Rather than expecting your brothers and sisters to commit discount felonies...If the prices are too high...vote with your dollar and do not pay the price...grow your own...go an a happy strike...smoke mexican...drink bud/miller/coors...If people did any of this...leading to lots of unsold buds...the prices (for those too lazy to garden) would come down. Coming on a grow site and either not growing or playing around growing a f'n quarter in a PC case...and bitching about how much you have to pay for your lack of innitiative, still strikes me as incredibly silly.
Is the price of such a simple good thing too high...Hell yes....But this site has EVERYTHING you need as far a knowledge to eliminate this illusiuon from your reality...OR (and this part I am not stoked about...but Let F'n Freedom Ring) a person could take all this beautiful, life changing knowledge, and choose to continue to play the monopoly game from hell that is the system based on scarcity and competition....and make a fortune doing something way cooler than conning people out of their savings...
It is not even these people who are really responsible for the prices being high...it is that every swingin dick wants to buy a pound, a half, a QP, an OZ, a freaking quarter...and come up large...or at least get high for nothin. The grower takes the most risk for the longest period of time, loving and caring for a crop...to have it stuffed in a plastic baggie and rolled in a flavored cigar wrapper so it will taste like grape kool-aid
We should all be saying...wow! can you believe how much everyone else has to pay for bud when we grow it and have more than we can smoke...so much so that some on here give away large quantities. IF I even tried to buy buds from a street dude...it would be awkward as they have not seen me in a LONG time.