don't fall for the yearly doctor checkup bullshit!

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Well-Known Member
There is a lot of doctors out there that want you to come in at year 1 of your card, even though it's valid for 2 year's saying that your card would be invalid if you don't go, well it's a bunch of bullshit and your card is valid for that 2 years you don't need to follow up with your doctor for it to be anymore valid, they are just trying to scare patients into coughing up to $100 which is a complete shame.

Not sure how many of your doctors are doing that and how many people have actually did it, but the michgan wellness center in flint does it, they will send you a letter a few month's before the year I wish I had a copy of it still.
ya that sounds pretty typical. most "medications" are monitored. for example a child on adderall gets checkups fpr weight gain overall development, psychological assessment etc and determine if the medication should be continued along with therapy, he may also be tested to make sure he is taking the meds and whats happening in the body. ideally meds should be taken at the lowest dose and for as short a period as possible

when attempting to legitimize med use of cannabis i feel thats exactly how we should proceed. as far as other meds go, cannabis would have a high risk of abuse or illegal distribution. and we should treat it like other meds...including the long list of possible side effects and warnings
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I'm going to chime in here. The follow up visits are a very good idea to protect your card.

The law is very specific- The doctor is REQUIRED to have a reasonable expectation that they can provide follow up on your certification. This is to check the efficacy and monitor and clearly makes sense if cannabis is to be viewed as a medication. There is NO LEGAL REQUIREMENT that the patient follows through and does it, but it is strongly recommended.

From a legal aspect as a doctor I simply have to recommend and be available for follow up. From a patient aspect, your chances of a successful section 8 defense are better if you can show you did some sort of follow up with the doctor that certified you. It isn't a fatal flaw in your defense if you do not, but it clearly looks better and improves your odds if you do.

Our approach to this issues is that we recommend follow up of some kind. We do not charge for it, and we strongly encourage it- not because there is danger with cannabis, but because we are able to better show the bonafide relationship if it ever comes to a section 8.

Hundreds of our patients do follow up every month. We have a system that allows them to check in with us on line and we see them for free and write a note in the office. It is a service we provide free of charge to protect our patients and we strong advise them to take advantage of it.

Hope that helps.

Dr. Bob
when attempting to legitimize med use of cannabis i feel thats exactly how we should proceed. as far as other meds go, cannabis would have a high risk of abuse or illegal distribution. and we should treat it like other meds...including the long list of possible side effects and warnings
so you would regulate cannabis rather than the full decriminalization?
are you asking if i would desire children to have full access to cannabis as they would an aspirin?
no certainly not..
in the same way i believe its "wrong" to drive while on it.
if using it(cannabis) as actual medicine there are strings that come along with it. obviously i dont feel a recreational user should have to go through any hoops as with alcohol.

my statement was more conditional, not really reflecting my views of legalization but just how med matients should proceed. treating it as other medications.. with prescription pain meds you should see a pain management doc and get evaluated, whats your pain at etc. why would you hope to get medical cannabis but hope it to be long term treatment or treat it as a chronic medication? a check up only seems natural. if it is chronic you should still see where you stand... hopefully that made sense, i condensed my previous edit
$50 for me as well, and I agree with Dr Bob, I have developed a patient Doctor relationship. I fax in monthly followup reports. which , in a few sentences I report what form of medicine Im taking and how it is working.
Should I have to go in front of a judge, I feel the more paper work I have, cant hurt
$50 for me as well, and I agree with Dr Bob, I have developed a patient Doctor relationship. I fax in monthly followup reports. which , in a few sentences I report what form of medicine Im taking and how it is working.
Should I have to go in front of a judge, I feel the more paper work I have, cant hurt

Excellent. This is good groundwork to lay in the event you ever have to go to court. Note on the cost of follow ups. There is nothing wrong with charging for them. They are office visits. We chose not to charge to make it very clear we wanted the patients to take advantage of them for their own protection. That was simply a policy I implemented, along with our on-line follow ups, newsletters, very active website keeping folks up to date, etc. We even developed software specific to certifications designed to create all the documentation needed for a Section 8. Good practices do things like that.

Dr. Bob
what does faxing, or sending in your doctor your recent or new things for? most of them don't even look at your paperwork to begin with I'll bet 90% don't care as long as it will back them up, even if the doctor does care what would sending in your paperwork do to help anything, they either give you a card or don't nothing else, I'll admit mmmp is a joke anyone with money can get one. If you even had to submit more paperwork to consider it bona-fied or a yearly follow up your sadly mistaken.
Beginning to think you have adult onset autism Ryan, where you drinking the water there in flint?

Doctor patient relationship is paramount, remembrance your trying to use mj as medicine not a way to get high.
what does faxing, or sending in your doctor your recent or new things for? most of them don't even look at your paperwork to begin with I'll bet 90% don't care as long as it will back them up, even if the doctor does care what would sending in your paperwork do to help anything, they either give you a card or don't nothing else, I'll admit mmmp is a joke anyone with money can get one. If you even had to submit more paperwork to consider it bona-fied or a yearly follow up your sadly mistaken.

Faxing the documents creates the necessary paper trail for them to protect you in a Section 8. If you truly don't think they care, perhaps you should look at finding a doctor that does. We reviewed every update.

Dr. Bob
There is a lot of doctors out there that want you to come in at year 1 of your card, even though it's valid for 2 year's saying that your card would be invalid if you don't go, well it's a bunch of bullshit and your card is valid for that 2 years you don't need to follow up with your doctor for it to be anymore valid, they are just trying to scare patients into coughing up to $100 which is a complete shame.

Not sure how many of your doctors are doing that and how many people have actually did it, but the michgan wellness center in flint does it, they will send you a letter a few month's before the year I wish I had a copy of it still.

I go to the Dr. In Mount Morris and when I took my friend to get his card I saw he had a sign up saying that you need to visit at least once a year to keep a good Dr./patient relationship. I asked him why this was he said that his office has been under scrutiny lately from the state. He post the signs to make it look like his office is complying with all guidelines. Maybe it was the truth maybe not, anyway my ass is only going to see him every 2 years.
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