Dorm Room Grow

I started this as a joke, and it has actually grown a good amount, but I need some help. I have it in a box with a lamp in it and the box is covered in tin foil. The plant has been in there a couple weeks and is getting pretty big. Is there anything special I should do to keep this growing? I have it in Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil and have the light on it 24/7 and water it about once or twice a day. It smells like bud, so I think I am doing something right! Help would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
can you post any pics? how big is the box? how big is the plant? what kind of grow lamp? aluminum foil could cause more problems than its good, make sure you have it as flat as possible if its what you have to use. you have to change the light schedule down to 12/12 to make it flower. depending on the size of your box, that might be soon considering the plant could grow 3x its height in flower. and your in a dorm room? your gonna need to do something about odor during flowering.


Well-Known Member
Sup Logan Adams, seems cool and fun now but if it smells like bud now then trust it'll get stronger and worst it can possibly lead to you being caught and kicked out of school. Not worth it imo.. Think about this one and you can have fun growing when you have a space down the road.


Well-Known Member
Sup Logan Adams, seems cool and fun now but if it smells like bud now then trust it'll get stronger and worst it can possibly lead to you being caught and kicked out of school. Not worth it imo.. Think about this one and you can have fun growing when you have a space down the road.
not such a dumb guy after all huh?


Well-Known Member
I can tell SumDumGuy is a mature adult. And probably the best voice of reason. Kill it or get rid of it, it isn't worth what you are risking.


Well-Known Member
or you could be the man... that guy who cultivated marijuana in his dorm room. novel idea but everyones right, move it out... i agree with what your doing completely, but the majority of society, especially in an educational environment, will NOT and enjoy busting your ass. Good rule is never grow inside a property that you dont own. even apartment growing is risky in non mmj states


Active Member
OMG dorm room grows are big no no!! not only is it on your educational record permanently, you will get kicked out of the dorms and the school. My dorm hallmate had a small 1 plant grow in his room, as soon as someone(or anyone) smelled it the RA (residential admin) entered without any notice...

Long story short... he got kicked out of the dorms, and out of school. During his hearing he managed to obtain a doctors recommendation so the school gave him probation...