Doopy plant


Hey guys, I'm a first time grower and about 3 days ago my friend my friend gave me a male weed plant.. Now he has a backyard full of them so be decided just to rip one right from the roots and give me it.. Like 5 hours after he gave it to me I had already planted it to my back yard, it started to droop. I went to the store and bough some good soil and a pot so right when I got home I feed it some plant food and planted it with the soil in the pot. I wake up this morning and it's still drooping more and more. I have it under some light right now for the night.. I'll take some pictures and post them up later but I just want to know if there's anyway to stop it from siding I suppose. And could it still live if all the stems droop but I have it planted still???


Well-Known Member
Well for one, you obviously damaged the root system, could have dug its grave already. BUT, why the hell do you want a male plant anyways, you know you don't get bud offin' it right?

Endo Dank

Active Member
Hey guys, I'm a first time grower and about 3 days ago my friend my friend gave me a male weed plant.. Now he has a backyard full of them so be decided just to rip one right from the roots and give me it.. Like 5 hours after he gave it to me I had already planted it to my back yard, it started to droop. I went to the store and bough some good soil and a pot so right when I got home I feed it some plant food and planted it with the soil in the pot. I wake up this morning and it's still drooping more and more. I have it under some light right now for the night.. I'll take some pictures and post them up later but I just want to know if there's anyway to stop it from siding I suppose. And could it still live if all the stems droop but I have it planted still???
It's dead, when you rip it out of the dirt and its' roots are exsposed to oxygen even for a second it's dead. You cant rip it out of the dirt and it'll survive you have to transplant it carefully. Ask your friend for a female and tell him not to be a weed killer and rip it out the ground lol :joint:


Well-Known Member
someone get this man a shovel and a brain! lol just kidding, you ruined the root system don't be so careless with the plants valuable roots(the most vital part of the plant!)


Well-Known Member
even if u could save it, why would u want to? if u had a girl and wanted to make seeds i could understand ......or maybe u want to make butter or hash? still, i dont think it would be worth it......get a girl or some seeds from ur buddy, female plants are just as easy as males to grow so start some seeds bud! best of luck!

Endo Dank

Active Member
even if u could save it, why would u want to? if u had a girl and wanted to make seeds i could understand ......or maybe u want to make butter or hash? still, i dont think it would be worth it......get a girl or some seeds from ur buddy, female plants are just as easy as males to grow so start some seeds bud! best of luck!
Mmmmmmmmmm. Hash!


Thank you it's a female my friend said not a male I feel like a dumass haha .. Well I guess I'll just leave it there and continue careing for it while it slowly dies.. Ahhh.. Man does anyone have seeds I could buy from??


Well-Known Member
lol, dude ask ur buddy for a new plant, if he can rip a girl outta the ground with impunity he must have one he'd let u dig up. i have only grown from some killer shit i got that i found a seed in, she's scaring me though, i cant believe how much bud it has on it! 15 40w cfls blew my expectations away! im gonna get like 10x what i thought i would of a month ago at least! the last 2 weeks are gonna rock cuz she's still making more budsites. my god so excited!