That's a choice made by the SELLER. A personal choice. Don't jack the cost onto someone else, because of your choice. Either accept the risks, or don't.
If I choose to grow artichokes for a living, or just to supplement my income...I may have to buy property someplace like Santa Cruz county....damn expensive, but the soil and climate are perfect.
So the artichoke grower makes a
personal choice...He will have to borrow money...
accepting the risks...He (
SELLER) has made a
choice to price the artichoke at a wholesale price that will hopefully allow him to weather the
Now I love artichokes, but you are lucky to find them for $1.50ea on sale. The farmer, the shipper/wholesaler, and the retailer have all
jacked the cost onto someone else (me)....who should the price be jacked on?
Eating artichokes is a
personal I choose not to make.
Smoking fine Cannabis is also a
personal choice...How one acquires this fine Cannabis is another
personal choice....My
choice is to not pay an unfair price...My
choice is to accept the
risks of growing my own (this is a grow site after all...even though it seems to be the dating game)
Nobody is forced to buy weed. Three choices grow it, buy it, and if unwilling to do either...don't smoke it. It's not like it is smack.
Now the price of weed too high...of course!...but I am doing something about it...and I would expect that those on this site...if not already self sufficient...should be there within 90 days max! I have not bought from the street dude since I joined in Aug a year ago...I did get luck and met a grower who sold me 1/8's for forty, but I have not bought so much as a gram since the first of October...and in a stinkin 2x3x4 flower box!
But as for the cheaper outdoor that poplars is talking about...going to look at 4 acres in Modoc County for $6500 in Aug!