Donald Trump’s Suicide

Edumacating the heathen is one way forward I suppose, perhaps we should set up a refugee school for those from the Parlor to teach basic literacy and civics. The fundamentals to help get them back on the road to reality, from here on out it will be a mission of deprograming the poor lost souls. Kinda like recovering the Borg when one of their cubes becomes disconnected from the collective...

Edumacating the heathen is one way forward I suppose, perhaps we should set up a refugee school for those from the Parlor to teach basic literacy and civics. The fundamentals to help get them back on the road to reality, from here on out it will be a mission of deprograming the poor lost souls. Kinda like recovering the Borg when one of their cubes becomes disconnected from the collective...

We can all agree "life is too short"
Edumacating the heathen is one way forward I suppose, perhaps we should set up a refugee school for those from the Parlor to teach basic literacy and civics. The fundamentals to help get them back on the road to reality, from here on out it will be a mission of deprograming the poor lost souls. Kinda like recovering the Borg when one of their cubes becomes disconnected from the collective...

Like residential schools you mean seems things like that in the past have worked well right. Deprogram because they dont believe the way you do so you change them. Like china does and north korea right? Ya its exactly what your saying and the value of democracy lies on the fact that we dont think like you.
But, he had 20 mountain climbers say this one was the toughest to climb. Did he lie to us?
Why did we build a wall to keep out people with an established underground system of moving people and drugs? What’s the wall going to do?
Like residential schools you mean seems things like that in the past have worked well right. Deprogram because they dont believe the way you do so you change them. Like china does and north korea right? Ya its exactly what your saying and the value of democracy lies on the fact that we dont think like you.
Naw, like deprograming cult members, that's what we have here, a cult of personality. People of low character and white privilege, wealthy for the most part with many off duty police officers among them. It's an insult to first nations, to compare the cultural genocide they endured, to these privileged fascist assholes who attempted a coup. We figure we can seduce you with facts and reason, knowledge and education, the usual suspects.
Why did we build a wall to keep out people with an established underground system of moving people and drugs? What’s the wall going to do?
It's for his base. If they can see a small, fairly useless piece of metal, they feel safe, and feel like they made a difference. Kind of like a kid keeps the boogie man away by hiding in a blanket. You're not supposed to think about it... they don't... I wouldn't have been surprised if they put up a single door in the middle of the desert, then locked it. That'll keep the rapists out.
Like residential schools you mean seems things like that in the past have worked well right. Deprogram because they dont believe the way you do so you change them. Like china does and north korea right? Ya its exactly what your saying and the value of democracy lies on the fact that we dont think like you.
Ahhh the value of democracy. We won, you lost, live with it until it’s time to vote again.
Like residential schools you mean seems things like that in the past have worked well right. Deprogram because they dont believe the way you do so you change them. Like china does and north korea right? Ya its exactly what your saying and the value of democracy lies on the fact that we dont think like you.
Donald Trump lost the election because he was a terrible president.

simple as that.
Like residential schools you mean seems things like that in the past have worked well right. Deprogram because they dont believe the way you do so you change them. Like china does and north korea right? Ya its exactly what your saying and the value of democracy lies on the fact that we dont think like you.
"The value of democracy" ? STFU blabbering, shit choked rodent