Donald Trump’s Suicide

Guess who admitted to blocking Covid Aid to the American people for 8 months on 60 Minutes last night? Nancy Pelosi. There goes all of your false storyline that Trump refused aid during the pandemic to Americans. Pelosi admitted she was to blame. Of course she tried to take it back when she realized she had said it. Too late.
Guess who admitted to blocking Covid Aid to the American people for 8 months on 60 Minutes last night? Nancy Pelosi. There goes all of your false storyline that Trump refused aid during the pandemic to Americans. Pelosi admitted she was to blame. Of course she tried to take it back when she realized she had said it. Too late.

"Only her hairdresser knows for sure"
I sit here reading all this shit everyone posts and I ask myself HOW THE FUCK DO THEY THINK THEY KNOW STUFF?

Everyone knows everything. HOW? How do you pick what's logical from 5 different stories? How do you know which is right or wrong?

IMO, everyone just picks a side and goes with it. Then they gather information that proves their point. Once they prove their point to themselves they are RIGHT and nothing will change their mind. Then the craziness just infiltrates any logical thought pattern and BAM!! You are gone. Lights out.
'everyone' is you deciding you think you know something and just sticking to it without any actual reason to think that if you actually read this forum.

But mostly I understand what you are saying and do agree. That is why I tell people to stick to AP and Reuters for anything they think they know to get all the reportable facts and draw their own conclusions. And not just get their information chewed up and spit into their open mouths like a baby bird by talking head hate mongers (Hannity, Levin, all the other right wing noise factory) or Russian propaganda rags like 'the Hill'.

Why did we build a wall to keep out people with an established underground system of moving people and drugs? What’s the wall going to do?
For Trump and his criminal conspirators to get their cut of the government contracts.

The troll at the top of the page decided to try to 'but Pelosi' Trump's act of sedition and the Republicans enabling him while denying the vote on the house Covid relief bill for months, so I figured I would post this here to see how full of shit the troll is.
We already knew he’s full of shit. After all he’s a Trump supporter. They’re all full of shit. The entire country caught on to their bullshit. Glad 45 is a thing of the past.
Guess who admitted to blocking Covid Aid to the American people for 8 months on 60 Minutes last night? Nancy Pelosi. There goes all of your false storyline that Trump refused aid during the pandemic to Americans. Pelosi admitted she was to blame. Of course she tried to take it back when she realized she had said it. Too late.
That’s because Trump and the Republicans wanted to push through even more PPP money and less money to individuals. The Republican plan was to give it ALL to businesses and let it “trickle down”. What a bunch of fucking morons republicans are. Of course Pelosi was going to block it and I’m glad she did. Fuck republicans trying to give more money to millionaires.
It's becoming clearly obvious that trump did not just incite these terrorists to commit acts of sedition, trump actively instructed people in his administration to block any additional resources to be deployed and they complied and were complicit in this attempted coup. Merrick Garland is going to be busy and before this is over there will be arrests of high level officials within the trump administration.

All of those that are able to be identified, charged, and convicted should spend their time at the worst federal prisons in the country. No Club Fed. Leavenworth or bust!