who they truly are) and imploded before Trump even left office. Wow. A new low for Americans
I'm not the one who said he should be extradited. Please inform us of what charges he should be extradited under? To what nation that has requested extradition under what treaties that are in place? What charges under United States Code (USC) should he be charged with?

Apparently , you are in Canada? What do you know of US law? As a retired member of the USDOJ, please, enlighten me with your knowledge of United States federal code.
Prove it
I'm not the one who said he should be extradited. Please inform us of what charges he should be extradited under? To what nation that has requested extradition under what treaties that are in place? What charges under United States Code (USC) should he be charged with?

Apparently , you are in Canada? What do you know of US law? As a retired member of the USDOJ, please, enlighten me with your knowledge of United States federal code.

So are you ok with Trump giving the Russian military (via Manafort) the data he received from the RNC on our fellow American citizens?Screen Shot 2021-01-09 at 11.53.44 AM.png
The more I find out about Wednesday, the more I realize how close we came to losing this country. They were there to take hostages and came within minutes of getting them. That woman that was shot, I think Pences secret service agent killed her, congress doesn't get secret service protection and they said a SS agent was with other officers and one of them killed her. They wanted Pence and high ranking democrats and the mob attacked right on cue with the GOP making objections in house to delay the certification. tRUmp was going to drag the military into it but that letter from the last 10 secretaries of defense put a stop to it. The hostage takers knew were to find the high value targets and went straight to them, the place is a maze and the targets were in a very restricted zone. The police under staffed and under equipped and the national guard delayed. There's video of a breakin on the side of the building and you can here them yelling in russian and guys with zip ties and assault weapons, there was trained people mixed in with the idiots. There's that and much more that show just how coordinated all this was and how close it came to working. This isn't over as long as he's in office, there will be more,they are openly talking about it all over the internet.

I'm having trouble understanding how they weren't more well-prepared. They knew of the potential for violence from these knuckle-dragging cretins. Does anyone remember the plan by those yahoos in Michigan to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer or the breach of the capitol building in Oregon? Yet here there was a skeleton crew of security allowing these idiots to storm the capitol building. These people are stupid and dangerous, and they're being enabled by high-ranking government officials. That is a recipe for catastrophe, and I fear that we have yet to see the worst from these morons.
if you want to worry about taxes, your taxes will be going up shortly if you live in the US. Your knew President has vowed to raise taxes while campaigning. I have no problem with raising taxes on the billionaires and other elites. Joe Biden is going to raise taxes on everyone in a time when businesses are going out of business nationwide due to lockdowns. Just yesterday I heard a news report that New York would soon lose 50% of its restaurants due to them no having dine in service for nine months.

Reports today mentioned business rents in New York being slashed. How do businesses pay rent when the are closed down? How do property owners pay their mortgages when renters don't pay their rent? Business collapses are coming this year, most likely. My town in a state with some of the most regressive lockdowns has nearly half of all businesses shuttered. Local economy was 100% based on tourism. No one is working except grocery stores, convenience stores, auto parts stores. All the tourist stores and sit down restaurants are closed permanently. Biggest draw in the region, state campgrounds in every town in two Northern Michigan counties shut down. Bring in thousands of campers every Summer, not open at all this year.
Believe I read him claiming people making under 400k would not see their taxes go up. Either way, I’m happy to pay more taxes.
I'm having trouble understanding how they weren't more well-prepared. They knew of the potential for violence from these knuckle-dragging cretins. Does anyone remember the plan by those yahoos in Michigan to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer or the breach of the capitol building in Oregon? Yet here there was a skeleton crew of security allowing these idiots to storm the capitol building. These people are stupid and dangerous, and they're being enabled by high-ranking government officials. That is a recipe for catastrophe, and I fear that we have yet to see the worst from these morons.
It all was shown to us this summer. The police consider them allies against antifa and BLM. Even DHS has been warning the country that these white ethno-nationalists are the true threat yet the police have been giving them a free pass, even turning their backs when they attacked other state houses.

Black, brown and white antifascists have been trying to tell you about the danger. BLM would have protected the Capitol building had they been there in the kinds of numbers we had this summer. The police have become the larger danger to our Democratic Republic. Greater even than the mob that sacked the Capitol building.
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