Doogleef plays in the dirt - Lots o pics


Well-Known Member
Wowzers, only day 25 of flower and they lookin great
Thx man. Stay tuned. It;s gonna get good.

Holy shmolies, doog, why didn't I know about this? Killer bushes, man. Awesome work.
Sup mared? Good to see you buddy. :peace:

where's my rep biatch???!?!


you doing any more runs of WB? keeping a mother?

whas the next target operation?

Lol. Gotta spread it round before I can hit you up again, LB. ;)

I have 3 WB in veg right now that are looking good for next round. I will take clones for the follwing run from them before they go to bloom. Old school perp.

I wanna move to Coco crutons in e/f the next time i make a change. I think i'm going to request a few patients from my cannabis co-op so i will be allowed by law to once again, SOG. :peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
sounds good bro.

i think you will develop a love/hate relationship with the coco croutons.

dont get me wrong, i like them over hydroton.

but i need to get a serious NUKE for these gnats. i know they are more of an annoyance than actual problem to the plants...but fuck i hate those things.

just a heads up bro...get some gognats or some kinda gnat nuke.

im also gonna try out higromite...have you ever tried it?


Well-Known Member
Yes. I ran mostly higromite in my sog op last time. Had to add hydroton to the tops cause i was little short and my local shop ran out but the roots were all higromite. I like it. Prefer it over hydroton, hands down. holds more water, does not float, is odd shaped so the roots grab it good.

The only downside to it is it is expensive (about 2x hydroton $) and it takes FOREVER to rinse the first time.


Well-Known Member
any advice for first time users?

how anal do i need to be about rinsing?

and oh yea, if you do go coco croutons, get the Cocodan brand. dont use Sunleaves PieceCoir....fucking TDS is sky high

and i dont think you need to, but i flush it to get that 'brown tint' off, if you know what i mean (the cocodan coco croutons)


Well-Known Member
Flood just like hydroton. 3-4 times a day. Rinse it really good the first time to avoid anything in yer rez.

When rinsing, DO NOT try to cut hols in the bottom of the bag and rinse the whole thing at once. There is about 2-3cups of silica sand in the bottom of the bag that will make a huge, muddy mess. took me an hour to clean that shit up. :lol:


Well-Known Member
im almost at harvest, i cant wait to flower more alpha diesel after i harvest this white russian o0o0o0oweeee


Well-Known Member
Day 29

Fed last night. 1 plants was a little droopy at 6 days so i will get it at 5 next time.

3ml/gal FloraNovaBloom+2 drop Superthrive+ 5ml/gal KoolBloom + 10ml PH UP = about 750PPM

I am seeing a slight N def in the lower fans but im not worried about it. I increased the FNG just a little this time but no big deal.




Well-Known Member
yeah man, i fucking love your plants, their perfect little ladies!! nice work...i gotta get me some white berry, shit looks dank as hell..
