Don't advertise your meds on CList in AZ!!!

You like trimming your nugs that close fresh and wet?

I know there are many ways to trim and dry, but I've found the method that gives the best flavor is to leave the smaller fan leaves on to dry and wrap around the buds, then when crispy, you can go at it and get as close as you want, and it seems to preserve the terpene profile much better. Could just be placebo effect, but I felt like my nugs done that way tasted better.

I do man, and I trim again after they dry before they cure. Some call this a "manicure" I find it provides the best looking finished product. I like my buds well buddy for lack of a better word. I hate getting buds that are not trimmed tight. Also from my understanding leaves retain Nitrogen, High levels Nitrogen can cause your bud to have that "leafy" taste. I could be wrong about that though but thats my reasoning behind my tight trim from the start. I will give your way a go with one of the colas though and let you know If I find a difference in the flavor sir. If you are over A HB testers will go out in Oct. Thanks for the insight man
You like trimming your nugs that close fresh and wet?

I know there are many ways to trim and dry, but I've found the method that gives the best flavor is to leave the smaller fan leaves on to dry and wrap around the buds, then when crispy, you can go at it and get as close as you want, and it seems to preserve the terpene profile much better. Could just be placebo effect, but I felt like my nugs done that way tasted better.

Thats what I do.
You cant even purchase meds in Cali with a just a Cali MMJ card you literally have to bring in a certificate with your " rec number "

They spot out of towners from a mile away! I went in to a spot over the weekend with just my name... ! No rec No ID! Get in the System !
They spot out of towners from a mile away! I went in to a spot over the weekend with just my name... ! No rec No ID! Get in the System !

If a patient has been to that dispensary before they have you in the system , but if you go to a new one they ask you for that certificate with the Doctors name and REC no.
Is this Smokey the bear fagvot for real? For his sake I hope his whole screen name and everything he posts is a joke. How many retards are in this state?
if i could slap you i would...
like im so entertained with you wanting me to try and "" " par " " up with your vegetable garden.
and not to mention youre the only one trying to brag here.
which means you have defense issues. your obviously offended and you cant handle it.
well stop looking at my crop and fix your own....
seriously get a clue.
I think ypu need the clue asshole. Ur setup and plants are a fucking joke. Now call me a loser and tell me how ur five plants baby grow is the shit. I smoke more weed in a week than you harvest in two months. Ur a joke and I hope you realize it soon to save urself the embarrassment you are making.
Yeah Snackers I have seen Irieie's shit in person and smelled his cured flowers, dude aint no fucking beginner. All you're doing is talking shit. Can anyone here vouch for your shit?? Several people who post here can for Irieie's shit , not so much yours.

Slap me...woah bro dont get mad. Get at me at harvest pffft you wont get with me at harvest son you are not in my league, we arent even playing the same sport, I would go as far to say as we re not even playing the same game with the grow room you have. haha fucking 5 plants haha This is a corner of my Vegg room...

And whats with the homo youtube video?





^With that being said.Cool story bro, Second Harvest huh....hahaha and let me just say your current grow is so very impressive , I mean where to start.... we could start with the best part... the johnny cash poster lol or house paint color walls. you look like you a master of your trade. In that room a "big boy harvest" hahaha fuckin fat chance hahaha hope your third harvest goes well for you, I would be worried with those lanky ass plants though...but still I wish you the best of luck you will need it :rolleyes: Thanks for the laughs man.

jesus snackers and redbull you guys are like growing on a third grade level and arguing about whos shitty macaroni picture is better. you both equally suck so shut up. and go buy some real pots and stop growing in random pales and buckets
The stupidity and ignorance of people ceases to amaze me. This guy has got to be a mult account trolling because no one can actually be this retarded.
jesus snackers and redbull you guys are like growing on a third grade level and arguing about whos shitty macaroni picture is better. you both equally suck so shut up. and go buy some real pots and stop growing in random pales and buckets

Ouch man, that hurts I'm sorry you think so lowly of me:oops: haha
Don't hate the multiuser, hate the system.. Why they allow 2 accounts with the same IP amazes me.

Too many members to track everyone's IP. Plus this is an international site and many people use a proxy. I cpuld use a proxy from az that says I am in Sweden. Its how one would download pirated content without being tracked.

I do man, and I trim again after they dry before they cure. Some call this a "manicure" I find it provides the best looking finished product. I like my buds well buddy for lack of a better word. I hate getting buds that are not trimmed tight. Also from my understanding leaves retain Nitrogen, High levels Nitrogen can cause your bud to have that "leafy" taste. I could be wrong about that though but thats my reasoning behind my tight trim from the start. I will give your way a go with one of the colas though and let you know If I find a difference in the flavor sir. If you are over A HB testers will go out in Oct. Thanks for the insight man

I agree with all this. I trim very close when wet and then "manicure" when dry. I dried with leaving the small leaves etc but I got complaints so I switched back. Do it right and clean that shit first as some like to leave a little leaf to add weight ;)
Whether dry trim or wet trim I think a nice manicure before the cure is necessary. Plus personally I want those small sugar leaves for goodies.
thats because everyone on this website is a bunch of egotistical fucking slum bags its hilarious. ive been through about 8 acocunts on this website just to fuck with all of you retards on my down time.
because its fucking great.
before i go to bed ill take ten minutes to get an arise out of you dick weeds.
im 6 months into growing and you faggots can suck my nuts its just hilarious.....

and nobody vouches for my shit cause i dont share it with nobody but my family and firends. and well they all have lives so they dont need to waste any imature time bragging about here.
my flowers is fuckin prime and i smoke good bitch :weed:

Stop lying you dont have any family or friends, thats why nobody likes you.