Don't advertise your meds on CList in AZ!!!

Stop lying you dont have any family or friends, thats why nobody likes you.

Don't feed the troll. I have added this loser to ignore list. If anyone else wants to all you have to do is click on his name then view profile then over the the left there is a list of options one of which is add to ignore list. Click it then it will ask if ur sure then click yes and now I never see his posts.
You guys should have a competition:
Take two caged racoons, blow smoke from your most prized harvest into the cage while taunting the animals w/ cheetos.
The racoon that eats the most cheetos is an obvious indication of which grower is better/ has the better product.
You guys should have a competition:
Take two caged racoons, blow smoke from your most prized harvest into the cage while taunting the animals w/ cheetos.
The racoon that eats the most cheetos is an obvious indication of which grower is better/ has the better product.
you like the new season? the last couple of episodes have been strange. not a bad narrative before that.
you like the new season? the last couple of episodes have been strange. not a bad narrative before that.
Definately up and down this season, not to mention a little all over the place; still enjoyable.

Now that people understand the raccoon comment...
This is how I picture the typical individuals (trolls):
Zachary the "master grower" when I saw this, RIU immediately came to mind (minus the lab coat)..
Screen shot 2012-09-19 at 10.11.48 AM.pngScreen shot 2012-09-19 at 10.13.07 AM.png
I had some extra meds a few months back & craigslisted them. Just keep your words safe. I printed up butter & tincture recipes. After getting an e-mail of the card from the card holder we would meet, at this point I would see the card then proceed to explain they could purchase these recipes. I would hand them a clip board with the options $45 tincture recipe $85 butter recipe. At this point they would check the selection & sign the bottom. I would then donate an amount determined by recipe choice for them to try out with the recipe.

Never sell medicine!
Only donate or trade.

This was a while ago but if this harvest I am doing now gets crazy I wouldn't be afraid to do it again.

If anyone thinks there is another step to take feel free to let me know.

& my listing is nice & vague with lots of disclaimers & an e-mail address.
Free or it's not for me!!

The "Nothing in value can be exchanged" POLICE force will be hot on your tail!
So much for our free enterprise system. Lets see, I can go to the hydro store and spend $10k on equipment to grow my own meds. I can spend months and months learning the ins and outs of how to produce good quality product. I can spend a bunch of extra $$ on my power bill. But hey, some govt. peeps say I can't sell my product...I have to give it away...WTF! is there anyone out there that see's something wrong with this?

Govt. involvement in our lives has gotten out of control. There's an agency for everything you can imagine, and in the case of the great war on drugs there are multiple agencies with insane manpower, plenty of time, outrageous funding looking for people to catch so they get more govt. funding so they can do it again.
So much for our free enterprise system. Lets see, I can go to the hydro store and spend $10k on equipment to grow my own meds. I can spend months and months learning the ins and outs of how to produce good quality product. I can spend a bunch of extra $$ on my power bill. But hey, some govt. peeps say I can't sell my product...I have to give it away...WTF! is there anyone out there that see's something wrong with this?

Govt. involvement in our lives has gotten out of control. There's an agency for everything you can imagine, and in the case of the great war on drugs there are multiple agencies with insane manpower, plenty of time, outrageous funding looking for people to catch so they get more govt. funding so they can do it again.

I know, it's totally absurd.
Yah, it's ridiculous mainly because theres no way away from it. Both democrats and republicans are pushing for big government these days... I don't know if we'll ever see an independent candidate, but this country is being driven into the ground by big gov't.
I think we are the choir here.

Every clone I have ever acquired was via CL. I have had better luck on CL than registering at any club web site. I fear for anyone just trying to get equity for his efforts.

CL 'instant caregivers' get savaged here for selling inferior pest ridden strains even as they are warned about drug stings. Business must still be brisk, I see the same phone number when I look. Hopefully, the feds put an end to this madness soon, and reschedule. Everyone has something at risk.