Dosage cannabis and olive oil?

What are you trying to accomplish? When extracting with olive oil, you are limited to around 20 to 30% saturation.

What is the oil content of the herb? I've gotten from 5.7% to around 25% yield.

If the oil content were 20%, then one cup of herb would be .2 cups oil and you would have a 1.2 cups of 16.6% solution. .2 / 1.2= .166
Im new to ingesting cannabis and planning on making an olive oil. I have this strain dinaamed cbd which has 1% Thc and Cbd 14%. I would like to mix 4 gram of this stran with olive oil.
I bought myself 30 ml droppers im planning to use. Because im new to ingesting thc i have heared that 1- 5 mikrograms is a good beginner dosage. So my question what amount of oliveoil would make a good mixture i could use with my dropper?
So im trying to figure out the amount of microgram thc in my 3 gram dinamed strain. 0.1 (thc) * 3000 micrograms : 300 microgram thc. My 30 ml dropper contains of total 600 drops. 300 microgram thc / 600 drops : 0,5 microgram thc per drop.
Am i on the right track. Thank you for your help!
You are missing one number, which is the oil content of your strain. What you have is an analysis of what that oil contains, but not how much there is.

Do you want to extract with the olive oil, or mix it with concentrate as a menstruum?
I see no i don't have the oil content of the strain. Yes i would like to extract my cannabis into the oil using this method .
Sunshinetoday, I would also try something like online CBD oil's dosage calculator, which I could find on this website because it's pretty easy (simply inputting your current weight, etc) to use and gives all the necessary information about how much of this type of oil you should to use for your body.

We mix 50 grams of decarbed bud with 800 ML of coconut oil, in a Magical Butter Machine.

People use it for sleep, it's a good ratio. Start from there and change the ratio as potency dictates on subsequent extractions.

My infusion math. Most efficient ratio is 4 parts cannabis to 1 part oil by weight. If input is 52 grams 1% thc to 1 cup oil. Assuming an infusion efficiency of 72% will yield 375mg thc per cup or ~8 30ml doses @ 47mg thc.

30ml oil weight = ~1/8 cup. A more efficient infusion ratio would be 6.5 grams cannabis to 30ml oil

For our method we use 1 gram of bud to 16 ML of coconut oil, coco oil is 100% fat.

That would be just under 2 grams of cannabis per 30 ML dropper bottle.


It's plenty potent for the light user, I've made more potent oil using BHO and was told that it's too potent so I'm sure we're doing the right thing.

If you're a heavy user your ratio of 6.5 grams bud to 30 ML oil might be better.

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