Don't be like this guy


Active Member
all i can say is wow.......why is it always the girls causing trouble.....who the hell calls the cops when they know their house has a huge grow room in the basement?


christ those hazmat suits were a tad excessive!
although I'm not surprised...I lived not too far from bucks county a few years back and the law enforcement there always did seem to either be a bunch of nazis or to just have their heads up their asses.


Active Member
"thats just over the top silly, i wonder if they really think they need them? "

I thought it was ridiculous too, but apparently its to avoid poisoning from CO2 intense grows, where the levels can fuck you up...
Here in south uk the new police thing seems to be that they reckon vietnamese gangs booby trap and mine [!] their grow houses [EDIT: oops I mean 'cannabis factories'] in case the fuzz show up, so when they raid they sometimes do it real sneaky and careful, like HAZMAT + bomb squad combined into the ultimate paranoid bastard team


the suits are a ploy against the people, conspiracy stuff but remember the "War on Drugs" make the public see whatever and they will BEeeeleeeEive! I can go on and on and rant on and on about government conspiracy etc etc etc how to make self sufficient robots out of everyone and drive that war machine towards the pursuit of Wealth, Greed and World Domination lol


Active Member
I bet the chief was like, well we got all this extra taxpayer money lets just suit everyone up for shits and giggles.


Well-Known Member
dudes got all high on their own bust and thought it would be funny. they were all in the basement giggling, "dude, lets put on the haz-mat suits. it will be hella funny". hehehhehehehhhehehe bongsmilie


Active Member
my mate's got some suits like these for his job spraying furniture and stuff, complete with masks :)

he's thinking, go with a team in the back of a van, jump out and start scanning people in the town centre with pretend radiation measurer thingys,
or maybe spill a few shiny coffee flasks with DANGER VIRUS stickers all over them, and then leg it to the van and cane it off down the road


Active Member
Thats got to hurt, all of that weed gone. All over a piece of ass. When Im 60some years old I hope that I'm wise enough not to let a young nieve girl 1/3 my age live with me in a commercial grow house.


Active Member
I know I feel safer now that all of those "hazardous materials" are off the s....... uhh ...... Outta the hands of k....... uhh ... Out of his basement??


they KNOW that they are unneccesary. its all for show. propaganda for the easily led.

Yep, all for show. Sends out a message to the easily influenced. They see it and think it's so toxic they have to wear hazmat suits just to handle. Kind of like those stupid commercials they have on radio right now. About how you sound to other people while you are on dope. Shows you just how out of touch with reality some people really are.