dont wanna lose my plant


Active Member
I am a first time grower. My plant is 2 feet high in soil and the lower leaves are yellowing working there way up, the very bottom leaves turning white now. The top half is perfectly green. At first i thought I over fertalized it. I think it is overwatered. It started pooring out once I found out what was happening to it. Is there a way to dry out soil. I was watering it everyday, will the color come back in the leaves if i let it dry out. I NEED HELP. I DONT WANNA LOSE MY PLANT


Well-Known Member
Well its normal to loose some lower leaves,post a pic if you can,it could just need some nitrogen.You should let it dry out and see if that helps(if its overwatering)It doesnt sound like you over fertilized or you would notice some nute burn.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well that depends I like fish emulsion 5-1-1,but I dont use it currently because my plants are unattended(guerilla)and animals would try to dig it up,Try some MG its cheap but works well just make sure you only use half of what the recommended dose is and with every feeding increase the amount you use. :peace:


Active Member
I use miracle grow once a week right now but im stopping everything in hopes that the soil will dry up and that was the problem. Is there a quick way to dry up the soil or is it just the waiting game. Where would I get MG and what exactly is it. Ive read a couple minutes ago that white leaves could mean iron defficiency. ill try to get a pic


Active Member
This is kinda what it looks like but the its a lot taller and solid green at the top and it gets lighter toward the bottom. This isnt my plant but it looks like whats happening to it


stays relevant.

there is no way i could contribute anything to this thread after seeing this. perhaps when more pictures are posted.


Well-Known Member
I think you should let dry for a week then hit it with some fert.
walmart carries a 9 1 1 powdered fish emulsion from Alaska Brand
organic and cheap 6 bucks vs 4 for MG
just follow the directions on the box except for the first feeding which you will dilute by half.
happy home grow


Active Member
Does anyone know what it means if the soil is so compact together that the water takes a minute to drain through the top of the soil????? Need Help


Active Member
Does anyone know why my soil is not draining properly. It takes like 5 minutes for the water to drain through the top of the soil. It still drains through, it just takes a while for it to drain though, and no i wasnt gonna piss on m plant that sounds like some dumb shit


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using? That happened to me when I used too much peat moss... the water would sit on top of the soil for a while, and eventually drain down. Try poking some holes in the top of the soil with a pen to help it drain in. A picture of your plant would be extremely beneficial, but it sounds to me as though you have a Mg deficiency, assuming the plant isnt wilted at all. If its wilted, it could be overwatering.

If you overwater, you can add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (per gallon) to your plant's water. This will help bring oxygen to the roots (hydroperoxide has an extra oxygen molecule... H2O2). This will help reverse the effects of overwatering (and wont hurt your plant if overwatering isn't the problem). Just make sure you dont put too much.


Active Member
Ill definately get a picture for sure. Thanx for hydroperoxide idea. The leaves are definately not wilted. I think I got to get some MG. I will post a pic tomorrow. Will a plant die from an MG deficiency??


Active Member
Im definatley gonna try to poke some holes in the soil. Im not even sure what type of soil I used it was just regular potting mix. Should I poke a bunch of holes or just like 4 or 5, Im just nervouse to stab the roots. I dont know if that matters?