Done or not done…Tis the question


New Member
Yea I’m new, and no I don’t know everything (to start)
A friend of a friend grew plants, did the whole process, then used the butane process to extract honey, then after the honey process apparently he used boiling water to break the honey down and add terpines, said temp got to around 200 degrees during this process. My question is (being I do not know this process at all) do I still need to decarb before using in edibles? Or doing this process is it already considered decarbed?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Add terpenes?

I never tried decarbing BHO

If you are making edibles why would you care about flavor profile?


WELCOME to RIU :weed:


New Member
So I make gummy bears from scratch, and the temp I have to use and can’t give any clearance on is 160 degrees that’s why I’m trying to figure it out, if the said above process is “already decarbing” the oil then I can’t decarb again then it’ll be worthless as far as buzz it’ll just make you sleepy, but if I need to decarb and don’t, then it’ll just go to waste…lol and I do not know the details in these processes

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
So I make gummy bears from scratch, and the temp I have to use and can’t give any clearance on is 160 degrees that’s why I’m trying to figure it out, if the said above process is “already decarbing” the oil then I can’t decarb again then it’ll be worthless as far as buzz it’ll just make you sleepy, but if I need to decarb and don’t, then it’ll just go to waste…lol and I do not know the details in these processes
Well I'm no help cause I never made edibles from BHO
Plenty with Ice Hash though
It sounds like you needed to decarb and make that vs BHO


Well-Known Member
Butane ewwwwww , doing it wrong right off the bat but why would you need to do the process again?!, to make edibles ummmm...I think not.