Donald Trump’s Suicide

No, I'm making fun of you for being a little whining bitch. You can hand it out but can't take the same coming back at your sniveling ass. Now go make me some Ho' Cakes.
Well nice job making fun of me. I’m completely wrecked as a person. Wow how can I possibly recover? Any suggestions?
Maybe you should post your bank statements again today Doug? Maybe start a thread so you can keep us all up to date. You could even brag and name drop all through the thread.
And where are the police reports, arrest records and court transcripts from any criminal case filed? Hmm?
A weak attempt to dodge. Oh, he's Individual 1, that's why. "I'm really rich" must impress you, even if it's a lie, so you must lie, too, it's what a cult member does. A secret, sealed indictment awaits your master after he's deposed. That's besides the state charges and multiple sexual cases waiting, including rape. Give it time and enjoy the ride, I know I will.
"I moved on her like a can do anything. Grab them by the pussy, anything", but you complain about Clinton receiving voluntary oral sex. Is that all you got? Trump is a pedophile rapist.
"I moved on her like a can do anything. Grab them by the pussy, anything", but you complain about Clinton receiving voluntary oral sex. Is that all you got? Trump is a pedophile rapist.
Was she 14 or 12? I’ll go look if you don’t know.
Liberal now means Marxist/Communists to me. Those who want to ban guns, ban free speech, kill 74 million Trump supporters and flood the nation with illegal alien invaders who will destroy the nation by overwhelming the social service systems by taking and not paying their share of taxes. I have seen the damage illegals have done while living near the Arizona border for two decades.

I came from a Democrat voting family and was a straight party voting Democrat until 1995-1996 when the story came out that Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval office from a 19 year old intern, I was forced to report to work for three weeks, working 16 hour mandatory shifts with overtime at no pay for a month as an essential government employee while Bill Clinton was sticking a cigar inside Monica Lewinsky. I promptly changed my voter registration from Democrat to no party preference and vowed to never vote for another Democrat.

My voting concerns are keep your fuckin hands off my guns, free speech, legalize weed, secure the border and stop letting illegal aliens in. Period. I have no issues with taxing the filthy rich, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Dorsey, Musk and two thousand other likely billionaires at an 80% tax bracket with zero write offs after they make their first billion.

Weed is fully legalized in the last four states I have lived in. California, Michigan, Arizona and South Dakota.

From this thread I learned that apparently the majority of people who post here are against free speech, want to murder 74 million Americans, take away the legal right to own guns and want an invasion of diseased illegal aliens to flood the Southern border of the United States and destroy the country. I also learned that many members here that attack America live in other countries and hate us.

got it