Supreme Court Anyone?


Well-Known Member
So, the campaign issue has drastically changed now. No longer is it about policy, or who's too old. It's about the fundamental principal that no one is above the law. Now, it's truly about the forward momentum of the American Experiment. Does the voting public want to keep it going? The most important election in the nation's history. Not hyperbole.

It being the most important in your nations history may be an understatement. The emoluments clause no longer applies with that immunity, how much would Xi or Putin pay to someone that is commander in chief of the American military if Xi or Putin decided it was time to expand their countries borders knowing US weapons would not be a concern? Closer to home, how much would the cartels pay for a bit more free reign? In essentially every other election those questions are beyond hyperbole. This election decides if the US becomes no different than Russia or not. Yikes.


Well-Known Member
It being the most important in your nations history may be an understatement. The emoluments clause no longer applies with that immunity, how much would Xi or Putin pay to someone that is commander in chief of the American military if Xi or Putin decided it was time to expand their countries borders knowing US weapons would not be a concern? Closer to home, how much would the cartels pay for a bit more free reign? In essentially every other election those questions are beyond hyperbole. This election decides if the US becomes no different than Russia or not. Yikes.
To show this is not a just the thoughts of a crazy person, five billion was the number that was reportedly put out there by team TFFG to not run again. If he gets back in, what's the chance he leaves office without getting at least 5 billion? Anything less and he would think of it as losing money.

"His team had somehow created a back channel into the Trump operation and returned with the not terribly Earth-shattering news that Donald Trump might indeed have his price: $5 billion. Or so Sam was told by his team."

Putting my tinfoil hat on, the real fireworks wouldn't start until after November 2026 midterms; the most honest, fair, and secure midterm election ever. The risk of impeachment will be essentially zero.

Enough of my non-sense, people will see and understand the choice they have in November.