Don't do it in your Dorm!!


Well-Known Member
idiots, just plain and simple.
Don't shit were you eat!!
animals learned that why can't people


Well-Known Member
ya i dunno, something darwinistic about cooking up some dmt in your dorm. seems, i dunno, unnaturally stupid.


New Member
For it to smell that much they must have left lids opens all the time... its not hard to control the smell thays only there for a min. They fucked up hard lol


Well-Known Member
Seriously and all they would need is a fan blowing out the window. They were probably baked though while making it and forgot about putting lids back on :lol:


Well-Known Member
Lol. I used to smoke (alot of us did) in the dorms back when I was in college. The RA on other floor was a dealer! :lol: Great times. Now I hear they're really strict at a college campus; zero tolerance and all that bullshit.


New Member
sigh... pot is so bad for you i feel guilty everytime i blaze the pipe... 0 tolerance people should fucking die even though places like college have to keep it 0 tolrence if they want to recieve their aid and money lenders.


Well-Known Member
You dont need to "cook" anything though to make dmt... its not like meth.
i suppose your right, i stand corrected =P
for what its worth i have a big whopping 0% experience with dmt of any shape or form. just aware of it as being a popular hallucinogen lol


Well-Known Member
If your producing dmt in high amounts... then the naptha use can omit a strong odor. Point being dont' fucking set up lab in one of the most prestigious schools in America... do that shit in secrecary... thought those fools would of been smarter! By the way, there are better things to use besides naptha as a solvent!


Well-Known Member
I might bring to the board different solvents and reagents and there up's and down's as oppose to there extraction uses in different botantical alchemy extractions. From there we can see what's the best fit for your occasion!


Well-Known Member
If I had to guess they were doing a xylene extraction, which does stink up the whole place.