your right that this is a black market system, so we all pay different prices based on our location within the country. you happen to be in the epicenter of it all, so you laugh when those 5 people voted 300+....lmao trust me i know your laughing because im from florida. south florida where there is competition for california to supply the wholesale demand in the upper east coast. so i know about getting DANK for 300. but it seems those days are over now in florida because the demand of the entire east coast is too much.... so prices go up.
this is the same problem that is going on in cali. once everyone just wanted to supply the local market and dispensaries, but now the whole nation is in demand and many in cali have switched to supply this demand. they do this to make a larger profit margin, a
much larger margin. when the wholesales men in nyc are paying the LOWEST 5,000 per elbow of dank like SOUR DIESEL, BUBBA KUSH, etc. then you get prices like 500 an ounce and MORE.
sooooo..... long story short. weed is a commodity even in a black market. so there is only two options... more producers need to come in (growers, and I mean big ops) or federal decriminilization. end of story.
and trust me on those numbers. i know niggas that know niggas mannnn!!! your favorite rappers smoke on my SOUR... trust me