Dont know what to do with these mushroom cakes :|


Well-Known Member
What the hell do I do with them? they are pretty big jars, Id say about 25oz jars. Anyways, they ARE fully caked sorry no pictures cameras broken. Anyways, its the wrong type of jar. And the top like caves over, so I need to break it open.. thatll be fun.. Anyways where do I put them to let them grow? I always use a fish tank so I think thats what I am gonig to do, but I dont want infection.. What are some ways to prevent that?

I know they are kinda noobish questions but I need some help with this.

there are two jars so thatll be enough for our group of like 4 people, its a group project :p Its their jars and spores and such so I didnt get to help them in the beggining.. Then they gave them to me 'as a present' which of course Im going to share with them.
do you have a cover for your fish tank to seal it up? like to simulate a rubbermaid container?
do the research!!! a fishtank will work fine. you want to sanatize it then line the bottom with perelite and a few good splashes of water. you can put chicken wire over the perelite and set the cakes on that. Keep the conditions right and you will have a beautiful bounty.
do the research!!! a fishtank will work fine. you want to sanatize it then line the bottom with perelite and a few good splashes of water. you can put chicken wire over the perelite and set the cakes on that. Keep the conditions right and you will have a beautiful bounty.

You want to soak the perlite.
look up different "Tek" fruiting chambers
you have the substrate colonized so now you just need to break it up over a new substrate and cover with a case layer of vermiculite with a ph buffer depending on what kind you are growing the ph may not be neccesary. Keep the environment sealed with little light, high humidity, and keep your temps between 76-85 and start to fan fresh air in every other day but be careful not to infect the mushies! a HEPA filter is a must! look for pins sprouting and spray whenever the humidity drops.
DONT SPRAY MUSHROOMS HEAVILY ! super fine mist spray and gently do this
once the cap opens and drops its spores you can harvest and continue the same regiment for a continuous flush "harvest" every couple weeks
You can usually continue harvesting many times as long as you can keep them alive and wait for their spores to drop
I would just buy a storage tub and turn that into a FC(fruiting chamber), because you are going to need a shit load of FAE(fresh air exchange) if there is no pollyfilled/tyveked holes on it.
But yes if you dont have a strainer to soak the perlite in, fill up a pillow case with it and soak it in that.

If you were going to break open the jar and fruit them as cakes, your going to want to make sure they are 100% solid before breaking them out (there is another route you can go if they are not solid).
Just set up a bucket of water, and dunk the cakes in there for 24 hrs, then after that you need to roll them in dry vermiculite kinda like you would roll chicken in breading.
Then you need to put a piece of tin foil (or something so the cakes are NOT touching the perlite) inside the FC, then put the cake on top of that.
After about 30 minutes of it being into the FC, your going to need to mist it, dont mist it too much, but dont straight up soak it either. You're also going to want to mist the perlite some, and mist all the sides of the FC.
Now to maintain proper RH(relative humidity) and FAE, your going to need to mist at least twice a day, and fan at least 5 times a day. You should pick up an analog hygrometer and maybe a thermometer to keep track, you want the RH to be above 80% before pins show, and after pins show you want it to be 90-99% RH.
Do the first misting of the day BEFORE the first fanning of the day, then do the last misting before the last fanning of the day (always remember, mist before fan, you want to create evaporation)

Now, if you broke it open and it was not a full cake, your going to have to go with a bulk tray. Or you could also go this way if you want to.
Your going to want to have 2 sterile mixing bowls, in one bowl, put the mycelium chunks in there and break them up as much as you can.
In the other bowl, your going to want field capacity verm (1 : 1 , colonized sub : field capacity verm).
Then your going to combine them both, and mix THOROUGHLY.
Once you finished mixing, put that mix into a tray of some sort and spread it out evenly.
Cover the top with tin foil, poke some holes for FAE.
Your going to want to let that colonize until its 100% colonized (should take 3-10 days).
Then, take the tin foil off, and then get out your mixing bowl again! your going to need to mix up enough field capacity verm to cover the top of the colonized tray with 1/4" of it.
Once you mixed up your field capacity verm, put it on the top of the colonized tray (1/4" layer). You do not want to pack it down at ALL! you want it to be pretty fluffy so the myc can come through it quickly.
Now just put it into your FC and make sure the RH is above 80% before pins form and 90-99% RH once mushrooms are growing.

Sorry if it's hard to read :p If you need any help just PM me.
Btw, there is more ways to do this, PLENTY of more ways, this is just the simplest and cheapest way, it is also the way I just did (bulk way).