Dont think Im doing so well :( Suggestions?

Well im quite dissapointed.. but im just a noob, help is needed please

My plant is at 2nd week flowering, and I dont see it getting to as big as all the other plants I´ve seen at 7 weeks, etc. Dont know why. Also the plant seems to be quite smaller, im a noob growing outdoors.

I am also getting quite a few bugs as can be seen in the pictures below, but have sprayed tobacco water on it for 2 days in a row now and it seems to be getting clear of the mites.

Anyway here are the pics:

Please give me suggestions, should I start feeding more? I use Urea pearly things, I used a handful a week ago and it got nute burn.



Po boy

Well-Known Member
your plant looks fine. a little small due to the short daylight hours when you planted. next year try to sow a seed the first of april and watch what happens by the end of june. that's when i get my maximum yield. you still have time to grow a high yielding plant. GL


Well-Known Member
Be careful with the tobacco water since it is actually poisonous to pets and people. I use parathion, it's organic and is made from crysanthemum plants and it's cost effective. As for your outside growing, what have you used for fertilizer?
Be careful with the tobacco water since it is actually poisonous to pets and people. I use parathion, it's organic and is made from crysanthemum plants and it's cost effective. As for your outside growing, what have you used for fertilizer?
Just a bit of urea from now and then, I think I should put more in though. How poisnous is tabacco I dont use a mask but I hold my breath when I spray it.