Don't you hate a tease!


Well-Known Member
"you're not mad at me are you?!''

No Im just never taking you out again. :]
Saturday after thanksgiving I was on a date in the Bay Area. We were both flirting all night. I was visiting and staying at a hotel. We had dinner than left for a basketball game. Dude she left her dinner leftovers in my room stating "we'll be back here later anyways."

Done deal right?

Get back to the hotel bar after the game. We talk dirty to each other for an hour. We start going upstairs to my room. I stop to take a leak in the lobby bathroom. She goes in teh ladies room. She comes out fiver minutes later.

"I have to go"

"Why" I ask

"I listened ot a vmail from my boyfriend and I have to go"

The guilt got the best of her minutes from the hotel room. Who knows what would have happened if we didn't stop in the lobby.

Men, seize the fucking moment and go straight to the room or wherever your destination is. Once they are there they won't want to leave.

I've had a few chicks chicken out moments before the hook up.

To top it off in our next conversation she denies that we talked dirty, kissed and were heading up stairs. Whatever...

She clearly was looking just for attention.

Tease... :finger:


Active Member
I was drinking with my friends one night, like we do every week end.Theres a girl that I've wanted to get with for about a good 6 months now.Well we got some liqour and I got tore up. Well, she didnt even drink that much. I was on pills, drinking fourtys, jager bombs all that shit. Next thing I know were in the back of a car on the way to get some weed and shes kissing me and were holding hands and shit lol. Shes like 'you're sleeping with me tonight, in MY bed.'' I was like hell yeah in my head right. Well we hadnt smoked any bud yet that night, and when we did it took me WAY past where I wanted to be. Like dude I was GONE. I got out of the car and just looked at myself in the mirror because I was trying to get it together you know. Well I get it together and we go to bed later and I take my shirt off and get in bed. Well now her attitude has changed, alot.She's watching this movie, hard. Like ignoring me.. lol. So im all like whats up? And shes like " We were in the car and you asked me to kiss you, it was a friend kiss.'' Word. I wasn't referring to her when I made this thread, shes a badass friend. She just wont let me fuck!