dont know what to do !


Well-Known Member
Looks like nutrient deficiency. I'd recommend Foxfarm nutrients as that's what I used when I grew in soil. Next time you should use better soil (I'd recommend Foxfarm again) and mix in some perlite as well as additives that contain nutrients like bat guano or peat moss. Look up soil mixtures. You're going to need more powerful lighting too which will require some sort of cooling since your temps are already higher than I aim for.


so are you saying i should transplant into foxfarm soil ? Now ? Or wait this one out and use that soil for the next run ? This little set up was just a " let me see if i can do this ?". since then, i have purchased 2 balasts, 1 hood deflector, 1000 w set up ! i figured go big and dont mess around
Theres a lot of leaves on that clone for only being two weeks old. I usally cut them much smaller . the less leaves the better is what ive been told. it does'nt have the roots to feed all those leaves or take 1000 watts yet. I would also say its pretty risky to trasplant now. i would wait for them to get a little healthier and maybe lose a couple larger fan leaves. FOXFARM FOR LIFE!! mg sux!


Active Member
What are you feeding it now? Also, what type of light system you have? Did the clones have good roots?


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm is not the only thing U can use (not knocking FF just giving options) ProMix, SunshineMix amongst others are good options. Your temps are also a little high, should be below 80.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I haven't used it, so can't speak from experience, but everything I read mostly just says to stay away from anything that says potting MIX, and try to avoid the stuff that says it provides "x weeks of nutrients". Reasoning being that you want to control the nutrients going into your plants, not some time release soil additive. Also get something sterilized, and if possible something that has a PH of 6.5. PH can be adjusted by mixing the soil with limestone based products or acidics like peat, figure this out in the mix, before you plant in it. I believe miraclegro is mostly nutrient release products (though I could be wrong).

My limited experience seems to show that you can approach this kinda two ways. You can work with and learn about the soil and additives, and give plants a perfect growing medium, and just do the mobile macro nuts as needed. Or you can go primarily with inert mediums (perlite, coco, etc), and add all the things the plants needs through additives when watering. Both have advantages and disadvantages, most of them are fairly apparent.


Well-Known Member
so are you saying i should transplant into foxfarm soil ? Now ? Or wait this one out and use that soil for the next run ? This little set up was just a " let me see if i can do this ?". since then, i have purchased 2 balasts, 1 hood deflector, 1000 w set up ! i figured go big and dont mess around
It's probably too late to transplant now so I'd just stick with the miracle grow. You should definitely read up on soil mixtures and nutrients for your next grow. Props for going big on the light. It's going to get insanely hot though, do you have some way to cool it?