Don't think plants are looking well...


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm really new at growing so please excuse my lack of knowledge and understanding, I'm trying to learn.

I picked up a few clones a few days ago and I'm not sure about their wellness. The leaves are almost spiraling down and have a yellowish tint to them in some places. I have two fluorescent lights above them and I have them in MG moisture control soil, which I know I'm going to take heat for since some people love it, and some hate it. I will try and post a few pictures if I can figure out how. I'm trying to do the best I can with what I have, money is tight since my back injury and I can't afford all the bells and whistles that most can. So if you could take a look at the pics and let me know your feedback I would greatly appreciate it, and please be gentle since I am the newbie on the block. Hah.



Active Member
yo man, its usual for clones to look a bit like shit a few days into transplanting them, as they have emptied most of their stored up nutrients from their leaves to grow roots & a little extra growth. Yours look like they are planted into a tad hot soil tho, since from what i can see they are wretching in pain from too much fetilizer. ow ow ow, that burns. hehe.
(i assume miracle gro has a few nutrients in it, as ive never used it. if not, dont listen to me :D)

They will probably pick up after a few waterings and after they pick up some growth, but be sure to feed them well with pure water for a few waterings, and some of that shit will come out.

Also, there are some spots on the leaves which for me would seem like thrips, so be sure to check under your leaves for black markings (thats their shit ;). Probably its just from nutrient under- and the overdose though.

Also, be very diligent with you pH, as the babies cant pick up nutrients if the pH is off, and you will experience nutrient deficiencies/overdose. Which isnt good for the young ones so eager to grow into adulthood.
Good luck on your grow, probably it will go excellent, and you will have smoke & better finances for next grow.



New Member
The black spots you see on the leaves are actually just some of the soil that fell off my hands when I was putting them in the soil. I don't have bugs....yet. Hah.

So if the nutrients are being irritating to the plants, should I over water and kind of flush the soil or is it better to just wait and see what happens? Right now I'm watering about every 2-3 days with about a cup or so.

Like I said guys, I'm really new at this and I think I'm over my head since I've never planted anything in my life. Hah. I'm reading up as much as I can and doing my best with what I have. I REALLY appreciate your feedback and welcome more...positive or negative, it's the only way I'll learn. Thanks again.


Active Member
Water with pH 6.5 until you have a fair stream of water running out of the bottom of your containers. that will flush some away, but i dont overdo it, every 2-3 days is fine. wait for the soil to be dry first, as the roots dig deeper this way, searching for water :)

Jus Naturale

Active Member
Be careful trying to flush with MG, or any other time-release fert. for that matter. The way they work is that when you water, it dissolves some of the slow-release food pellets, releasing the nutrients into the soil. But, if you overwater, you'll be releasing far too many, which will cause the exact opposite! You'd then have months worth of nutes in the soil, which would burn the heck out of your plants!

Good luck and happy growing!