Don't like Canadians?


Active Member
Heh I can't believe this thread has gone on for 12 pages... :(

I don't see how country of origin can mean more than the personality of the person.....

and yes I was actually wearing a toque while writing this ;)


Well-Known Member
Canada was the first country in the world to legalize medicinal marijuana where it had been illegal.

Your country is the reason it's illegal.

Show some fucking respect :)


Well-Known Member
hey I never said we dont have some Goofy shit :)
But you know you guys have some of those also :)

and I wasn't stereotyping, most of that stuff is facts, stereotyping would be saying your all fat, fast food eating rednecks. <-- which I dont believe, because like you said.. its stereotyping

lol @ that picture. that mcdonalds isn't even in america.. look at the sign on the window


Well-Known Member
only a small part of cali is desert.

hot chicks come to hollywood because WE HAVE HOLLYWOOD.

who in their right mind wants to stay cold year round? you don't enjoy water skiing?

in terms of weed, .... HA

if your biggest export is lumber to the US and the US housing market crashed, what does that mean for the lumber industry?
when i have the money, ill have a winter home by the equator. and in the summer, it will be in cali. :)

--the northern states suck tbh. the best states are on the west coast and the east coast. everywhere else is kinda lame. unless you like driving and views. which is always awesome with weed, except weed is illegal. california is one of the best states, best weed, best stuff to do, and if marijuana becomes legal in november, california will be the newest biggest amsterdam and canada with better weed. :)


Well-Known Member
Amsterdam and Canada are pretty different as far as weed prosecution goes.

Passing the initiative in California would make it the most weed legal place in the world. Weed friendly may be another story though, especially once our federal government gets involved.

Neat fact of the day: Weed isn't legal in Amsterdam!