Don't Say Gay

I know but I have to report it..there's can't mention race at work bill..quite the little banana republic he's making..he and Donald.

After 35 years in South Florida it's been hard in every way imaginable..the hardest thing I've ever done, and at such a late time in life (to leave), but I've never looked back.
@cawolves is correct to a point. Has nothing to do with grooming sexuality though. See section 3.

It looks like it's being "Politicized". Seems similar to the disinformation on Critical Race Theory being "taught to children in grade school" when it's a purely post secondary option in most cases.

Bullshit is being fed in every walk of life now here in the West. And folks who do not have the wherewithal or critical thinking skills to look into it or the social conscience to stop the spread of bullshit are helping to tear down the very fabric of society we used to know.