Don't know if you all will answer

Ok don't know if any one will answer this but I was woundering for those that grow. 1. Has anyone on here been busted? How much did you get busted with what did you get out of it? If you haven't been poped how long you been growing?


Well-Known Member
I got caught in Hawaii in 1983. Pissed a few people off cause I clammed up and wouldn't cooperate.
First offense for 2 ozs. A $15,000 fine and two years in prison.


Well-Known Member
Damn man umm laws are pretty strict for growing especially if things like scales, baggies, bongs and blunts are found. Cultivation, distribution and use in general all have different penalties and they will stick you with as much as they can.


Well-Known Member
Yea man the states don't play about weed, they have it listed as a schedule 1 narcotic with things like heroin and cocaine...its pretty stupid to me.


Well-Known Member
Good to be a little paranoid:) when in doubt ditch your grow and wait to see if anything goes down. damn insane laws over a harmless plant.