Doom and gloom or hope?


New Member
I don't even watch TV news's drivel..:lol:

yes, much better to watch something actually opposed to our economy. Oh my... (waves)

yarrow...:lol: (wink wink)

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Now see, I wasn't knocking it... :lol: I'm quite curious as to the results... if it (ahem) doesn't work out...can I have your shoes? :mrgreen:

News: Lady OD's on YARROW.... beep beep beep,, stoner lady unwittingly introduced a toxic oil into her grow room operation (newscaster scowls)...
"Gee Bill, (perky newswoman co anchor chimes in) I wonder if she sold that to our kids"? :mrgreen:

You'll be (in)FAMOUS!

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Yarrow isn't toxic.

Benefits of Yarrow

Ancient peoples used different parts of the herb to treat various medical conditions, including heavy menstrual bleeding, poor circulation, inflammation, fever, and gastrointestinal problems. The leaves appear to have been the part of the herb most used, as they were applied to wounds to stop bleeding, chewed to relieve tooth pain, and steeped in water to prepare infusions (teas) to treat a variety of ailments.
Today, yarrow is often valued as a diuretic to help with weight loss, fluid retention, menstrual cramps, heavy menstrual bleeding, indigestion, and bloating, as an antispasmodic to relieve muscle spasms, and as an astringent, which makes it helpful for tightening and firming tissues. Yarrow can also be used in a sitz bath to relieve painful menstrual cramps.
Yarrow has many constituents that are responsible for the herb’s healing properties. Some of those substances include sesquiterpene lactones (stimulants), an alkaloid called achilleine (anti-hemorrhage), flavonoids (anti-spasmodic), tannins (astringent), camphor (pain reliever), coumarins (anti-inflammatory), and terpinen-4-ol (diuretic).

and in companion gardening Yarrow increases the production of essiential oils in herbs, so does, German Chamomile.


New Member
Like I said it sounds interesting and I'm glad you are doing it. I googled it after I read your post. Not sure if the oil increased if any will be cbd or thc but seems likely (?).

So can I have your shoes or NOT!!! :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Do the majority of you patrons of RIU expect things are going to get worse or better. Please describe why you feel the way you do.
I think they will get worse before they get better, how much worse is unknowable at this juncture.

like bama or not the world won't let him fail cause they've seen how the other party runs things , and they'll make deals to keep him afloat no matter what , hell or high water ,


Well-Known Member
no they are sadly mistaken.
the hildabeast was just in china begging for them to finance our long term debt.
i dont think she got to his point what was our number one buyer of us guvement JUNK bonds' is no longer going to support us.seems they have a slowing economy and could better concentrate their money on their people.imagine that.a country worried about its own people.our government could take a lesson or two from the chinese.
this country's debt is exploding .and there is no way we can even keep up with the debt service on the money owed.just like some stupid sap who maxed out his credit cards ran everything else up in his house hold then only makes the min payments, then along comes the problem in the house hold.he got laid off .just for example. now he can not make his payments.
that is what is happening to the US guvement RIGHT NOW.


New Member
You are a really sick individual. I think you should seek some professional help.
:lol: I'm sick because something as preposterous as that was posted?

It was humorous in its being inane.

So as the spiral downwards continues it will ot be permissible for a "told you so later"? :mrgreen: heck, I'm telling you now...I'm always ahead of the curve.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
no they are sadly mistaken.
the hildabeast was just in china begging for them to finance our long term debt.
i dont think she got to his point what was our number one buyer of us guvement JUNK bonds' is no longer going to support us.seems they have a slowing economy and could better concentrate their money on their people.imagine that.a country worried about its own people.our government could take a lesson or two from the chinese.
this country's debt is exploding .and there is no way we can even keep up with the debt service on the money owed.just like some stupid sap who maxed out his credit cards ran everything else up in his house hold then only makes the min payments, then along comes the problem in the house hold.he got laid off .just for example. now he can not make his payments.
that is what is happening to the US guvement RIGHT NOW.
china see's the US as w saw aig 2 big 2 fail ,,,,,,,,,,,and china's billionaire's bought a shit load of those bad loans back to the bad taste of w


Well-Known Member
:lol: I'm sick because something as preposterous as that was posted?

It was humorous in its being inane.

So as the spiral downwards continues it will ot be permissible for a "told you so later"? :mrgreen: heck, I'm telling you now...I'm always ahead of the curve.

out. :blsmoke:
i told u bout those facts ,,,,,,,,,,any 1 that ever thought bush was smart is ahead of the curve


New Member
china see's the US as w saw aig 2 big 2 fail ,,,,,,,,,,,and china's billionaire's bought a shit load of those bad loans back to the bad taste of w
It's called playing chess....and they are very very good at it. As with most chess matches...checkmate has a way of creeping up on you.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
And at some strategic point....the marker will be called on the debt. Both countries might implode form the calling of that marker BUT....

Look at it this way...If we fall (economically) it will be like falling off of a skyscraper...BIG SPLAT

If China falls (economically) it will be like jumping out of a 2 story house. Small splat.

Which one will regain its footing first? Checkmate.

out. :blsmoke: